Please disassociate Ball Lighting from the Ultimate Unstable Currents

Conflagration is the Aspect while channeling Incinerate your burning damage goes up.
Not sure why that word was being used, I did not use it.

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ā€œI like turtlesā€

Thank you

Yea i dont think anyone really be conflagrating , Ong Fr. Thought he making stuff up

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I donā€™t get it. Seriously. It doesnā€™t affect any aspect of your individual game play. It doesnā€™t prevent you from playing the game however you want to play it. Yet you want the devs to nerf (negatively change a skill) the fun people are having because you donā€™t like it. Nonsense.

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Are you using the gravitational aspect? If not, congratulations you donā€™t look like BL Sorc.


Youā€™re someone I have become familiar with on the forum and most of the time, I agree with your thoughts.

-I took the time to read all the comments and your responses. On this one, I advise to just let it go. I donā€™t the think the solution is to request they untie the ultimate. In this case, the solution is just time.

-Probably will not happen this season. The ā€œglitch/mathematical errorā€ has already been found. They just are not, obviously, going to do anything about it for the time being as they are trying to get back some trust/confidence from their base.

-Funny enough, am FAR outperforming ball sorcs on a bouncy fireball build thanks to getting ā€œRing of Starless Skiesā€ and itā€™s a joy to eradicate everything before they can even get to stuff since they are limited on range.

-That being said, I try ALL things sorc, itā€™s my jam. I DID do a Ball sorc this season as well. I thought it was fun.

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At this point Iā€™m assuming they are taking the PoE approach of leaving fun bugs in tact for the current season but then fixing / nerfing anything for the next season. Like I fully expect Tibaultā€™s will next season to not allow rogues to have 22 combo points maximum and grant bonus energy instead.


No I know, you are right. Itā€™s just annoying when you are trying not to use the broken stuff.
I can wait.

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Donā€™t worry.

  1. nobody is watching you
  2. nobody cares what youā€™re playing

Itā€™s always pride in the end. Imagine being insecure about what build other people think youā€™re playing.

I think the whole concept need to be reviewed, as i said in other topic.

Not only sorcs, but all classes have at least 1 broken build, doing so much damage that break the whole fun of the game.

In some bosses (indoor and outdoor) you dont even see all the phases and special atacksā€¦

In my opinion this isnt supposed to be, and Blizzard just dont change because is too late, and people will complain too muchā€¦


OP probably been destroying the game since release with his broken Twisting Blades rogue but now isnā€™t the belle of the ball anymore.

now hear me out, this is pretty revolutionary what im about to sayā€¦

you couldā€¦

just not use it if you dont need it? if ur not using it, i dont understand why you need anything changed to begin with?

Honestly, what you posted sounds like ā€œI have a really good build Iā€™m proud of, but this broken build is making it not look as good by comparison. Please nerf it so I look better.ā€

Who cares? Just play the game the way that gives you the most fun and stop being concerned about what others are playing.

Switch your ult if it bothers you that much. No one is paying attention to you nor cares that you occasionally pop out a ball lightning.

Asking developers to cater solely to you, because you donā€™t want to appear as someone using BL is one of the weirdest, selfish, ridiculous things Iā€™ve ever seen requested on the D4 forums.

I did play TB in beta and then decided to wait till it was not a broken class.
I played Sorc from launch because that was the class everyone was crying about. And I made it work.

I am a little sad that you are hating on Ball Lightning sorcerers, I like your posts usually and mostly agree on them too. You seem level headed most of the time but your dislike on this specific build seems a little too much/misplaced.

Anyways, my opinions aside. If Ball Lightning were to be disassiciated with Unstable currents, it would make the Ultimate weak and not worth its huge cooldown time.

You should be happy that Lightning builds have so much synergy with majority of its skills, including the ultimate. I for one like this Ultimate a lot and think they should keep it as is.

I played Fireball Hydra (with Inferno) sorcerer in season 1, I loved the build very much but it was weak, I couldnā€™t go NMD 65+ and even struggled doing 60+
I love Inferno as an ultimate but it has not much synergy with fire skills, itā€™s missing something extra that should make fireball/meteor builds feel more special.

Now we have finally at least 1 sorcerer build that can clear NMD 100 and people are complaining about it. Other classes are OP, nobody bats an eye, but sorcerer gets to have fun toys too and people act like itā€™s armageddon or something smh :confused:

Let people have their fun and stop asking for nerfs, instead people should be asking for other builds to become just as strong/fun too.


Not hating on anyone but the decision to leave this broken WHILE it impacts other skills.

Was not asking for BL to change at all, just the fact that it is linked to UC with no choice for those who donā€™t want to use broken mechanics.

I donā€™t play stuff that is obviously broken the game is too easy as it is. If other people want to that is fine. Yes my post was angry but that is really directed at the decisions of the dev team.

As someone else said, I have no choice but to wait this out.

I PLAY SORC. I HAVE FROM DAY 1. Even when I added Necro in s1, no not BS, blood-minion, and Barb in S2, I still play my Eternal sorc. Which is why I made a 2nd character in this season.
There are many Sorc builds that can clear NM100 this season.

it would make the Ultimate weak and not worth its huge cooldown time.

On a side note with flickerstep you can have this ult up in almost 10 seconds. Which is why it is the best ult for my build.

*also donā€™t be sad not everyoneā€™s opinions will match on every topic. :slight_smile:

Too many meta users. My S2 barb uses Double Swing and no shouts. He melts everything, itā€™s just not as flashy as a HotA build.

Ball Lightning is fine and I find it fun but a bit squishy, hoping for an over the top sorc Fireball build for S3.


How close is it to my build? Canā€™t think there are too many ways to do thisā€¦ :rofl: And yes it is fun.