I was using Flickerstep first but I read somewhere that the special aspect (reduce cooldown of Ultimates by evading) on the boots is not working in dungeons. I tested this and it looked like the info was correct. In overworld this works, I can use UC as much as possible but in dungeons it didn’t work.
Did they fix this though? Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
I made my current build from my Eternal Frost → Fire → Tal Rasha Everything Bagel (current build)
So on Eternal it works fine. It worked on my Fire and my TREB.
I just hit 80 on my seasonal build so just put them on, but I will let you know if they don’t work the same. (I started late on this, I played barb this season)
The 2H is temporary, fun but Flickerstep makes it somewhat unnecessary. I was using the Staff of Liam Neeson and Charged bolts early on…but am liking CL and how it opens up the crackling energy a bit more. I am waiting for an Oculus now and the focus will have Unbroken Tether.
I’m using Esu’s Heirloom now because I spend a lot of time in dungeons to level up my glyphs etc, but do let us know if Flickerstep is working for you in dungeons or not.
Bit on the edge which of the 2 boots to choose if they both work correctly tbh, I like them both
Honestly, visually and in general my preferred weapon is a 2H (Staff) for sorcerer but the cooldowns on skills are brutal in this game and the attack speed on wands makes most (if not all) sorcerer builds a must have. Every time I see a 2h sorcerer I cheer them inside and envy them (in a good way) a little. I wish Blizzard would ease up on both mana and cooldowns on sorcerers.
Or I wish we had a Unique staff with double the cooldown reduction from focus with a cool aspect that can be used on every sorcerer build.
Those are the two I switch between but if there are no issues with Flickerstep I think it is clearly better for my build currently. I had these from my barb, but could not use them till 80 so I was using Esu’s before.
I made this for my friends from eternal, but just watch the cooldown. This was with CB not CL.
Also works well with inferno’s pull if you use that to dodge through.
I love the 2H. But the wand is generally better because of the lucky hit chance.
Barb has it so good when it comes to aspects.
As for mana if you can get your mana generation number anywhere from 13-15+, you will be fine. Or use Mana Cost reduction if you cant get to those numbers. This build is a bit more mana hungry, and only one of the unique rings has resource generation on it. So a bit of a hit. But it requires both unique rings. So wand plus Focus with resource generation seems like the smart way to go.
Is there a specific scenario where they said it was not working?
Can’t say I checked in the busy areas. But against Tomblord, it is working if I don’t miss the dodge through
I ran a ridiculously high DPS fireball build for a bit, but it’s insanely squishy. Certainly not as high DPS as BL, but nothing is, so no shame in that.
The build I was running would legit melt everything, though. You just had to play perfectly.
Totally agree. CD’s are lazy game design.
All they need to do is cut the damage of the spell by the same amount they cut the CD and mathematically, the DPS is identical. I don’t really know why they don’t do that. It’s insane to me.
Granted, you can build around CDR, but this creates another problem where you’re pigeonholed into running a wand and off-hand in order to have as much CDR as possible. On top of that, wands have inherent lucky hit, and you can roll even more on the off-hand, lol. Poor staffs are terrible compared to a wand + off-hand.
I agree with second half of your post but disagree with the first half, because sorcerers aren’t that powerful in general so they don’t need to cut the damage at all (or just a tad bit), just cut the cooldowns to half and cut the mana cost for 1/4 and I’d be happy.
What build are you playing? I’m pretty sure sorcs are the strongest class in the game this season. I’ve ran 4-5 builds that were entirely theory crafted and self designed, that were capable of smoking all content in the game, fairly easily.
Pure conjuration is still really bad. And you’re forced to use a wand + off-hand in 99% of the builds out there, but as long as you do that, you can play all kinds of stuff, other than pure conjuration, of course.
That’s awesome! I’d imagine my stubbornness at using the fireball staff is the nature of it being super squishy. You’re essentially eliminating two legendary aspects by using a unique staff, but I wanted to see how high I could pump the fireball damage. I was also maximizing DPS, so I ran an offensive aspect on my amulet.
Basically, only my helmet, armor, and legs were free for defensive aspects.
See, if you knew what you were talking about, you would realize that it doesn’t.
The “ball lightning” sorcs that are playing the broken ball lightning build have their ball lightnings orbiting around them. When their unstable Currents procs a ball lightning, it too orbits around them.
If you see a sorc throwing out ball lightnings that DON’T orbit around them, then they are not playing the busted build…
But, hey… if you want to complain about things you know nothing about… you do you.
I used the Fireball Staff for a while too, but in the end this felt like it had more controlled damage from range. Where fireball was just everywhere and thud thud thud and dead.
Ah, you’re using incinerate too. This is a good build, and I can see why you were much tankier. Basically, making use of none of the fireball uniques, while double casting incinerate and fireball.
Yeah, that’s a great build.
I was simply too stubborn and trying to make use of the fireball uniques, which certianly yielded massive damage, but also a squishy character. Especially since I was basically forced to use Thibault’s in a slot where I would normally have loads of armor, hp, and res. So my only hope at defense was the helm and and chest armor, lol.
Meanwhile, you’re making use of incinerate’s inherent tankiness, getting loads of lucky hit and CDR from your weapon slots, and procking lucky hit constantly with incinerate.
I just wish the staff had some inherent incentive to use it, the way the wand and OH does. Maybe loads of damage, or something? You’d think that’d at least give the unique staff CDR and LH, lol.
That’s the problem with a lot of these uniques. It is not that they are inherently bad in theory. But that perfect piece of gear you are replacing it for…well you picked those affixes for a reason, they work with your build.
I generally never have mana issues. Now there are patches in harder dungeons where I have to play the waiting game because my unique rings are fantastic, but those slots are the generate resource affixes. The tradeoff is horrible.
I like the randomness and the lack of having to include the lighting spell on your bars. However, I have tried to create a pure conjuration build focusing on uptime of UC and buffing the crap out of LS Conjurations. It involves flickerstep. It’s really fun, clears screens so quickly, but lacks, and I mean lacks, single target. In this case, ball lightening will always prevail, sadly. Mind you, it is a hierarchical skill tree, so naturally, ball lighting would be prioritized.
That said, it would be cool if they included a type of smart technology that included your gear. If you buff the crap out of conjurations, then it would be cool to have a weighted style of execution based on amount of affixes and aspects that target a particular spell. However that is likely not possible with the game at this time.