Pit bosses need MASSIVE nerf

Pit was the most disspointing thing that happened to Diablo 4 for me , by far . Specially the overall bosses experience .
Tbh i was more like waiting NMD with a timer or challenges to do there , not a cheap copypaste of GRifts with limited variety of the mobs in the game , 3-4 scenarios and a sponge boss with tons of arcade attacks that will take more time than the whole “dungeon crawling thing” unless you go with some broken build for Vulnerable damage.

Why not put those bosses in some kind of Tormented Dungeons (level 200) with the chance of uber-uniques or something instead put them in the boring GRIFT wannabe needed for the crafting materials?

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What is it with this weak victim mindset? Is this some new fad to see who can whine the most and act the most hurt over the most insignificant things? It might be time to toughen up a bit if a little video game hurts you like this.

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Alternatively, they can increase the difficulty of the rest of the pit to match the pit boss difficulty.

Aren’t you tired of everything being easier? Come on, man!


Pit w/o boss would be 50 levels higher. The Pit is a lazy trash add-on, with no thought attached. The Piut doesn’t matter, anyone can get to the boss on a high lvl Pit. Blizzard is lazy and creaively bankrupt so they just tack on a one-hit boss at the end.

Get rid of the boss, or get rid of the Pit and just put me in the boss room already stop wasting my time. Or, maybe balance the boss to match the pit? Nope, one-shots are easy so thats what we get.

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I find you and some players here inexperienced on this game. There are builds strong on AoE but weak on Single Target DPS. And some builds are strong on Single target DPS but weak on AoE.

On NMD, it has both mass trash/elites and Big Boss at the end like the Pit. But the good thing with NMD is that you could swap gear while inside the dungeon. I ended up me having different set of gear to handle mass mobs AoE then having to switch gear for Boss. I even switch specs. That’s why i am carrying the other set of gear on my bag. The AoE gear and Single Target DPS gear is almost the same… but they are different on about 3 slots.

At lower levels on Necromancer Blood build, i find Blood Surge too powerful on AoE but weak on Bosses. While Blood Lance, i find them powerful on Single Target DPS but weak on AoE. I switch gear specs before i do Boss. But later in the game, Blood Surge could become powerful too on Single Target DPS and Blood Lance ciuld become powerful too on AoE.

You have to know the weakness of your build.

On pit, you have to be able to be strong both on AoE and Single Target DPS as there’s no swapping gear once inside the dungeon.

On my current Summoner build… i am a latecomer this season btw. I am utilizing Sacrilegious Ring as it gives me free Tendril every 8 seconds. Mass mobs and elites were like perma stunned on my build making it very strong on AoE mobs as they all die first before they could hurt me. However, it seems the ring lacks DPS on Single Target Boss. Somehow i still managed to bring down Bosses with it although slower. I just beat Pit 100 last night with it.

So in short, balance your AoE and Single Target DPS on pit. It can be done. Hope this comment helps. Good luck.

It’s not the pit bosses that are the problem.

It’s not necessarily the shadow bosses either.

Some combinations are an absolute nightmare, no matter the pit level. When the main bosses creates no go zones and they’re combined with multiple shadow bosses that also create danger zones… well, there’s a recipe for zero fun.

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Does that bother you? Ignore the 200 and pretend the number is 999999.
You stop worrying about it because you won’t attain it. You’re not supposed to

Not sure what kind of gamer you are, but for someone who wants to get achievements and trophies like me, it does bother me. It’s just a personal preference, nothing against you.

10 minutes to kill ANY boss in ANY video game is tedious.


Good. It should bother you, and it doesn’t mean you should be able to achieve it either.
but keep trying!!

I think I understand. What is there was no limit? What if Blizzard said “the Pit Tiers continue indefinitely”?

Yeah, this was right up there with all the traps dungeons from S3.

“Hey, let’s put in a game mode that gives no rewards at all from 99% of the mobs.”


This is why I do pit runs about 10 levels lower than I could. Can I do 105? yea. but it takes wayyy too long.

Go down about 10 levels from what you can do and run that. Depending on my mood i go from 89 to 95. In those lower levels I only die from poison explosions I didnt see or those cut throat guys who backstab me that I also cant see (if my barrier is down). I play a FO/Conj Sorc.

I do wish they would add some variety though. I rather liked the complete chaos of the rune runs in S3 where you’re stuck in a room with a whole bunch of elites and trash. That was fun, and would be even more fun at an increased difficulty.

Maybe a pit run with a bunch of elites and/or trash with no boss, and if you die once or twice the rift closes.

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Answer from ChatGPT.
In general, an ARPG (Action Role-Playing Game) should be designed with challenges that are difficult but still achievable for players. It’s important for the game to strike a balance where players feel challenged and engaged without feeling frustrated or like the game is impossible to beat. This balance often involves careful tuning of difficulty levels, rewards, and gameplay mechanics to provide a satisfying experience for different types of players.

Give me a Barber , Vampire Powers, Blood Glyph and Spider pet. Then, I MAY able to beat 200.

From ChatGPT:

" Does an ARPG have to have a final level of difficulty or can it scale infinitely?


An ARPG (Action Role-Playing Game) does not necessarily have to have a final level of difficulty. It can scale infinitely, depending on the design choices made by the developers. There are different approaches to difficulty scaling in ARPGs.

The choice between a final level of difficulty and infinite scaling often depends on the game’s design philosophy and the type of experience the developers want to provide. Infinite scaling can keep hardcore players engaged for longer periods, while fixed difficulty levels can offer a more structured progression."

I guess we can just have your bot talk to my bot and let us know what the machines have decided we should do.

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Okay, let me get back to you after Samsung annouces their new AI.


Yes. This. Hit 120 and it got ridiculous. Not entertaining at all, just tedious and repetitive. Plus there’s no real incentive to endure those long boss fights.


Yes, dragging out the boss fights for so long just doesn’t suit diablo and is 0 fun.

And now on the PTR the bossfights against the worldbosses are artificially prolonged.
I hope this will not go live like that.

What nonsense. are they trying to make a WOW here or what?


I did 4 barb homemade build/hybrids pit 100. All could do pit 100 with a few min to spare. Over that bosses where just sponges couldnt beat the timer.

Most where just 8/12 mastercrafting so 100 is casual i figure.