Petition to Fire SORC class design team

Tag up and sign up, let heads roll. this is beyond dumb patch notes

nerfs to all viable builds, making new items to “remove the needing 4 defensive skills in a build” but not adding anything that helps survial with nerfs to CDR tele and stuff.

making us play multi element, but also limiting the final tree skills to be that “element only”, the lack of item slots we can add multi dmg to so we have to take 8 boards with glyph nodes ONLY because we MUST get that to counter the lack of affix that HAVE multi dmg mod on them (yet barb got there few skills that tweeked skills and slapped more multi ontop of them). the seeing the Crackin Lightnin build being viable till you see the Nerf AND cap added to legendary node (as of now only 2 of the nodes only do anything for sorc).

hand the sorc class to barb class design and watch how they get buffed overnight.


Where do I sign up?

The Sorc design team is so bad, they felt the need to nerf all uncapped Sorcerer multipliers even further in Season 5. As if Sorc even had any damage whatsoever to even speak of.

Cooldowns and Defensive skills all gutted. All damage is capped.

There is literally nothing left for Sorc here.


Just wait for patch of exile 2. This game is done.


100% agree, I have been saying this since the nerfs in the pre-launch beta over a year ago though. The Sorc design / balance team clearly do not understand the class and even worse, the game.

They didn’t address the fundamental issue with Sorcs.

The enchant system is absolute trash - needs a massive rework overall.

We need to be able to equip a staff, wand and offhand at the same time.

Our damage is severely lacking. We’re a master of the elements, yet at level 100 we get out damaged by a level 80 necro.


Should use one of those petition platforms
Or maybe just write directly to those 3 guys (2 balance dudes and 1 CM) through twitter

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They say that the barbarian benefits from using several weapons, put a cape on the wizard, a cyto. Why not 3 enchantments? I’m going back to rogue. Wizards die easily and you need to do miracles to get damage


There is no sorc design team, chatGPT would do a better job balancing classes if asked XD


Two staffs, to go full Saruman.


I with you 100%, where do i sign up at?

This is not productive feedback…

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what is productive feedback? what productive feedback have you seen that’s worked in this game?

any dev team that ignores player feedback in a live service game should not be able to keep their jobs. 100% agreed. should put this on an actual petition platform so it goes viral. maybe blizzard will take the hint then.


You wish!
They do not care in Blizzard for balance system. Only they care: selling copies per month.
Many bad things in this game is done by purpose: commercial profits. Ask professional people working in this field: they will explain you all trick, how to increase selling.

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uh, it’s pretty clear they don’t have an actual sorc dev or even a team: they just had the barb guy chuck random darts at a board for less than a minute and called it a day. sorc dev, lmao, there is no such thing.


+1. The amount of incompetence is staggering!


The design team is complete crap for sorc. Yeah lets nerf our only defense which is a flame shield I hate using it but I do cause guess what I can stay alive. Ice armor breaks all the time in higher tier pits lol all the time. They increased the cooldown of teleport lol r u kidding me. Ok I did get buff’s to ice spikes so maybe I will kill things like 2% faster but I will be dying 10 times as much. We can’t take dmg people do you play the class lol. It takes a minute to minute in a half to kill a lvl 100 pit boss and I will be able to use flameshield maybe 3 times if i’m lucky cause its a 12 sec cooldown blizzard not 5 or 6 12 seconds. You guys won’t even have people testing sorc out on ptr because it will be so bloody weak lol. Get a clue blizzard.


Signed in the blood of failed devs and greedy investors. The heart blood. Well, maybe in ketchup, but I wanted to emphasize that I’m juuust a tad peeved at the above mentioned esteemed personages. Pardon my bulging veins, my red eyes and my 200/150 blood pressure, surely I just didn’t get enough sleep. Its all those patch notes nightmares I keep getting for some reason…


+1 gut the sorc team like they have the class. They clearly are brain dead.


We tried that approach for multiple seasons. Why would it work THIS time?

I can help! I’ll bring bourbon and popcorn and masks!

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Hey Blizzard team -

second this opinion too.
Please listen to the community ?

Sorc was already struggling to heavy DPS and survive in the pits.
We needed to grind high level gear to be able to do manage.

The patch and nerf is literally killing all builds and make the sorc unplayable - we get one shotted everywhere above T100.

Well i guess i’m finally off to playing barb

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