- Issue/Status Quo
With Season 5, we are now able to not only see the path to our marked location but to a location marked by someone on our team as well.
However, this comes with a major disadvantage: The paths changed from a high contrast red on beige to almost no contrast light blue/light yellow (for a group of two), making it impossible to see the path when playing on console and TV.
While this might be okay on PC, due to the fact that the player is closer to the screen, it makes the path tracking on the map and mini map unusable on console (at least for me on Xbox Series X), where you sit further away from the (TV) screen.
On consoles, it means that we constantly have to bring up the full-screen map, which is not ideal, especially in high density areas such as Helltide events.
- Solution
Please change the colors for the paths to a high contrast color. Additionally, you may want to make the lines slightly thicker.
Oddly, the dots that mark the last steps a player’s character has taken are better visible than the path forward. You may want to consider swapping the colors for the path walked and the forward looking path.
- Suggestion
If possible, allow us to adjust the colors for player icons and player paths through our in-game menu. I understand that the player-initiated color selection is a “nice to have”, but maybe something to consider for a future update. However, the current colors should be adjusted asap. Thank you!
FWIW - There’s also a discussion thread open on this topic: Pinned path is very hard to see in Coop