Player Retention, Will you be back in Season 2?

If i don’t play anything else hardcore i will check it out but don’t know if i will play it really far …
In my opinion this game needs a lot best in slot uniques per class …
maybe with drawbacks which u have to cover with special rares but its annoying as hell equiping everything jsut with statstick from rares :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course and so will everyone else. You would be lying if you said you weren’t going to play cause if so why even bother coming to D4 forums if you have no intrest in playing the game anymore?
Now I won’t be giving them any money unless the season is really good and I think that me and my friends will play it for awhile (at least a month) but the game is paid for and the season is free so really no reason not to test it out.
Let’s just hope that they get some things right this season and it is actually fun.

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Does they drop anything valuable ??? Nope just you get 100% on a legendary .

At the end the effort time is $@6& since the rng in D4 is F…up

I don’t hate the game i hate the design that show completely disrespect to the player-gamers.

As a modder for many games that i have made contribution for better gaming with those mods i feel disgusted by the level of unprofessional developers that the D4 have …

I’m amused since they already have the tool to create everything in the game but lacks what??
You should understand that since you have the tools for everything is easy to create something even more amazing ??

More enemies?? I create near 30 Models in Torchlight 2 mods … Those are the number that D4 have…

I follow your posts …

Instead of bashing the developers to give D4 the proper gameplay that people ask
You are defending by saying is going to be fixed and going to be fixed…or is Ok …and is OK…

Have you made any contribution post in those 2000 post what should D4 should have or not?? Nope…

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The thing is that someone has to “lash out” on Blizzard cause lately they have done too many f**ups. That’s why there is so much “hate” out there and so many, tbh unwarranted, reviewbombs. The people that enjoy the game are just a “casualty” of that said hate. Somehow Blizzard has to finally learn that we aren’t just numbers, and even though many people are way too passionate on this front, i still feel that it is a net positive.

Right now there are way too few players still playing and Blizzard is panicking to scrape up what they can, to respond to all the backlash. I feel S2, while better than S1, won’t bring enough to the table to be different from the mechanic of S1 and so players will still get bored quite fast. I don’t think target farming uniques will change much if S2 is just “kill monsters get item with vampiric powers and slot it to jewellery”.

At this point i’d be happy if they just started copying PoE’s season mechanics cause they are having a hard time figuring out what players want.

I will wait atleast for a lootfiltrer and/or runewords/ jewels/ charms.

There is simply nothing exciting dropping. My eyes hurt from looking at a 1000 garbage rares for any good one.

So no till they make improvements in the most important part in arpgs : loot hunt

Till then d2r only for me.

Yes. This is /20 characters

Depends on what gets announced.

I like vampires and all, but I need more “game” or better combat. Gameplay is fine (far from bad), but it just couldn’t carry the lack of content.

Early levels to mid levels are fine, but a bit dry; the story mode carried season 0 during those levels.

Around level 60-70 is, imo, the most enjoyable part of the game as I have decent power, a goal (turbo Elias), and a nice spike in both difficulty and power after meeting that goal.

Levels 70-80 are back to being fine and I just couldnt bother getting to 100 as there was nothing interesting left to do.

I need more fulfilling combat and/or more content/goals.

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No, I didn’t even play Season 1.


Whst will bring me back is less emphisis on the seasons for content updates .

Not saying you can not have seasons. Just saying a choice fir thosr of us who are put off by seasons

Better items and stats too of course

Appreciate the honesty. To me it sounds adjacent to the sunk cost fallacy. I understand where you’re coming from but I cut ties about 2 weeks In because to me or felt like a waste of time since I didn’t see the game getting good until years later.

If they continue to invest resources into it outside of the battle pass, maybe I’ll revisit it if I have free time.

I skipped season 1 and i will skip this one too.

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Been around a long time, and seen a LOT of games. Seriously, in my lower 50’s. And I can guarantee that the people who say it is the worst game, or even amongst the worst have no clue what bad game is. Let them play something along the likes of the old E.T. game, or the Knight Rider game (both of which I had the sad experience of), then they can try and put D4 in that realm. You just can’t, those games were just that bad.

I will not deny it is not a perfect game. But at the same time, I have yet to see any game that was. Not to mention, some of the so-called flaws are quite literally the same mechanics that existed in the previous game series. They complain about itemization for example, about the so-called bloated item affixes. Yet, I will argue they simply are not using their imaginations on how to use stuff, instead preferring to gripe because they can’t have their perfect build super easily with minimal affixes to work with. I can guarantee that they would take one look at my equipment and paragon tree and have a heart attack and start going off on some bad build spat, not thinking about the fact that it can survive things their builds can’t.

Maybe they should try another approach. They seem to think that running all over the forums, and taking over darn near every topic that pops up as a means of getting their point across. Doesn’t help when they literally crowd off every other topic out there. Maybe they need to realize that silence can speak far more than they realize. If the boards suddenly went silent, Blizzard would take more notice instead, because that would be a sign of a drop of interest in the game, rather than people running all over it. Just picture the boards going from what could amount to hundreds of posts a day to like… 10. Add to that those people actually not playing, not merely claiming it on the boards. That would unquestionably get Blizzard’s attention and fast. Constant posting on the boards can still lead to a belief that players have an interest in them, and making them more relaxed rather than the intended effect of trying to spur Blizzard on.

Also, I am more than certain that the people at Blizzard are well aware of issues, great and small. the posters needs to realize that you can’t expect instant results, some changes will take time. Constantly rehashing stuff over and over isn’t going to help anyone.

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No. I only played maybe 2 hours of season 1.

There is nothing enticing to look forward to for me to get through the leveling slog and I regret logging in to give Blizzard that # of unique users metrics they report to investors. I will return one season after the season where people report enjoyable end game content.

I’m trying to keep active players playing but it’s a little difficult when you can’t tell if they are active or not or how many days/weeks they have been away from their game. Please allow clan officers/leader to see when was the last time a player log on so we can keep our clan constantly with active players.

Soul and developers who actually care. I won’t be back for a few years when they decide to release a fun and complete game, and ofc when it’s on sale in a bin somewhere

Time marches on and there’s no point comparing this to bombs from the past. Compare it to the plethora of relevant options for time wasters we have today that excel and innovate


How do you know if they drop anything valuable. You work at Blizz?

Also to prove you are lying about following my topics:

  1. Questioning Blizzards PTR/patch release intentions:
    Early Patch Notes or PTR is a MUST

  2. Calling them out on their terrible patching decisions:
    Blizzard needs to stop with the nerfs

  3. Literally thanking those that complain for helping to improve the game.
    Here is a fact for you

Try to not lie next time you profile someone.

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No and no, plus I haven’t played for well over a month and I haven’t missed it at all. Not for a second.
They’d have to completely change the way they built the game for me to return.
They created a game meant to keep us playing as long as possible with meaningless and unfun tasks like perfect stat rolls and grinding the same content ad nauseam, with no reward.

The game is not fun and it isn’t rewarding as demonstrated by the millions who’ve stopped playing.
672 viewers on Twitch as of this post. Diablo has 200 more at the same time.

The game was built to waste our time and maximize profit.
I want no part of it and I’ve been playing since the original.
IMO, they’ve ruined the franchise and there’s nothing that can save it because it’s all about money, and not fun.


Or you enjoy it because you’re just easily impressed and entertained.


I won’t be back until the game finally updates with the basic quality of life features it should have shipped with.

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