Petition to Fire SORC class design team

yeah season 4 is a fkn mess. but s5 is gonna be interesting. cant wait to equip azurewrath. and chain lightning build gonna be balling.

All those cosmetics… haha

You honestly think there’s a TEAM to balance a single class? Lol

And if that’s true, it’s even worse. Balance was a meme a year ago - sorcs weak so let’s buff barb - but at this point it’s not even funny anymore, its just sad and embarassing.


Show me where to sign.

But wait guys. They buffed blizzard damage. Now blizzard will be hitting for HUNDREDS!


buff arch lash like the barbs new bash cleave

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What they don’t even realize is that Critical Strike Dmg and Vulnerable Dmg do absolutely nothing to increase dmg in season 4 period. Had it everywhere then changed to attack speed everywhere and at least I was doing slightly more dps per second. They realistically need to buff just active skills by like 50% like all lol. They also have to redue aspects so we can actually do some boss dmg cause all the dmg we do is for mobbing not bossing. But yes nerf flame shield and teleport before you fix the real issues. MORONS

Conjuration - Weapon

  • +1-2 Hydra Heads on Cast.

Conjuration Fortune - Utility

  • +X% Hydra Lucky Hit Chance.

Maybe this could turn to a nice build.
in general you can place now 3 hydras. Each have 5 heads when healthy.
You gain 2 extra heads for each hydra.
I guess this means then 7 heads for 3 hydras
If master working is hit very well you may increase the head number count again.
Maybe worth a try hehe

Also the hydra base damage is buffed from 60 to 100…more heads, more damage all around the place

Maybe hydra frozen orb build with winterglass

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and then they nerfed ice spike dmg of 15% and put chill on it instead and then moved 15% dmg buff to what the aspect that does while ice armor is active you cast ice spikes are r u kidding me. Just another beautiful nerf to one of sorc’s meta builds Blizzard has no idea what to do with Sorc you can just see it. After the ptr I bet flameshield will be scratched out and half the other nerfs and then they will add two pages of buff’s watch.

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Facts this guy gets it d4 a joke of a game bleed barb bash barb or thorns barb only viable builds at any endgame content since they stole paths stash tabs design why don’t they steal something worth a sh** these devs are the worst I’ve seen id hire Minecraft devs over these people

Bet and they haven’t had any type of server stability at all all of blizzard north needs to shutdown or Microsoft needs to just come in and take over and fire them all

Yesm this could be helopfull but hydra dmg is very low and single target, After burning instinct nerf dmg hydra will be lower than now (even after hydra buff) so it will be good in mighmare 1-50. Not in endgame.

100% agree that actions against the sorcerer are likely one of the following:

  1. Ignorance/ incompetence
  2. Vindictive behavior
  3. Did I mention incompetence?
  4. Money motive somehow that we don’t fully understand.

Either way seems like someone should lose their position at minimum.

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Streamer wudijo said he expects huge buffs for Sorc after ptr he couldn’t believe all the nerfs said maybe chain lightning and arc lash might be good thats it as of right now so sad.

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any chance class nerfs/buffs would adjusted before s5 release? or are the updates from ptr imminent?

considering people were screaming at blizz to realize that perma flame shield would be a thing in s4 ptr, I have extreme doubts

I bet they redue sorc once the ptr is over. But it is gonna be bad they increased cooldowns on all defensive skills. I know cooldown reduction will be increased because of the uniques we wear. But I don’t think that increase is gonna offset the five seconds gained by flameshield and 3 seconds to teleport. Finally, every skill needs to be given like a 100 percent increase so we can do boss dmg how idk. But literally my high hit is around 4 million its just sad. That’s for ice shards lol im sure chain lightning, fireball, and probably chargebolt do less this should not be the case. We should be doing minimal like 8 to 9 mil lol. But don’t worry there are always legions.

What I just don’t get is why a lot of people ‘love’ the Lead Class Designer (you know who I’m talking about - ‘Damage on Tuesdays’ guy). I keep on seeing comments as to how ‘he understands the player base’ because he seems to say the right things during interviews. But isn’t it the case that all of the class imbalances since the release of this game was a result of his poor design choices to begin with?


Sorc has a lot of issues, no questions asked.

I think the most pressing issue is overhaul sorc barrier mechanics. Since that was how the devs envisioned def for sorc.
But making barriers depending on cdr stacking, was the worst they could do.
And they already had the solution with IA, making a portion of dmg generating barriers.
Ofcourse old IAs version of it would be a bit too strong as a baseline, but if they make a weaker version of this as baseline, that actually makes barrier gen affixes usable and desirable, would fix so many issues with the sorc. that should be the protection passive and not that cd usage abomination.

U can finally explore builds more openly that dont rely on cd usage, which they cleary want with these new aspects, but didnt had good ideas so far to make em viable.