Introducing Fat Rogue

Were you ever told you need 3 shouts and to “spin to win” if you want to play barb??
I know I was.

But while I may have been born a Barbarian…on the inside…I am…a Ninja.
And I must be ME!!! :smile:

Here is the actual build:

The paragon is not filled in at all, and some of the passives will get tweaked now that I am in WT3
Paragon is done in theory, I am on board 3 but I have the OverPower piece from early on so board 4, glyph 3 (IRE). Also for this video I do not have many of my aspects as I am in between switching to Sacred gear and don’t have mats to make everything yet.

I don’t look up guides, just made from trial and error and what felt FUN and effective to me in natural play, so feel free to tell me if it is already out there. I plan to tweak this all the way to 100 and above.

But to me this will always be Fat Rogue.


Double mace rogue would be awesome :hammer_and_pick: :woman_elf:


I actually prefer swords, but like I said some of my gear is in transition to Sacred and some of the aspects are not even on them. The ones that were REQUIRED are probably still the non sacred WT2 version for the moment.

I did find my first unique in my play session yesterday: Rage of Harrogath


It got even better.

I highly suggest this aspect for any barb using Steel Grasp (use the node to apply berserk), it fills that awkward pause

and my 2nd Unique dropped:

So I switched back to Walking Arsenal passive.

*Updated the video in the OP. Not sure if the Unique boots are worth it, I like having berserking guaranteed for 10 seconds at least, and I lose my Shared Misery aspect.

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Honestly this looks fun. Barb isn’t typically my thing but this is rather enticing not gonna lie. Pull everything in and just wreck house. The fact you don’t use shouts at all is the more impressive part to me. Almost every barb build I’ve seen has to have 3 shouts bare minimum. Would like to see the build when you get it to where you want it, and have fleshed it out.

I’m curious how well it does again bosses, such as at the end of NM dungeons, or the new farmable ones (obviously you’ll fight them later I’m assuming).

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For now, it is good with aoe and ST.

The key to the build, is really the sequence.
So grasp, applies Vuln and Berserking
Rupture then does some damage to multiple enemies, but more importantly heals and leads to
Death Blow…which resets on kill. So spam till mob gone or you see a cooldown. With enough exposure you get good at not letting it go to cooldown.

So if rupture doesn’t show me one enemy that is low, I follow up with Double swing.
Now the best part is Double swing extends Berserking, but if hits a stunned enemy, it generates 25 fury, and normally uses 23 fury. So I do have stuns from Charge, which also initates berserking, and makes you unstoppable.

The only thing using Fury is Double Swing, I did not plan it to be 4 defensive Sorc, it just ended up being that 4 of my skills are on cool downs. I have one aspect that gives me one extra charge for all Weapons Master…which is what sparked this idea.

It does require some aiming it is not aoe spam, even if charge looks like it.

Next up is figuring out what is the best paragon boards for this, and how to optimize to highest possible damage. Like I have nodes in there for thorns and such…they will get repurposed and I really want to try this with Razorplate.

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Updated skill tree, got rid of thorns nodes for now and fury on weapon swap, in favor of more DR and Fortify. Also moved points out of charge to DeathBlow, this really is the star of the show I need to move it’s damage multiplier to the two hander but will wait till WT4 and ancestral to do that.

Unique boots are gone I need the aspect spot.
Moving this to barb section.

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Yikes not sure why the video was so choppy it did not play like that.
I will have to do another capture later. Sorry for that.

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Just started watching it, then it cut out suddenly lol, no worries.

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It was super choppy I have not needed to watch them to completion for a bit, probably should. It played smooth, just the OBS capture was bad or I may need to do an update to DaVinci.

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What the hell is this build lol?

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The most fun I have had in this game after playing all the classes I “thought” would be fun. :stuck_out_tongue:
Give me a day to capture a better clip that is not stuttering like the one I posted today, it has changed for the better even.


I think I like the thematic concept of a “ninja”.

A grappling hook (Steel Hook), an execution (Deathblow), a way to dash quickly (Charge) with afterimages (the ancestor charging aspect), and the double dodges. And then the fire explosion on berserk is kinda like gunpowder explosives or some form of a Katon jutsu.

Would like to see how it felt with Leap incorporated in there somewhere.

Glad to hear you’re having fun with it!

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I had leap for a bit and iron skin and ground stomp…I pretty much tried all the skills.
There are two earthquake aspects with Leap and Ground stomp that I think would make an interesting mobility based build…will try it together later.

I have since the first video added thorns back, in and switched from frenzy to Flay. Flay just has better synergy for thorns and DR, and with Rupture. Still waiting for razorplate. It is very good without it but with it, it will be silly. :stuck_out_tongue:

I will capture some vid in my next session.

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Wish I had a Razorplate.

Always fun to see thorn builds. Like you said you just need razor plate, and a pocket necro for Iron Maiden lol. Although I’m guessing Iron Maiden counts as the necros damage and not yours.

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Okay sorry for the delay.

Here is the current. Went back to Frenzy. And added Needleflare (not in video) in place of the dustdevils.

I can still play it the way I started, but this is quite effective. :smile:

Build is here:

Let me know your thoughts.

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So it’s hilarious watching you push and pull them all over the place. Your UI does mind tricks on me, cause I keep thinking your rage is your health at times, and I can’t help but wonder how you stay at 1 health lol. Butcher kill was good, you just chunked his health and pretty much stood toe to toe with the guy, obviously had to get away from that stupid fire breathing chest.

Barb typically isn’t my thing, because every time I played it it was either WW or HotA that required all 3 shouts, and I always felt restricted by my rage. Your build doesn’t seem as rage dependent. I mean sure it uses rage, but from what I can tell Double Swing is the only thing to use Rage in your build? Again I’m Barb ignorant so correct me if I’m wrong. It genuinely looks fun though, I’d try this build out on a new barb for sure, assuming I can get past my addiction of Rogue and Necro first lol.

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Exactly Double Swing is all that uses rage, and if I hit something that is stunned with DS, it generates 25 rage while it uses 23. :slight_smile:

The new using Frenzy and just dragging things in feels like a blender. My health normally if it gets low I use Rupture to do damage but also to heal me. If it gets dire I use the health potion.

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