I have a theory, based on empirical observation (and some data) that 40% of players in any game don’t pass even the first stage of said games.

That would explain a lot, anyway, I am playing a sorc, and getting into pit 70+, was pain in the 463. It is not difficult as in you need to improve your gear, it is pure frustration. I had a built that maxxed out all res/armor cap, had a massive DR reduction, and all +hp possible, and it turned out useless, as you get oneshot. I dropped it all for pure dmg and got a kill, it still takes a lot of time, that it really should not.

This is farming dungeon, not an uber boss.

The drops are also terrible, I have not been able to find any gear replacement in like last 8 hours.

But even if I get BIS items, I don’t see this class pushing much further at all, it is just not worth the effort.

enjoy the upgrade gacha, i mean “masterworking”. roll 555=125 times to get the perfect item. all while gold costs are insane and the masterwork currency is an unfun grind with the bosses you mentioned.

helltides are great. pit isn’t.

som dumb mechanics ?

they straight put a lilith 1 shotting spikes on top of the boss mechanics if you say so

i dont know if they lack of the vision or something but this is not how the greater rifts should works lmao

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Just so you know guys after getting one shot in the pit with invisible AOE full map control random BS. I decided to try and go for Uber Lilith, and I found out that not only her attacks did not one shot me, they were much more visible and better telegraphed as the boss moves itself.

This is amazing! Knowing that Uber Lilith is notorious as one of the worst and poorest telegraphed bosses in ARPG genre as WHOLE.

The pit is just completely broken nonsense. Unless you play broken build on necro/barb, it is a damn chore to farm.

Next count to properly masterwork a single item you need to do 5x5x5 = 125 attempts for legendaries and 4x4x4 = 64 attempts for uniques.

100+ attempts with each reset costing you 5mln gold, a ton of resources being lost, and that is one item.

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Why did they add Uber Lilith mechanics at full power to this at 60. That’s the only real problem. I’m not saying they don’t have a place in the pit but it should have been in the 100+ range kind of like prestige difficulty for the die hard players/streamers.

This is what happens when unqualified diversity hires are in charge of ANYTHING.


the game is super casual right now, and it affects you, lmao.
from start to endgame you used to 1shoting everything,you feel overpowered, and then the moment you hit the wall, you complain.

this is why the reason i don’t agree to the dev that they make the player stronger and faster early game this patch.

No one is talking about level 50 you noob. If anyone dies in a 50 they just suck at the game.


yep, NERF THEM DUDE. IS TOO MUCH, is the 5th day, and don´t wanna waste more time there, is not fun. They insta kill you. Also because i use mendelin and minions, and minions don´t deal dmg, instead of mendelin i manage to do something. Is dumb, for real.

Your comment tells everyone who has xp in the pit that you are a noob.

the game sucks. forget it.


Level 63 with necro minions and getting one shotted all time with resistances at max, armor at cap, damage reduction, barriers etc etc, so yes the design is absolutely TRASH, it so hard to do challeging bosses without the one hit stupidity?

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Even at max resist, armor cap, and heavily invested into max life, some of the RG attacks are very hard, if not impossible to avoid, if you have bad luck on where they spawn. They probably need to lengthen the time to react from less than a second.

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For some reason they think we are Faker, the recation time for the attacks is minimum.

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The only way I can see the red circles is if I turn my graphics settings to potato and get rid of all the effects. Not exactly something I should have to do on a AAA game, let alone one that’s been out a year.

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-PIT is boring, too much hp it takes forever to kill unless you are a Necromancer or Barbarian.

-Many DR don’t work because most one shoot are from the Shadow boss, and you cant apply most condition DR on shadow.

-Too little material drop from lower tier PIT, means you need to fight the boring trillion HP PIT boss hours just to masterwork one piece of gear.

I think the HP and difficulty should progress and go up at level 150 onwards, it shouldn’t have so much HP just a level 70 as most of the none necro/barb build in the game just do not have the damage to match the HP of the boss.


I had circles spawn right under the boss along with the shadow, both were completely invisible by the boss attacks/model and my own attacks. Fun Game.

People quit the game because there is no proper loot progression, no proper difficulty progression, no proper endgame, and lazy random oneshot rng mechanics, instead of any proper bossing.

I have 200 hours in Last Epoch, 500 hours in Path of Exile, Diablo 4, I want to quit after 20 hours, I am cba selling 999.999 items and farming pointless pits for hours, to gain gold and mats to MasterWork. You need 100 attempts average to get a good roll on it. Sounds Fun?

For god sake, stop saying PIT is challenging, it is not challenging it is dumb.


I dont really have a problem with a longer boss fight at all. What i really dont like tho are the oneshots of the apparition that uses other bosses abilities. On top of that its often very difficult to spot them in time which causes frustration.

because they don’t know how to design a boss where the challenge rises with the item progression. they tested pit 1 and then made the rest on paper.


No no, pit bosses are fine. Just get used to slow progress, slogging, and not getting everything that your little heart desires right away. This game is meant to be difficult, no more watering it down for the pouting entitled.

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