Blizzard needs to stop with the nerfs

This whole revelation from the devs about reworking crit and vulnerability has me VERY concerned as a sorc player. It may be the final nail in the coffin for sorc players if they nerf these again.

This would legit make me quit Diablo for the first time since I started playing in 1997.




Not familar with the class, Runez.

If they did a overhaul on Lucky, I think it would wreck the druids. So I can see a bunch of class specific damage modifiers being a problem to change.

I think everyone benefits from vuln and crit, and honestly, I don’t see how they could change it much without weighting something like overpower or another stat higher. This would end up causing a BIS to be a fixed to vuln crit and overpower.

Right now it seems like people are fine with Vuln crit and overpower / core / additional damage against, so makes itemiziation a little bit easier to find?

I dunno, I generally just looke for vuln and crit rolls and everything after that is just a bonus.

I would rather not make itemization to get BIS gear harder, but I also know there’s a power gap that occurs because of it and so you have that step up on gear that feels bad for a lot of people.

But down the road, the 3 stat BIS will feel just as bad and maybe worse.


You are right. The solution isn’t to alter how stats work as much as how the class skills work. Sorc damage doesn’t scale the way it should.


Blizzard decided I shouldn’t be allowed to feel powerful, I decided not to play or spend any more money on their game(s).


CHC and CHD are core arpg damage dynamics. They should hit hard and powerful and somewhat rare.

Who didn’t like rolling vorpal damage on a d20 die?



It’s not that you should feel “godly” it’s that Sorc is clearly the weakest class when it comes to NM push.

Trash mobs sure Sorc is great but real endgame push the average sorc can’t compare to any other class.

You should feel godly in an ARPG. Not day one of course, but not after 9,000 hours or never.


That’s not my complaint. I don’t disagree with you but I’m ok with a challenge but I’m just hoping they don’t further harm my favorite class.

Sorcerer/Wizard are sentimental to me since the original Diablo.

Dumb childhood wish? Maybe


Yep, anytime the devs talk about reworking something it always involves massive blanket nerfs. I am quite sure there will be huge vuln/crit nerfs coming for season 2, together with huge DR nerfs (as part of the resistance “fix”).

These folks are unable or unwilling to put in the time to actually fix anything, the solution is always the easiest possible path: reduce the upper/lower limits for the target affix, then try to compensate with some piddly buffs to skills/affixes no one uses because they did and still do completely suck.


LOL fixing it wrong or worse. LOL.

We’ve seen this already…

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Vuln should be removed completely.


Only if the bump crit.

That’s minor balancing problem.
And vuln is just bad mechanic. It is not fun.

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I’m actually with you on this one, and I have been one of the few defending a lot of this game and have been enjoying it. I don’t think the big nerf patch was as bad as everyone thought it was…Im currently running a custom firewall sorc that is doing ten over my level with ease.

There will be a point where they nerf things to a point wheres its just no longer fun to enjoy mowing down packs of mobs and given their past history I don’t think they will handle the vuln/crit properly and will have to reset it in the future.

This upcoming change might just break the game for me. We will see…


You are totally on point. All the problems that are present now were the direct outcome of not thinking ahead and just doing the easiest now:

  • How do we load the skin and effects of the other players? - Well let’s load all their inventory and not filter anything, it’s the fastest/easiest
  • The 2 lines of items on the players are a bit short, don’t we need more? - Sure, let’s cram one more for the bare minimum: inventory and potions, nothing else.
  • Jeez, this combat calculation we have is quite complicated, won’t we have problems with too many affixes and fine tuning? - Nah, let’s make rerolling stats very expensive so they don’t notice there are hundreds of affixes and no chance to get what they want, oh, and don’t link item-power and stat rolls, no need to add that.

When did they say they were reworking crit and vulnerable?

Guy posted the thing here.

No where in there did they say they were nerfing anything. You are making a mountain ot of a molehill.


I think we need to just wait and see what changes are made. They haven’t said one way or the other, but I think they’ve learned they can’t just go nerfing things willy nilly and not have a revolt on their hands. I would expect most changes going forward to be beneficial just like the recent patches have been, and those that aren’t will be taken care of quickly.


One can only hope they learned their lesson. Honestly, I have no idea what they were thinking when they nerfed Barb, Sorc and XP before Season one. That was such an incredibly stupid decision. I felt really bad for players of those classes because I’ve been on that end in WOW. Blizzard really needs to stop trying to balance classes in their gamess because they have been trying to do it for 20 years and all they did was make WOW worse.