Pit bosses need MASSIVE nerf

They added a new stacking shadow boss mechanic with the Pit bosses in Season 5 but it’s hard to say what it’s actually like because it was bugged. At certain levels, bosses that took seconds to kill weren’t being damaged at all but then if you died and went back, they took seconds to kill again. This is another reason some people who were testing were frustrated with the PTR.

Just generally, the gap in quality of the rollout between the Season 4 and 5 PTRs was huge. Almost no one’s excited for Hordes and while the skill changes were good for some classes like Rogue, some like for Sorc were bad – and you couldn’t even really tell what was actually supposed to be intended or not because the whole damn thing was bugged. At least with the Season 4 PTR, it was fun because of itemization 2.0 and Helltides were refreshed.

So basically, we’re going into S5 not really knowing what to expect because even when Blizzard updates its patch notes, we can’t be certain of the exact interaction. It’s frustrating. I thought they’d gotten their act together after Loot 2.0…

They might have a plan,but tbh i have no idea where they are going with this. One year beta now, no balance…yippe more beta.

Barb is by far the best class in the game with some completely op builds.
You cannot balance content around the barb.
Not until all classes are brought up to the barb level.

Both aspects are tedious, and their mechanics aren’t ronust and complete enough to handle stuff like that anyway. Abilities bug out all the time, evade is still unreliable. That’s particularly evident with thr metamorphosis asspecked. Thing just whiffs sometimes and you die. The ghost bs ramps up early and faster for no reason, enemies don’t take damage randomly, sticky targeting makes sure its hard to pick something out of a pack, but can’t hit a lone enemy when your mouse was sitting right on it when you pulled the trigger.

Ditch the ghosts, ditch the one-shot super high damage and use more smaller hits instead. Sustained damage is what shoukd be lethal, not random massive damage spikes. You’d still know when you bit off more than you can chew. A massive hit would be like 50% hp. Hell, those attacks could be normalized so it’s 50% regardless of how much hp you have. It would be so much better than hot lava floor. Stick to melee, projectiles and the occasional puddle, enough to make you reposition and juke and evade once in a while. There’s no one boss should need to plaster the entire screen with annoying crap to “challenge” a player. The only thing it challenges is my patience. That style has its place and can be fun given the right mechanics and tools, this ain’t it and it’s half-butted at best.

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I wonder what pit boss level are you talking about? Cuz below pit 50 it is negligible. It doesn’t scale high till around pit 90. If your complaint is about pit 100+, I understand (not that I agree). Below that it is either a gear or a skill issue.

i totally agree, the debuff you are getting from the boss who then can 1 shot you when is almost dead after you have been hitting hem for 10minutes straight isnt fun either.


boss fight is not in relation to the way to him.

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Thanks. This is exactly my point of critic.

It’s totally fine when there are difficult bossfights in the game.
But shift the difficulty level of them to a pit tier where the dungeon is at equal (~) difficulty.

in my case as casual it is the Pit 61-70

without the pit boss at the end adding an extra level of difficulty you just have a greater rift are you wanting diablo 3 because there is a diablo 3 to go play. the real problem is the lack of creativity from blizzard

The lesser tiers got a nerf, tiers 61+ did not. So yeah, a nerf 61+ would be nice.

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Well I mean you usually do t have much time left if you are pushing, so that’s really not a good point imo

This is a start but not enough, in my opinion.

Where is the fun to be able to beat tier 40-50-60 and then just having a hard stop because the bosses grow MUCH faster than the pit level itself.

Console players are gated at 61+ unless they find a group (not doing that). So I’m capped at 8/12 right now until blizzard lift that gate.

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That is sad.
Should not really make a difference to play on console.

Season 5 is my last season because they may only do future seasons for VoH. Nonetheless, I’ve purchased SotE and it’s enjoyable right now.

Mostly doing D4 now for earning more gold and getting closer to gold cap. Been had the hidden title so it’s nothing else left atm.

I can confirm it as a controler player

just fish for spiritcaller, its very fun to do so

how is that possible?

Keep talking like that, And they will nerf the barb down to sponge bob level. Or maybe you want that.