Patch Notes are Up 1.4.3

I feel the same. It’s fun but it has no endgame punch and worst yet chunky single-target bosses. I have a WW barb, so it will be interesting how this plays out.

I have no idea why tbh. It’s like Frenzy buffed damaged by 8%. Blizzard logics.

Yeah, we’ll now cap at 123 instead of 122.

Now if they can buff us enough for 20 more pit tiers…


Would have liked to seen the issue of why I can still temper Upheaval Overpowers Stun for x Seconds 5 times in a row when trying to get concussion addressed. With such an incredibly limited amount of temper attempts shared across two categories why is this kind of interaction even possible?

Also why can you temper and get the same affix but even lower?! Is the Blacksmith making the item worse? This happens with the enchanter as well and is very frustrating… For example you have an 800 Max Life roll, reroll, and one of the options is 753 life.

It’s clearly just pure RNG but I don’t see how it could be perceived as fun for anyone to be this way. A player would never want the same affix but even lower, so why even have that in the game? Just to provide pure moments of frustration? To what end?

edited: To make a more constructive point


nerf the builds that are fun to play by 90% when nobody can do over 140 pit? No I don’t think this change is what anyone wants only very very tiny minority that has no clue what they’re talking about.

If you had any idea of what this game actually needed you would have said buff about 90% of all of the rest of the skills that still don’t come close to bash barb or necro minion (to their level) at this time.

These minor adjustments are a freaking JOKE.

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Unless that paragon stat requirements change is a much bigger impact than it sounds, Druid got very little this patch.

Wind shear/wolves slightly more dominate.

Pulverize bear builds should be able to push into pit a bit farther.

Dolmen stone nature’s fury builds might work again. It’s been unusable all season.

Poison might be better?

Every other build got a big pile of nothing. Ouch.

I can’t believe they buffed the classes that already have op builds and did nothing meaningful for Sorc builds other than some damage reduction. When do I get to play chain lightning in any meaningful content. Thanks streamers for ruining that build in beta and not having it touched since. Can’t speak for Druid because I never played on and don’t know how they work.


I guess you need to use Close Quarters Combat or Victimize,
I tried a Momentum twist blade rogue and deleted it.

Seriously. Could you imagine Chain Lightning being a build again. That would be awesome.


ok that notes are really really tiny for being called mid-season update.

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People like you are part of the problem. At the very least there isn’t really in nerfs here though.


right? “flurry of changes”…

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Those builds would offer the exact same fun after the nerf. The dmg etc. would just be lower.

Pit is already getting nerfed in this patch, but it could be nerfed further if needed.

That would be a horrible way to design and balance a game. We already saw that in D3.


With Season 5 coming up quickly and with a S5 PTR around the corner… It will be interesting what changes all that brings.

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Hopefully this is just part one of the notes and they will release part two next week with the changes to tempering.


It’s pretty much set in stone at this point… they dumped this on us for the weekend and Monday it goes live.

I cannot believe how bent out of shape some of you get over changes in a silly game, :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

Try to look at insignificant things like this through the lens of a mature, rational adult and you will be fine.


So it’s irrational to want better quality of content management for a paid product?


They buffed minion sacrifice bonuses. Not minions.

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Uh, sorcerer got some decent bumps for some of the builds. Nothing earthshattering, but something to help with being mana starved at the very least for frosties. I was hoping for an Invincerator fix, but the reality is that no matter how much I believe this needs to be fixed ASAP, the likely reality is that actually doing what I want them to do, which is to pick apart the actual problem and fix it properly, will take much longer than they could feasibly do right now, so best to just acknowledge it’s busted and it’ll need time to properly soak the fix lest we end up with the build entirely broken in the literal sense like rapid fire currently is after the last “fix”.

I think peoples’ expectations were wildly out of proportion for what was going to be a mid-season patch for adjustment/bugfix purposes. While there were hopes that the two largest outliers would get some retuning, the reality is that it will take longer than the time between now and 1.4.3’s release to get something workable in place. And they’re at least not waiting until next season to adjust the Pit. I’m struggling even at tier 35 on my frozen orb sorc because everything is a bloody meat shield. Ironically I’d have been happy with the HP if they’d just get rid of the shadow attacks on the pit bosses and the sharpshooter boss entirely. That alone would make many players uber happy.