Patch Notes are Up 1.4.3

Feel better you got that out of your system? Maybe you have no idea what you’re talking about. Hum?

solo necro has gotten buffed. they haven’t touched minions at all

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Core Rogue builds not buffed, only RF fix and very weak buff to Core melee.
it seems that devs wants all of us to play basic builds only…


I play Barb mostly and think this is absurd, they buff flay and minions, am I reading this right ? :rofl:
Are we playing the same game?

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Very pleasantly surprised that there are no Tempering changes.
Keep up that spine Blizzard!

A shame to see the “Only buffs, no nerfs” strategy still wrecking havoc.
At least Holy Bolt elixir was addressed.


The more major buff is the 100% damage increase to the dust devil aspect from WW.

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Ah I see that now, not bad. By why the very small damage increase to whirlwind lol 15% and 5% that’s like nothing.

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yeah feels like everything’s increased by 5% lol

the dark shroud change is good enough for melee rogue, but we will see.
also 6% more damage reduce.

Sorc is still trash except one stupid firebolt build which can only kill 1 in 12 bosses due to adds.

I will hold my purchase of dlc until I see some hope …


I bet all the campfire guys are currently sitting together with Popcorn & beer, reading the comments and laughing their a$$es off :smiley:


Not enough.

holds up cup Please sir, can I have some more?

There’s no way they think that’s enough. Some things are still 100x stronger than others. Come on buds. Come on!

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I will say I am surprised there were no changes for the ‘immortal’ builds; only for the fact it was mentioned quite some time ago they didn’t want immortals as a build. (there are a few classes that can do it). I mean, good for us I guess. heh.

They probably straight up refused to do it, knowing the backlash they’d receive

I swear its like some guy got handed a report and he just bumped everything by 5%, 10%, maybe 15% just to meet a quota on the report without even looking at what he was adjusting :rofl:

  • Frenzy
    • Damage increased by 8%.

:joy: :joy: :joy:


Whirlwind Dust Devils is a ton of fun but this buff won’t bring it up far enough to compete with Bash.

they’re too scared for mid season nerf. They wanna keep hyped for the expansion, but no meaningful buffs to sorc/druid is just another facepalm


Such numbers are how balancing should be done.

They just need to nerf the overpowered builds by 90% first, to create a proper baseline to balance from.


druid buffed through the roof, loving it

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currently melee rogues are not doing damage, I have no problems surviving.
some buffs to grenades build, not sure how good will be, but that is not a pure melee.
really strage what they are doing forcing everyone to move to basic skill builds.