Pit bosses need MASSIVE nerf

I have played season 4 a lot. All classes, different builds.
And pushed the pit as high as I could.
One thing I recognized was that…

The content blocker for pushing higher pit tiers is always the pit boss.
Most builds are working very very well for the pit level itsself.
But then you go to the boss and there is 0 chance to kill.

I thought, Blizzard’s goal is to align the pit boss to the pit level? :thinking:
This goal with season 4 is not reached at all.

I can already imagine upcoming comments to this request being like “oh noo… not making everything easier” but in my opinion:

If you are able to beat the pit level in 3 minutes without further problems, you really should be able to beat the pit boss.

But currently it’s more that like the boss feels like 50 tiers above the pit level itsself.

When people want to have difficult bosses then yeah… play higher tiers, I guess.
There are 200 levels in the pit. Play 100, 120, 130 and everything will be fine, I guess.

I hope, Blizzard still tries to reach their own declared goal for
“making the pit boss equal to the pit level”.


That is why I stop pushing higher pit. Dodging the boss attack is not hard but the massive HP that I have to spend 10 mins to kill is tedious.


Lack of content = crazy powerful bosses of all flavors! Remember when World Bosses were a challenge?


I think that… Blizzard thinks we like the bossfights… :sweat_smile:

Spoken only for myself… I would have MUCH more fun with Diablo 4 if they would remove the pit bosses completely.

But if they stay… they should be balanced around the difficulty of the pit level.
(btw: it’s both… they deal too much damage and have far too much life)


Don´t worry it will be worse in S5.

In S4 you still had semi chance to brute force boss with your gear.

No more anymore in S5 buddy. Thx to darksouls debuff addon we know and love from uber bosses.

You will have to just play platformer if you want to to do pits now. Can´t wait :smiley:


So another content to skip… :smiley:


The problem might not be that the Boss is too hard/long to defeat but that the enemies in the Pit that are too easy to kill, at least for some builds. Cleaning the Pit is so easy that one expects the same when it comes to the final Boss. But, the intent is probably to have a Boss fight that lasts more than a couple of seconds, even for the meta builds.

Boss fights are crappy though and debuffs might make it even worse.

The pit is too easy?
Why do you want to make it more difficult.
When the pit is difficult and the boss is difficult, some classes/builds will beat only level 30 pit instead of 60 as it is now.
This is the wrong direction of changes, isn’t it…?

There are 200 pit levels.
Let pit 60 be easy (level AND boss)
Let pit 120 be difficult (level AND boss)
And there is content for everyone.


I am playing a low tier build and made it to Pit60 before the mid-season patch. Sure, it was hard. The update made it easier. I improved my gear and I have pushed higher since. If you invest a bit of time in your builds, Pit 60 should not be difficult. Everyone can have different targets for the season but I believe Pit 60 is an easy one for any regular player.

Okay, let’s say tier 60 is doable with mediocre effort. (30% of the road)

But why not 100?
It would still be only 100 of 200 (50% of the road)

Compared to Diablo 3 where 100 of 150 was still casual level (66% of the road)

Now we could ask the question wether D4 has more casual players or more hardcore players. I think, the part of the 1-200 road that is really really hard to beat, should not be a big part. Pit 100 should be casual level too. And with casual level I mean it should be doable with off-meta-builds.


Hard to say when difficult starts for most players without the stats. We can only speak based on our personal experience. Blizzard certainly has the stats that’s why the difficulty was reduced with the mid-season patch.

If the Pit boss fights become harder in S5, it is probably because they are seeing that it is now too easy too early for most players. If you check around when playing the game, you notice that most players are using meta builds. Unfortunately, the game is probably tuned for them.

They must of hired an old SNK employee and put them in charge of bosses, cause anyone who remembers playing NEOGEO games at the arcade, those bosses were hard and cheesy AF.

I personally can’t wait for this to happen. Diablo players are super resistant to anything that takes actual skill.

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Yes we are.
I am not looking for platformer experience in aRPG. Same as I don´t looking for repetetive grind in souls games.
Not sure if players in FIFA should have hockey-sticks just bcs someone like NHL.

I mean you already have Lilith and I would not mind if they would add more bosses like her for rolling simulators enjoyers. Just don´t add this type of bosses in necessary content.


Exactly this. There are points that belong into a specific genre and you should not mix them up freely. Oneshots for example does not fit at all into Diablo games.


Well I think OS are different. If you have almost unlimited scaling in some content (and that is good thing) OS are inevitable sooner or later.

Problem with OS in D4 is scaling has some retarded curve.

You take no damage ever and than you get OS.


Yes, the curve is a big problem.

It’s like I said in my opening post: It feels like you do pit at level 50 and then a level 100 boss…

The Pit Boss per se usually is not the biggest problem (sure for AoE builds they have to much HP).

IMHO, the main problem is the Shadow part of the Boss. For reference, I did all classes to lvl 100 with Pit60+ working builds in S4.
If you have a class that is debuffing enemies, that will not work on the Shadow part of the Boss (like Decrepify for instance). That will lead to the oneshots, even on kinda lower Pit levels.

Adding the stacking mechanic on that is really a slap in the face for most D4 players. Pit is also the source of Stygian Stones, so if you wanna farm Uber Tormented Bosses you still will have to play the Pit a lot. Most likely lower in S5 than in S4, just to kill the Boss faster. And, the Pit Boss HP was additionally bugged on the PTR…

Let’s see how it will be on live in S5, but I’m afraid it will not be “fun”.


The reason is because most classes has strong AOE and can take out trash fast but they lack in single target dps and that is why the bosses are so hard.

a) Get more single target DPS. If your class is unable to do much single target dps (Sorc) then see b.
b) Fix the game: Every class should have a way to do single target DPS even if we have to give up some AOE dps as a trade off.

At least they are beatable. No one can beat T200 in this season no matter what.