necro player?

It’s ok if boss is difficult, but it’s not ok when it’s incredibly difficult for some classes and for other classes you literally can faceroll it.


Nope…diehard sorc so I’m slogging in the mud big time trying to crack this puzzle!

Im playing necro this season and this sucks, very frustrating getting one shot for attacks at 1000 speed with 0 visibility

necro got improved, BUT NOT FIXED. AI still sucks, you cannot command them, and there are not blood mages to play, that was the first promotion of the game since they talked in blizzcon years ago, but not there, they sell this PAINTINGS by this artist even they aren´t the truth of the game.


IF YOU SEE, only necro has changed, blood necro thas no thorns and is more like a blob in game, and there are no blood mages, AND the worst they are the worst AI i ever played.

Imo, that should not change for necro summons. They are undead or constructs. They should be stupid.
Commanding your minions, that could be for a Ranger class some day. Maybe the Druid too. Necro should just raise dead stuff from the ground that go hit nearby enemies.

I guess there is an argument for being able to command the golem, since that basically is Golem Lore 101.
But leave the skeletons alone! :slight_smile: (and preferably the golem too).

Now, what could be interesting imo, is more interesting golem dynamics.
Iron Golem from items? Yes please.
Or how about being able to “design” a golem by picking different parts; head, arms, legs etc. with their own strengths and weaknesses. Some of which might even affect how the golem behaves/who it targets first, how it moves to enemies etc.

actually you can turn your minions into blood mages with a certain unique item :wink:

OK, here is another troll. 2 trolls answering dumb stuff.

Well, since there is a mob doing this crappy stuff again and again, i give proof that is better than talk right?


That, is a blood mage, also a cold mage should have frozen bones, etc and giving the cold feeling, i know you are just trolling me, no problem, i actually know you Nyurei from other posts, i also have a list of trolls here.

SO i ask before i leave, why i should need to farm an item when you can have it witouth?

Also they cast blood nova, and you waste a piece of gear. Well, have a nice life, wasting your time talking nonsense, like the other talking about the lore when necromancers comes from VUDU, and they come from zombies, and this is the real lore. HE claim that a Golem that is a mass of crap can have commands, but not skeletons that they can have a bit of brain since they were humans before, also i state, all of the Romero zombies movies when they actually goes more and more clever, even they command an horde of undead. CAUSE we are talking about undead right? or is a skeleton that needs to be moved by a necro, cause it has no muscles, so is sorcery, instead a zombi that he has muscles and flesh, so they can move better? NO he state that is LORE?

oh god, get some rest dude. i was merely stating that you can build your necro to support some form of blood magic casting skeleton mages. There is nothing that makes this information a troll.

It is fairly standard fantasy lore that golems have objects that makes you able to control them.

Skeletons don’t have brains… Nor are skeletons zombies.

Skeletons certainly could have commands, in a technical sense.
They just shouldn’t.

We’ll probably need a Bane of the stricken equivalent cause this is getting ridiculous. Also it seems to me that the boss is merely a target dummy to soak hits while the damage is dealt by those shadows, which ok their attacks are avoidable but they happen waaaay too often

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thats something i can slightly agree on. i mean i dont have a problem with that, but yea, i would also say that they are a little bit too frequently. if i could decide something like that, id probably tune down the frequency by 5-10%

While I really like the patch, the more I play D4 Rifts the more I hate them. It’s hard to spot stuff and only select few builds can actually do the content. Most people I know not rocking necro or another S tier are hardstuck at around 55, mostly because of the boss encounters. You can clear the full pit in a few minutes, yet the boss takes foreeeeever.

the entitled one is clearly you

Clearly, I am entitled; pouting, I am not.

90% of them is fighting a boss for 10 minutes while evading one-shot mechanics. that just has to be tiring. once? fine. thirty times in a row? no thanks, i’ll play something else.

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Pit bosses are fine. Git gud. Seriously. Get better gear, learn to play better.


Unlocked 75 today and it came down to boss rng from 65+
Trashes feel well balanced as you progress through but the bosses are ridiculous. Some are ok others just Godly… Adding echos to spice boss fights was their only idea I guess?

Copium. Pit bosses are obviously broken, like anyone with any ARPG experience can realize it. It is to a point that rng boss with rng shadow spawns with rng cooldowns or no cooldowns at all, have vast difference in power level.


all the best builds, 110+, are builds where you passively deal damage so you can dodge the one-shots (necro, hurricane). so lame.

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yeah when you dont have to actively dps, for me if I dash, I lose a second of full dps, if I keep dodging and running around as people suggest, boss will never die

easy to say when you play necro and have minions do the job while you run away

it really stupefies me that not only the farming mini dungeon has a ton of oneshot mechanics, but those mechanics have no cooldown, and they spawn continuously