Pay to Win promise has been broken

If you think Blizz only has 12 people that exist in their campus and HQ then I don’t know what to say to you, child.

I’ll use your catchphrase, “words mean things” so please stop using them as you’ve clearly demonstrated you lack the maturity to wield them.

Obviously they have many more. Not a single one is going to stop and read all the names, let alone go… man KRONI, or any other name on it, made it. I Know who that is… may his name live on forever.

They are going to look at the statue, once or twice, and then after that pass it up every day like a brick wall.

Now, clearly you are either being intentionally obtuse because you literally have nothing better to do with your life, or, you are that oblivious, in which Id suggest you go gain some life experience instead of sitting here crying on a forum about something that in less than 2 weeks wont even matter to all 1000 that actually do make it.

Thanks for sharing, but if I cared for someone to tell me the future I’d go to a fortune teller, at least they have a crystal ball and some tarrot cards.

You do not, so I can’t say I care all too much what you believe will happen in the future.
But since you’re in the business of wishing to fortell the future maybe I’ll look you up one day, perhaps you can read my palm or something.

I said costs $10 for the contest to have the same advantage. Come back and play when you learn to read.

It’s a trivial amount and doesn’t matter. You people would still be crying if it was fifty cents or a grand.

You should have purchased early access and you decided to go cheap and now there are repercussions for your decision. Welcome to the real world. If it was the difference between eating and not for that month then you shouldn’t be gaming at all.

I have early access, you should stop talking and take some remedial math classes.

Imagine complaining about a extra 10$ to play earlier like come on OP do better

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I don’t consider it a breach of that at all. Because P2W refers to paying for power and progress advantages in the game. By your definition that makes all the promotions where you have to buy something to get an in-game cosmetic or title P2W. Nobody is winning anything that gives them an advantage over other players in the game for doing it.

Think of it as a competition entry fee. People are really reaching lately, either the hype is really high for this game or people need to find some other hobbies.

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Not buying the game is not on the scale of advantages/disadvantages, since, well, they are not even players of the game if they dont buy it.
Having different tiers of access on the other hand, yeah, that is offering different advantages based on how much you pay.
Nor is it comparable to buying on a sale, since the game is available at two price tiers at the very same time here.

It s paying for winning as the name implies. In most cases, that means paying for an advantage that makes it easier to win. But if you skip the advantage part and just pays directly for the win, it obviously also fits the definition.

Time itself is an advantage. Not at least for a game with RNG grind in it.

You are getting NOTHING in-game for your characters by participating in any of this. You have taken the definition of P2W and stretched it to the most ridiculous lengths. It’s just people crying at this point. Funny enough, the people crying wouldn’t be in that top 1000 anyway. Their behavior on the forums and other social media show they don’t have the mental fortitude for any kind of competition.


Do you whine every time your parents pull up to the gas pump, or about the different packages their mobile company offers you guys too?

Those guys running premium paid to win :frowning:

Those people who have unlimited data, or unlimited unthrottled hotspot data they paid to win too :frowning:

Hey dad got a bigger meal than me at the fast food place, he got large, I just got small, he paid to win :frowning:

Holy crap grow up.

I pre-ordered early access the 2nd month it was available. I’m sure many of the people on this forum pre-ordered fairly quick because anticipation and Diablo. At the time, there was no mention of any competition. Only early access and cosmetics. How did any of us pay to win anything when we didn’t even know about a meaningless race to 100? Call it p2w if you want. I’ll just see it as Blizzard rewarding a diehard and loyal fan base for a game/series they love. See everyone soon in sanctuary. Some of you a few days later…:wink:

How is this P2W? You pay $20-30 extra and you can play on June 1st next week like the vast majority?

Also, it’s a contest… that the majority won’t be participating in anyways??

Stop crying and start grinding, you guys know what to do so do it. Buy ultimate edition and lets go. If not no one cares and nothing will change.
Streams videos to show HC fails its all they want, this is extra out of what will affect gameplay.
So is a race and a statue dont affect gameplay they didnt actually broke their promise.

Also life is not fair, people cry to much.

Grind mfks! :japanese_ogre: :metal:

There’s no p2w ingame.

As for events outside of it? Well…

Yeah promise broken so you’re going to refund the game or what? :joy:

would you like some wine to go with ur whine?

Im not sure how that is pay to win. This gives no direct physical advantage to the player or make gameplay easier. It is just a cosmetic.

After being on this forum for a few weeks it’s evident to me that alot of the people posting here have had a very easy/sheltered life and are serial victims. Quit being snowflakes and go do something useful.

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