Petition to Fire SORC class design team

My tinfoil hat theory is that I actually think that it’s the other way around. The Sorc class design team is the only team that understands the intended class balance in the game, and the design teams for the ‘top performing’ classes don’t know how to balance their classes.

If you recall, the devs have always said before launch that they didn’t want D4 to have the same absurd damage numbers of D3, but that’s exactly what we have now with top performing classes having billions in DPS. So I think they never really intended for these classes to have billion-damage builds, but after seeing the backlash when they heavily nerfed at the start of Season 1, they are now reluctant to bring these builds back in line with the original vision. This is why they are so reluctant to give Sorc any signficant damage boost in line with the other classes, because that wasn’t the intended design to begin with, and those other classes only had them because of ‘Blizzard math’. Instead they have frantically tried to build up the endgame so that those billion-damage builds have somewhere to go.

It appears from the slew of endgame activities they’ve added, that these billion-damage builds are here to stay, so they should just bite the bullet and raise Sorc damage to match the others instead of these half-baked solutions (e.g. sorcs can now use maces, yay!) that’s neither here nor there.


blizz is still slightly better than EA

I don’t think anyone gets excited when they hear they would need to spend over a minute killing an elite in d4. They are boring and don’t pose any real challenge. They also mostly drop trash.

This is the kind of thing they SHOULD be considering that would make sorc fans very very happy!

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I agree. People shouldn’t be asking for others to lose their lively hood just cuz they do not like “balance changes.” Having said that, I agree with the sentiment. It reaks of bias or a incompetence.

To me, d4 is a game that lacks innovation, but has really good gameplay. When it comes to creativity, balance and systems it always struggles, which is the hallmark of Blizzard for the last few years.

While I agree… you’re also talking about a design team that was told Barbarians are brokenly overpowered and proceeded to buff them even more.

It honestly feels like they don’t actually listen to feedback. With class balance at least.

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What I find amazing is that this post stands and that my analysis of lucky hit gets snagged by their “Spam” Filter. I actually put research in the post and included comparisons. Yes, I used humor, and math, and was critical of the design team, but many posts are. At this point I wonder if even this comment will be snagged.

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There are way to many updates / seasons and there is no time for them to balance classes. The only “balance” it’s really mid season and you have half season of little more balance and then they start from the top.

This is a race to add more content. It’s a race because new games are coming out and they are afraid people are leaving. Playing multiple games in the same time … not really works. IF you fall in love with a game you will stay there for good or a long time, that’s less money for them, specially in this genre.

Wait, would that stack if you use a mainhand/offhand and put the Hydras heads on both?

How come that ever since PoE launch a way smaller team was able to balance dozens of gems (skills) every single league while adding new ones, not including other content?

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So after playing the ptr and seeing that we have absolutely no defense. My question is why didn’t they remove the aspects that created the problem for infinite flame shield. We increase our skills and temper things to get a better cooldown reduction that should be rewarded. So right now in season 4 i can get flameshield down to 6 sec cooldown thats by cooldown reduction and tempers of flameshield duration why can’t we be rewarded for that. I know it can go down to about 4 seconds using Ice Blades and Esu Ferocity but that isn’t permanent. So again why not nerf the aspects.

I mean it quite literally IS. The issue is not mechanics, or damage multipliers, or skills, it is the DEV team.

Honestly just uncap hydra completely, unlimited heads. cast speed determines how many you can have up at once. hydra STILL wont be the broken build of the season, but at least we can pump them out everywhere for 10 minutes to kill a boss.

good news, the game producer has left.


Apparently they are looking for new producer.


Game Producer | Diablo IV | Albany, NY or Irvine, CA

That was the odd team if I’m not mistaken.

well u cant fire em, if there is none :stuck_out_tongue:

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Of course not productive, as it will be ignored. But it is very relevant.

hopes no more getting mobile game producer to produce diablo 4 new contents.