This is ridiculous guys, not only this thing takes MINUTES to kill, it is faster to clear the whole pit than kill the boss.

But it spawns barely visible 2-3 boss attacks, that simply oneshot you. NO DR reduction works. Attacks are not visible at all on the screen when you are fighting. One wrong step your dead, no wrong step your still dead. Gear progression now feels stupid and irrelevant, whats the point of getting all the armor, damage reduction if you get oneshot anyway?

Torment bosses are also ridiculous, do you think bosses that can only be killed with 2-3 builds in the whole game and 1-2 classes are alright? What is this game design?

Honestly, I liked s4 until I got to end game, helltides are very well done. Now pit and uber bosses feel stupid.


I had a bad experience with a pit boss one time at a casino.


The gear in this game sucks and is boring they might as well just do away with stats all together and add character templates. Offensive, defensive, and hybrid templates since that is what the uninteresting gear equates to. Then they would be able to balance difficulty based on these templates.


new ability:

Trump- say “you’re fired” to a non compliant atlantic city pit boss 100000% damage



Bosses that takes 3 minutes to kill are a pain already, on its alone, why is it casting every 10 seconds a random barely visible, poorly articulated, non verbalized, aoe - one shot ability, that ignores all your armor, damage reduction and resistances.


This is how it should be, NMDs are backwards where the boss goes down in seconds and the Elites are stronger.


I wouldnt say one is more right than the other (neither elites nor bosses should go down in seconds!).
But it is always positive when the endgame is diverse. So IF you have an activity where the bosses are walkovers, it makes good sense to have another activity where they are not.

Besides, Pit is clearly meant as an endless scaling system (sadly). So if you reach a point where things take too long, and you get oneshot, you probably just went too far into it.


There’s absolutely nothing wrong the the tormented level 200 bosses, except the Beast in the Ice fight, due to only having 4 lives. Learn the mechanics and what attacks give debuff stacks. I did most of these and they were great fun and very well balanced I think.

Pit bosses maybe feel slightly overtuned considering the some of the attacks they and the shadow bosses perform. Some bosses are fine and others have very quick and hard to read attacks. The Frost Spiritcaller boss in particular often has some crazy attacks, where you just seem to explode sometimes. That being said, damage reduction and +max res DOES work. You just have to focus 100% into it with damage reduction skills, max res incense, elixirs, Tyrael’s Might (for more +max resistance and damage reduction), Shako for 20% damage reduction etc. It is very easy & quick to get to the boss in pits, so you can easily sacrifice some damage output on your skills/paragon/aspects in favour of defense. You can also run around the edges of the arena if you need to wait for damage reduction skills to come back off cooldown.

I can pretty comfortably complete tier 75-80 pits, I do have a Tyrael’s Might (masterworked twice with +max res = +9% to max res), but do not have a shako, and I’m still fine tuning my other pieces a bit. There’s no way anyone is doing pit 200 this season without a bugged build though, which is totally fine if no one complete it but Blizzard should remove the achievement for pit 200 though. That achievement was likely in there from early on in development and PTR, when the pit was much easier, but it was heavily buffed after PTR feedback.

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We’re playing the beta of loot reborn. This whole season is here to balance out things for the future expansion and future season.

Cause you know the downside of completely overhauling your loot is undoing all the balance fixes from the previous year related to the old system. But imo it was worth it at least so just be patient it’ll get a patch more than likely or something to help.


The extra bosses are really easy to see. You’ll see a red circle on the ground which is where the boss will appear a few seconds later. It starts with one and slowly adds in other bosses but they are the same for the whole fight. Every pit also has something you can line if sight the abilities. The game is no longer just stand there and kill the boss in 3 seconds. Skill is now required. Just practice dodging and you’ll be fine.


If I cant kill it in 10s, ITS OVERTUNED!!!

edit: I hit reply and it replied to a random post in this thread… wtf lol


Yeah that’s a good change if there is at least some boss knowledge needed and engagement. Gotta get that adrenaline rushing!


These posts remind me of AoZ all over again.


dude I dont see anything on the screen, my screen is full of frozen orb blasts, those comments are really dumb, all I see are numbers and blasts

there is no voice over no clear showing of where the damage will be, look at last epoch how bosses should be done

I am not even saying that those abilities are random and can switch during fight


You know I kinda forgot you could start pits earlier (I thought I needed to wait till lvl 100 :P). I was busy looking for gear with the +4 spirit per second and doing NMD’s (yeah funny right? Given how much of a chore they were in the past) to get all my glyphs leveled.

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Until I get decent gear and level my glyphs, I feel there’s no real point to Pits. Personally speaking of course. Although I imagine I’ll be beating a NMD45 well before I hit 100.

Have you dialed down your graphics settings or something? Even with my dust devils flying everywhere they are hard to miss. A red rune circle on the ground then a red boss appears and starts casting their abilities. Some of the abilities are obnoxiously large too like the Lilith one or the one that casts the red lines all over the ground.

NMD37 ish will start to drop 925’s. But yeah I was of the mindset I wanted close to perfect 3GA 925 gear before master working…but at the lower levels it is really not that bad to do it for the extra boost in affixes on less than perfect gear, but at least you should have 925s by the time you hit the pit.

I am not entirely sure what the GA affixes on lower level gear is good for…:stuck_out_tongue: Maybe for people who more actively temper that stuff as they level?
I personally saved them, but will never use them as I have higher level gear already, even when the first few started to drop.

Look at this…what a waste. Never used it.

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I think people who complains about one shot have 1 thing in common

They wont go for max life affixes at all , and avoid the +% Life affix from tempering

Which i think is probably the counter to most 1 shots :slight_smile:


What is that? :joy:

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