Patch Notes are Up 1.4.3

I am not trying to argue. I am saying that if you look at this through the lens of a mature person and treat it like a video game, there is no reason to get upset. That is just the truth. There will likely be more changes next season, and if not, its not worth getting upset over it.

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FML, still no Pit leaderboards. I will just wait until the expansion unless they by some miracle come in season 5. Seriously why gear up to push past pit 100.

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Did you mean to reply to me? I’m not upset about anything from the patch notes. I was just clarifying that the buff was to minion sacrifice bonuses not to minions themselves as some people seem to think.

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I think you replied to the wrong person, I’m deff upsetting someone, because some of my replies are disappearing.
If you’re happy with what you’re getting - godspeed bro! We fully deserve it at this point.

Must have been deleted at same time I hit reply and it ended up replying to someone else.

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I think he miss-clicked, someone is very careful to remove some of my replies - so most likely it was a mix-up.

im going hold my judgment when dlc comes, as they added in skills and paragon, hoping all classes get a better overhaul to work with the new stuff being given to each class.

Rapid Fire was also ignored. -1 to Hope.

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How can you buff flay and shatter, the 2 highest PIT clearing builds in the game, and dont touch druids and other sorc builds lmao.

Not everybody wants to cheese with immortal sorc and fishing pits 1 in 12 bosses.


if you talking about the ring, it noted later in the patch notes " * Fixed an issue Rapid Fire with Scoundrel’s Kiss equipped couldn’t properly hit close targets and could sometimes fire projectiles behind the player. This also increases the radius of the explosions by 25%."

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Not trying to throw shade here… but if they can’t balance what they currently have, what makes you think it will be done easier when they add more on top?


Yep, you’re right. Just saw that way down in bug fixes.

your not wrong, but still like i said i rather wait and see how disappointed ill be in a few month over the current lol

No changes or tweaks to Tempering RNG?? :man_facepalming:

One of the hottest topics since the beginning of Season 4 and D4 Devs turn a blind eye to have a chance to improve Tempering based on countless feedback on “how” the Dev Team could potentially make it better. Man, I really hope Tempering improves the way it performs before the expansion.

We get it. It’s supposed to have “RNG” aspects when Tempering items, however, the algorithm within the Tempering code or whatnot destroys players chances of actually Tempering a affix they’re really wanting. Not to have three (3) affixes with 33.33% chance to roll for Example. No, instead, they keep that 33.33% chance going with EACH Temper roll which it IS very possible to keep rolling the SAME affix over and over again.

For instance. I have rolled x5 Poison Imbuement on a Ring when I was hoping for Cold Imbuement for my Barrage Rogue. HOW? How is this possible with the other two Imbuements that also had 33.33% chance to roll STILL rolled Poison not once, not twice, not three times, not four, but FIVE TIMES in a ROW?? HOW??? If the affix rolls more than twice in a row, there should be LESS chance that Temperament affix should roll based upon the remaining affix choices that remain to be rolled.

There are times where you may loot the near 99.99% “perfect” item, stat and affix wise you may want to Temper and Masterwork, but players are “skeptical” on the current Tempering system because you can “brick” those items and may never loot one of those near perfect items within the game again. You may come close to it but the chances of you actually looting one of the near perfect BiS items is astronomical. Granted, you could loot it again in 5 minutes or hours upon hours, depends on how long you want to keep grinding for min/max stat’s and affixes for your build.

Sure, there will be players who will say “It’s not the end of the world if you brick your items”. While that statement is “true”, your tireless efforts obtaining such an item has all been for nothing when you Temper it because of going back to my statement, players are “skeptical” of wanting to temper that item because they (and we) KNOW how borked the Tempering system currently is in Season 4 which the Tempering system bricked countless items players have struggled to find for hours, days or weeks even, only to Temper into utter disappointment.

Tempering is a great addition to Diablo 4, don’t get me wrong. However, the system needs to be improved going forward in Diablo 4 for the upcoming expansion.


Fair enough… I’ll give the S5 PTR a go - if this keeps up I guess it’s time to uninstall and call Diablo a cancelled series of sorts.

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Should’ve just patched in the old PTR smh

Man, usually I can play devil’s advocate and see why they’re doing what they’re doing, but buffing bleed barbs while barely touching sorcs and druids is bewildering. It’s inexplicable.

Pit change is good, I guess. Boss health scaling was far too high.

Honestly kind of kills the season for me. I don’t want to play a boring immortal firebolt build on my sorc. Was hoping FO, Blizzard, or lightning builds would have been brought up to barb level.


It’s not like missing a temper is a 5% dps loss, it’s literally the difference of a universe. Absolute joke it’s not addressed at all.


Honestly man it doesn’t matter if you can do pit 1 million at this stage (if the game allowed) as its not being recorded like in games like PoE and D3. So you literally wasting your time after pit 100 which gives an achievement

Not wrong, but I enjoy pushing with my friends. I’ve done 115 on my rogue without holy bolts and 133 as a group. We enjoy seeing how high we can get.