People are already buying gold

Make things tradable with friends or party members at time of drop only. Problem solved.

So obviously the solution is to cull a core aspect of ARPGs. Wonderful

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PoE is the worst ARPG with RWT stuff going on. The economy is far more important there than it will be in D4 as all of the rarer hard to get stuff in D4 canā€™t be traded.

Whatā€™s your solution to botting?

Iā€™m the consumer, not the developer :slight_smile:

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I donā€™t think that will be as much of a problem in D4. Paragon has a reachable cap and considering they are investing in this as a shared world + live service with a shop and all of that they will likely go after botters more often. One of the reasons it was so big in D3 was because of the insane requirements to get paragon up.

Then you also donā€™t have an opinion on anyone elseā€™s solution to botting, where the easiest solution is to remove trading.

Warden, and its kind of funny because when they do mass banwaves in wow, like the 180,000 they just did in classic wotlk it kinda is a flip of a switch and poof your all banned.

Uh if legendaries arent tradable the game is definitely DOA. Trading is what makes diablo diablo

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found the jsper :wink:

i disagree with you, whole-heartedly.

I donā€™t know what that means, sorry? I just want to play d4 with my friends and give them left over items.

A player driven economy with trading, is and has always been more healthy for games in the long run. Forced dev economies are boring and lackluster, why do you think Eve online has been so massively popular for like 15+ years?

Nothing should be character bound.

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the easiest solution is to not play the game, so it doesnā€™t bother you :^)
The game is fine as is.

EVE Online

Month Avg. Players Peak Players
Last 30 Days 4,127.0 7,797

dayum thatā€™s crazy popular. i canā€™t even. i gotta get it and try it myself!

my small town lost in canada has more people in it :wink: itā€™s not a lot.

Yeah FF14 with only 20k players on steam aswell. Dead game too? Please.

These games have standalone versions that are used by most of the playerbase. The desire to make a gotcha moment clouds your judgment

It was already stated some time ago legendaries and uniques would not (should not) be tradeable. Well before even beta. So hopefully what is seen in this video is a bug.

yeah 20k is pretty damn dead. but not nearly as much as 7k lol

Honestly i canā€™t tell if you are a really good troll or genuinely like this. You do know that both of these have many times more players outside steam, right?

idk, id use examples that actually make sense and avoid this completely :wink:

eve is not thriving homie.

Yep, it was the latter. :sweat_smile:

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