People are already buying gold

You do know most Eve players don’t use steam right?

Such narrow minded.


We estimate the daily player count of EVE Online to be 364,517, with a total player base of 9,592,546.


  • Subscribers: 9,592,546
  • Daily Players: 364,517
  • Genres: Action, RPG, Strategy, Massively Multiplayer
  • Platforms: PC, Linux, macOS
  • Released: 2003-05-06

whats that source? color me incredulous :wink:

9 mil huh. right

who knew eve was actually the wow killer LUL

you expect me to swallow that the ratio of steam vs non steam is 7k vs 9mil?

okay dude. i think were done here lol

Do you need instructions to use google? I wouldn’t be surprised. Unfortunate, that we cannot post links on this forum.

WoW Killer? Do you even know how many people play Wow? Besides, your previous post was about the concurrent player base.

Hire a full time anti botting team.

Brazil disapproves of this message .

The other guy obviously has issues and is not worth engaging with. That said, i would like to point out that sites like “mmopopulation” are laughagly incorrect in every player count they make. If you check their thought process behind their numbers, its a mix between reddit users of that community and online players there. Which right off the bat should be a giant red flag.

Even worse, most articles that you google will be based on these garbage sites, so they’ll automatically be wrong aswell. Its a shame that they successfully misled articles and people use it as a source, this type of thing should be forbidden.

As for eve, you can directly check online players here: h ttps://

Am I allowed to sell gold??

Farming 350k+ an hour isn’t difficult.

You are thinking as a player with moderator powers. Thats not how it works

They literally develop the game and can add anything. This include interfaces that show instances, parties, players and naturally autoflag systems (which the game surely has, every game has something these days) and none of this is limited by the amount of players in a world. You need a team to check these outliers and not just idle around inspecting every single person playing (lmao)

but yes it boils down to money. Paying a team costs money and making most interesting things bound is a one time development soluion, which fortunately wasn’t entirely implemented. Its very possible that it will be the case after launch, once they got most of their sales. A bait and switch.

Why do so many people feel it is ok to infringe on others intellectual property these days? It is way past time for them to shut that crap down. And no, that fact that d2jsp has been doing it for so long does not diminish actiblizz’s legal rights in any way.


They currently made the game with trading in mind
the ones seething are the players, not devs

Wtf are you talking about

They also made the game with trade restrictions in mind? What’s your point?

Yeah and rares / gold is tradable. which some are begging to be changed, which is silly. What do you need help to understand?

rood D:


Agreed. Why is Blizzard allowing players to RMT and incentivizing gold farming bots with their high respec costs. Gold should not be allowed to be traded. Keep bots and d2jsp out of D4 for the health of the game.


Lol no one cares bro but Blizzard surely will when they see how much you lot keep bumping this post :slight_smile: :+1: good job guys keep up the good work we need Blizz to see this post!

That would be ideal, but how is that even possible in a game where worlds hold only 6 - 8 people per world instance. You’d need a massive team of people to get enough for them to be bouncing around on each world instance.

The costs of that would have to be prohibitive even if a company cared enough to spend money fighting bots.

Nice argument bro
Best way to show that you have nothing to say

You hire a team of devs to create tools for the support staff to use. Then you have the support staff use those tools to find the botters. It honestly isn’t hard. Back in WoW I paid for a botting subscription and then created a piece of software to make the bot go around and report other bots. Heuristics and Algorithms make it quite simple to detect a vast majority of bots. Hell, they could pull code from Warden in WoW to help find bots in D4.

My OP speaks volumes and says everything I need to. People are breaking terms of service to do with cheating. Everything being shown in that video should be banned. All the users buying gold should be banned. Cooley should be banned as he is also participating in this activity and using his youtube platform to advertise it to people.

If Blizzard are going to have integrity about D4 and cheating then they should probably finally do something about the absolute worst website that facilitates this in their games.


Bro, they absolutely won’t. Botting will be rampant in D4 just like it is in every other Activision / Blizzard game.