Agreed, I think a few things need to change:

  • Pit Boss health scaling needs to be toned down in higher pit tiers.
  • Shadow Boss attacks need to be more visible and less frequent.
  • Shadow Boss attacks are doing too much damage in higher pit tiers, leading to 1-shots even if you heavily focus on defense.
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That’s just complete crap IMO. Even unoptimised builds with decent gear are rushing through these bosses. We are 5 days into a 3 month season and they are already farmable.

If anything they need another tier for Uber bosses.

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I don’t think it’s the bosses, most builds just suck for Pit. Unless you are running the one OP build for your class bosses feel super boring. Too much HP in my opinion.

pit bosses are fine.

hear me out, they added an UBER LILITH SPIKES and 1 shot mechanics ON TOP of that boss fight, like really ?

wtf am i suposed to do if im not playing necromancer with blood myst i do indeed get 1 shotted

i hope pit designer see that and actually lets us scale our defensives …

this is rn ridiculus to be 1 shotted on tier 70 with full shield and DR setup with 33k life and forti.

i feel like a clown playing in blizzard circus


What tier are you doing?

doesn’t matter. at some point you’re running into stupid one-shot mechanics.
D3 rifts are balanced much better. your main concern is putting out enough damage to beat it in time. defense is there, but not about one-shots. no one running pit 100-110 is running into time issues.
it’s like blizzard is so bad at balancing, they just resort to one-shot mechanics.


You dont like Dark one shoot skills in dark room while fighting bosses? blizzard love those

This is my biggest issue with the pit. Poorly telegraphed abilities from bosses that in some cases spawn instantly and just one shot you even at resistance cap. Theres no counterplay sometimes. I have had times where i was sure I was standing in nothing. Dodged incoming attack and somehow I just fall over. This feels like lilith walls all over but in every dungeon.

Blizzard took one step forward with the lilith rework and 2 steps back with pit bosses. Once again showing they tested nothing or relied on the testing of turbo nerds running S++ tier builds on the ptr.

Literally just hotfix cut pit bosses damage in half and give us at least another second before the instant spawn instant damage one shot kills us. Theres nothing fun about pit bosses.

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Why am I playing Mario Party minigames in Diablo? These “boss mechanics” needs to be different.

I just realized mutliple boss one shot poor telegraphed mechanics spawn at ONCE.

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I don’t mind a boss fight taking a while, as long as they don’t have stupid one shot mechanics that you have to dodge 100% of the time or you’re instantly killed.


Yeah. Tbh. nothing should ever be able to oneshot a reasonably geared character (so, not glass cannon).
Death should come from either failing repeatedly in a short timespan without managing to heal, or to run out of healing sources (limited potions already support this, it is just too easy to get healing potions back in most cases).

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They are not easy to see. Especially with some bosses that fill the screen with crap. It is very easy to have 10-20 different moving things on the screen. Not to mention that on red/dark backgrounds the mechanics can easily blend with the ground making them semi invisible.

Overall, pit bosses design sucks. It is a long fight, filled with unclear 1 shot mechanics.

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i don’t mind it if it isn’t a boss i’m supposed to farm back to back for three months.

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blizzard just slapped some dumb mechanics on it, gave it a try on pit 1 and then increased the numbers in a spreadsheet. no one actually tried to beat the boss ten times in a row.

same with the masterworking numbers. every season, again and again, they get the costs wrong.

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100% agree, sorcerer is terrible with the pit. Good luck getting into the 55+ pit levels. I’ve been trying on the eternal realm and I just can’t with any of my sorcerer builds. Blizzard really needs to work on balance!


people need to learn to gut gud and stop face taking everything as they usually do in d3 d2 and other sub par arpgs, pit boses are not even hard, the false difficulty of spawning a clone and the shadow of lilith doesnt make em any harder if you pay little attention.

have fun paying “a little attention” on a boss you’re supposed to farm like a madman for the next three months.

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If this is the new D4 savior you still have some work to do. Need to have everything balanced for the average player not just the ones that bot and cheat and play 20 hours a day. People are already starting to leave in droves. Out of 131 people in the clan i belong to only 16 to 20 are still playing and guess what has not been that long since the season began!


pit bosses overtuned? please. people are running bugged necro builds with 12 billion damage and can only do pit 120.