People are already buying gold

Cool, thanks for verifying, shared gold makes a lot of sense given them trying to avoid gold mining bots and outside gold sellers.

Gold is going to be trade-able so you will see both of those.

i didnt say I was good!

they really funny bit is if this pulls in enough wow refugees we could work blizz’s angle on that .

cross game gold trade is allowed, not supported though. if the gold trader flakes/scams…CS will say sucks to be you. No bans as its an allowed player to player interaction though.

its been allowed for retail to classic gold so I’d see no reason they’d say no here. but if a no…the D4 devs need to blue dev post that in really big font, all caps lol.

That would be insanity if so, but nothing surprises me anymore.

Thanks for proving my point.

I really hope they put a 2 hour max trade window on any item, and make it friends or people in dungeon with you at time of drop only.

who cares? play SSF if you don’t want to trade. use jsp if you do. i personally prefer solo friend found.

at some point, if you’re a fan of these types of games, you hit a point in your ‘fun level’ where you realize it’s not fun to trade for what you want because it takes away the ‘reward feeling’ of actually finding it yourself.

got an item you can trade for another? cool, stash it on a character that you can someday build to use that item.

Unless games move to blockchain NFT style trading, gold selling will always be a thing you either partake in or don’t.

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it has the word AI in it, so it must be amazing

AI became the new buzzword that automatically makes everything possible

the gambling currency was also shared, i am also fairly certain crafting mats where as well

If you really pay real money for just rare items and not even legendaries then you got to be really down bad

Oh no, some degens are going to waste money on my videogame! nooooooooooo! It doesn’t affect me at all cause i’m not even going to appear on any leaderboard or play more than casually, but blizzard has to make everything bound!!

Why are people so fragile these days?

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If RMT for gold and rares happens to become a thing and it will we as the player base must have a means to combat the supply and demand and blizzard must be a participant in that by creating a web based AH like POE that allows for even gold to be under or overvalued we need more trading not less and more control over it so even the average player can be a stakeholder in the game economy.

The more control you add over it, the less player driven it becomes. It loses all meaning. i mean look at BDO, that has regulated prices for items. Now ask anyone there if thats a good thing :joy:

RMT whales and farmers will exist in every game that has trading, you can’t beat it. Best you can do is to enjoy your own gameplay. If there is one thing that can realisitically be big enough to cause damage is botting, which by having tradable stuff or not, should be dealt with. Look at D3 leaderboards, there was a time where more than half of players there were botting.

Trading means bots, and botting means the game world will be infested with bots. This is the real problem for most of us who don’t do all the cheaty things, bots ruin the game by hogging kills and generally making the place look shabby.

…fix the bot issue then lmfao

Its like saying that you have headaches so the solution is decapitation

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There should be auction in game or no trade at all I dont care as long I have fun.
If you play casualy there is no way you can compete against no lifers or rmters so there is nothing to do about only to enjoy your self and loose in pvp every time and died at sight of anyone.

Well at leaast with auction you would be part of economy and could improve your gear if luck is not on your sight, rmters on jsp would have big jump on you otherwise. Looks like they will buy milions of gold and have edge at upgrading gear.

What is really bad is D3 and raining legendary everywhere, thats not fun at all, which compensate of no trade.

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Haven’t seen a game yet that cares to invest enough time and money into actually fixing a botting infestation.

That stuff takes money and management. You can’t just flick a nuke switch and POOF! the bots magically all vanish.

You say that until you get steam rolled in pvp by RMT’ers, or try to make leaderboards. All those PVP zones will be infest with RMT’ers griefing people who don’t cheat.

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The website you are referring to has been around for almost 23 years. Ur not going to stop it its basically impossible to