Pit bosses need MASSIVE nerf

I’m sure they will,but they should be bringing other classes up to par.

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I play on XB and I’m able to push through 80+ on my modified blight Necro (doesn’t use bonestorm ult.) same on my upheaval Barbarian. Got my Flurry Rogue (no Andy’s) through a T70 also. Only my FO+Blizzard Sorc can’t get past 70 and that is because I am either alive or dead and every boss mechanic will get me shot me if I don’t have a shield up, 29K HP isn’t enough.

All runs go about as expected. 2-3 minutes to clear dungeon trash and 5-6 minutes on the bosses.

Yes the boss fight should be relative to the journey to him. The trash mobs need to be more challenging and the boss should not be a fight where the only way you die is getting 1shot.

@miamivice: I think level 60/100 or 70/100 should be a ‘no brainer’. Neither the trash nor the boss should be any kind hard. When you reach pit level 120+ I think that the trash will be more of a challenge and that’s okay then.

@chefref: When 2-3 minutes to clear and the boss takes 5-6 minutes, it is - in my opinion - far away from what it should be expected. I don’t want to be double length of time at the annoying boss then the clearing duration for the dungeon.
Optimal would be 5 minutes to clear and 0,5-1 min at the boss.

(I say 5 minutes because I think that the pit level is too short at the current state… as the pit level being the fun part of the pit, it’s entirely annoying to have a boss fight every 3 minutes and loading times because you have to go to town and start a new run… best would nevertheless be that you can just start a new run form the boss room… but these are further improvements to the pit)

Concidering pit goes up to 200 i can’t see why they cant nerf Pit boss somewhat. They turn into sponges for a lot of builds after 100. My best guess is more powercreep on the way sadly. They sure know how to ruin gaming experience, they are getting good at it after a years practice.


The main issue I have with the Pit Boss has nothing to do with the mechanics of the Pit Boss it’s that they gave the Pit Bosses, what feels like trillions of Health. I get to the Pit Boss with 8 minutes remaining and because the Pit Boss has so much health, I can’t kill the Pit Boss before the timer is out meaning I get no materials for the run. It happens over and over again, and it happens even more since the 1.44 patch.


What level pit are you running

Exactly, seasonal content should be completed within the same season. I don’t understand why they leave content for the future. They should adjust the difficulty along the way.


You need a balanced game/classes to do that they seem to have alot of problems doing that. Although it should of been done months ago.

Pit is fine…

On barb char.


I play Barb, i think its just silly they don’t fix other classes.Do they know how?


My less geared bash Barb kills within 10 seconds. If my more geared orb sorc dies to 1 shot mechanic after 3(!!!) minutes of fight I barely have time for second attempt on Pit61.

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Ya its a real mess that build,i got one bad gear bad rolls but matercrafted and can still solo tormented bosses.

I’m pretty sure… If you just think about it for a second… The pit isn’t meant to be beaten… It’s blizzards easy way of seeing which builds make it “how far” and then they are balancing classes this way… It’s the only logical reasoning behind how the pit is set up… I can almost guarantee the pit is a test server balance…

So I encourage you to take each of your builds the highest they can go. They can definitely see where each of the builds are capping out

Then after each of them are balanced, we will actually see some of the nerfs lifted, the caps lifted, and will be given player power to reach 200… I’m making bets on this statement.

We need expansion first

So… now they just have to start with the balancing…
The gap between barb and sorc (as being #1 and #5) is completely ridiculous.

They aren’t balancing by class… They would balance by build… The class itself isn’t the problem, it’s the build. Ur not thinking right

Played some D3 season the last days and god is the boss design in greater rifts SO much better than D4 rift bosses… not unfair at all… no shadow boss oneshot mechanics…
some fair, avoidable attacks and a high life pool when it comes to gr 120+
But at gr < 100 the bosses are no problem at all.
Wish to be D4 difficulty at this level.

They just got a massive nerf. Seriously… do people just want an “I win” button?

This game is too easy as is.


And I consider myself an average player. This constant asking for the game to be made easier is ridiculous.

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No, I tell you what is ridiculous:

  • Bossing oneshotting players at an average pit tier level (60 of 200 is ~25% of the content)
  • Bosses having so much life that the dungeon needs 2 minutes and the boss needs 10 minutes.

If you are getting one shotted at T60 then the issue is either you, your build, or a combination of both.
Dumbing things down to the point that drooling on your keyboard allows you to win is not the way.
At least not in my estimation. But you are welcome to your opinion. I just don’t share it.

Edit: They just nerfed them by 30% too…