People are already buying gold

Self report much damn lol well know they know an account to watch for studying rmt :slight_smile:

how is it self report ? i waste a lot of time on forums.

they can watch me all they want i’ve been in that 2legit2quit crew forever.

hi :slight_smile:

The duping part is irrelevant.

The point is that in the absence of gold, people are not going to suddenly start bartering your rare gear for my rare gear. The community will find something else to server as a standardized currency, and all trading will be done through that.

So removing the ability to trade gold would not solve any of the issues with trading.

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I don’t cheat and I don’t use RMT for games, but honestly out of all crimes people could commit this is very low on the totem pole.


they should remove all trading imo. I don’t even care about trading rares.


Well I’m with you there, but we’ve been overruled. And I’m begrudgingly okay with the way Blizz has told us D4 trading will work.

im afraid it’s the only thing that would really stop rmt/jsp

i’m willing to do that sacrifice tbh.

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Gold is actually useful in Diablo. Stopping trade of gold stops people from being able to upgrade items which at lvl 25 was costing hundreds of thousands of gold to upgrade a single item to lvl 4. This would take a lot of farming items and selling them off instead of salvaging them to be able to afford this. It would make a lot of sense of not be able to trade it.

Back in D3 I had 1 mil gold in about 1 hour. Sucks to be those players who are going to pay $100 for 1 mil gold.

just farm it yourself instead of trading for it. Gold was easy to farm even at lvl 25. I don’t see how stopping trade prevents you from upgrading items.

I must pown you!..and pay if needed. big number must be BIGGER. lol.

that was sarcasm by the way.

it will come. I will laugh. this a mostly sp game with now open world mmo stuff.

there is no raider io. there is no gearscore. as…there is no raid. or raid cutoffs for selection.

and if people make d4 dungeons into some MDI (mythic dungeon tournament in wow retail) crap show…I will laugh my butt off really.

I will spoil how that goes for the non wow players. 10+ teams…most of them the same comp. Did you miss your team play? it’s okay. at least 10 teams will run it the…same…exact…way. only the run times will be faster lol.

I would assume or hope that blizzard as some sort of anti-cheat program on their end. If an account traded with another account without having any past interaction or communication then that should alert blizzard to keep an eye on that account. If that account continues to randomly meet up with other players to trade with no past interactions then that’s most likely an RMTer and all trading done on that account should be reversed and accounts should be banned.

Regarding trading… I think I’d like it if we can at least trade with players on our friends list and/or clan list. Maybe add a requirement where they need to be on your list(s) for at least 24 hour before you can trade them. I don’t really see myself trading with strangers I don’t know I think most or all of my trading would probably be with friends anyways.

hahahaha, wait, you were serious?

In classic wow we can report 100 names all starting with the same letters sdfhdgsdf(x) where only the x varies. days in a row.

they may get banned in 6 months batches. May…keyword.

For those away a bit…Bobby hated paying for CS and GM’s. He “fixed” that. not just the wow’s either.

Maybe bobby gave D4 money for CS/GM’s. time will tell. I’d like to be wrong in saying not likely.

What about the 500 other forms of currency that are sold for real money in POE?

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remove trading all together or put restrictions on it, set gold as non tradeable, uniques as non tradeable, create a new flag for traded items, you already have a bound flag, set the new flag as traded. Any items with the traded flag cant have their legendary power extracted and cant receive a legendary power.

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250k an hour is actually slow.

I forgot to look, did the player stash that’s shared by all characters on the account have a place to put gold? If you can’t stash your own gold, then only benefit to me personally of trading gold is for a friend to help you move gold between characters.

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the gold is accout shared by default.

I recall hopping on new “alts” and they saw the gold already. If a beta nicety I’d not know.

that idea seems to be borrowed from other ones I play. Inquitor shares credits upfront anyway. not a bad thing…I like QOL like that… why have 3 chars all work up the same gold independent.

“you play the char not the account” was an idea I never really embraced fully lol. I saw it as more time padding really.

You can share untradeable items between characters on your account pretty sure you can put gold in your stash tab and send it over that’s how it worked in D2.

The gold amount was shared on the account, is not per toon.