There isn’t a +% life tempering affix. At least not for me. I’ve only seen a flat +life stat which is also pretty low (353-504)

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Ur right, its not %life, i Hallucinated my bad =o

But i still guess, that + Life in general might not be popular , and its still probably the reason of 1 shots, or maybe not, who knows

No worries, you are right though. I think people haven’t adjusted well to the loss of all the damage reduction from close/far etc. that we easily had previously. I think especially when it comes to using skills that provide DR. I think very few people are taking advantage of those.

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Yeah, I wont lie

Even if i havent reacher uber bosses yet, so far, Maximum life is’nt what I’m really seeking, but I’m taking notes :smiley:

Maybe someone out there experienced if with more HP pool, you can survive those 1 shot

Playing as a sorc on the eternal realm, I’ve given up on the master working system as its garbage. My build could take down Lilith in season 3 but it can’t handle a 55 pit boss.

I have all resists and armor maxed, I have 28,000 health, 4 defensive skill on my bar to ensure barrier is up, I get one shotted no matter what. Not to mention the 5-10 minutes it takes to kill these things.


Well, you’re kinda saying, that you’re given up on Mastercrafting, which boosts all your pieces by 5% per level , and 1 affix by 25% every 4 level

So obviously, you’ve giving up a lot of power ;p

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Uber bosses actually don’t feel bad at all unless you get hit by the attacks that put the debuff stacks on you. If you play the mechanics well and dodge the specific attacks, those fights are very do-able. I did tormented Duriel, Zir, Grigoire, and they are really fun I think.

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Issue is per level of master working a piece of gear I have to run about 8+ pit runs. which because of the bosses takes hours. Once I have enough master working mats I upgrade only to land on the wrong stat. Then I have to reset and spend hours again to rinse and repeat.

On top of that I can’t get even mid level on the pit to start getting more master working materials.

I’ve spent dozens of hours running pits and really have nothing to show for it, just constantly resetting my gear.

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How easy would you like the game to be man? Here, You win. You got bis for every character. Now you don’t even need to play.

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Hey if 24 hours of pit runs and nothing to show for it is your cup of tea. All the power to you.


Yes. There is no balance in this game. There should be a whole department responsible with balancing. Are they saving on staff?

Boss mechanics are great, the amount of time to kill it it’s beyond boring. You will make a mistake and get one shotted, I don’t think one is meant to stay focused so intense this much. It’s unhuman. Maybe they design this game for non-humans :))

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WAY faster. pit is all about the boss. you have to complete build your character for killing the boss. forget about clearing. 2 minutes and you’re at the boss. 2 minutes out of 15.
it’s so mindnumbingly boring. i spend 10 minutes killing a boss and evading one-shot mechanics.

you have two choices: either make the build that is capable of doing high pits and grind masterworking for weeks, or ignore pits altogether and therefore have no endgame.

personally i’ve given up on pits, as masterworking is really stupid and unfun gacha gambling. emphasis on unfun.
in S4 you get to the end in two days and then you hit a wall, where you would have to invest weeks to get a little bit further. if you call 5 move pit levels further, because that’s all it is.

even the best streamers hit a wall at 100-110.


tormented bosses and uber lilith are fine because they have a debuff that allows you to get hit 3-4 times before you start getting 1 shot. the tormented bosses are actually quite easy. they just need to apply this debuff to the pit bosses as well, and maybe tone down the frequency of shadow clone attacks a little bit.

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but all you need the power for is pits. there isn’t even and end to reach. you will never get the feeling you’re “done”. who cares if i reach pit 91 or 97? it’s the same. in D3 you could at least reach the highest GR.

depends on what class you playing

You can easily play necro with beer in your 1 hand and still will be 10 or 20 levels higher in a pit than any sorc spec. Cuz sorc is pure garbage r/n and necros are way too overtuned, idk why do they even had PTR for this game to be so unbalanced.


Yeah I recall during the campfire chat that there’s going to be a good look at balance for this season after it came out.

As they’ve also said in recent news articles, sometimes theirs just no other way to test than to have players go at it on live.

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I mean there’s no way to get tons and tons of data otherwise right? The PTR is probably going to be a very specific type of player usually, but it at least might catch some major issues early.

I can see the red circle, but what follows it is usually poorly telegraphed oneshots

also I dont get why it sometimes spawns one after another, there is not even 10 seconds delay I mentioned, I had 3 circles spawn in row with different abilities as well

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Havn’t gotten to this point yet, I presume this is a fairly high level pit? As long as you can reliably clear enough of the pit to get all your masterworking mats on most toons then having a deeper section for the super hardcore is not a bad thing.


The red circle is the signal something is about to happen. They really are tough fights. If you’re getting one shot it’s a sign you need to work on hardening up your character. I can take several hits from t50ish pit bosses without dying. What I need to work on is getting my DPS up so I don’t run out of pots before they dye. Eventually they kill me just because I can’t heal anymore. I still have a lot of work to do on both my gear and my build so I’m not ready to scream for nerfs just yet.

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