Patch Nerfs Are A Disaster

The Casual experience “IS” the story. If you are staying for the “End Game”, then you really can’t expect the game to hold your hand the whole way through.

Elden Ring proved a lot of things when it comes to game development, harder is not always a bad thing. Blizzard has catered to the “Super Casual” for a very long time. If you want that, there are other ARPG’s out there to play and I hope Blizzard keeps the game healthy by not making it a D3 clone.

I also understand it’s annoying to have your “Spec” Nerfed, but from what I understand, there were some unintended things going on, known as a bug or glitch. Them fixing that shouldn’t be a shock.

Basically what I see is people complaining that they copied their favorite youtuber/streamer and now mad because they were led astray. How about playing the game for yourself? Sorry but I don’t understand why game dev’s should develop for the lazy. The game don’t require you to be “Uber Leet”, just have a iq above 50. I don’t understand how people keep thinking “Casual” means anything. Casual is how much time you put in, and should never mean dumbing down the game for the lazy and whiny. Go play WoW if you want that.

you don’t even understand why elden ring was so popular. it was the most casual friendly souls game in the genre so far.
what diablo devs are doing are not the same thing.
making a game more tedious is not the same thing as making it harder.
the reason souls games work is because they are still fun and feel balanced because it is mostly based on player skill
arpg’s like diablo are a completely different beast where its 95% gear checks


what is even more cringe is seeing people on forums and comments demanding blizzard nerfs X class. like why do you even care, this is a single player game.

I don’t know what blizzard is thinking. They turned so many play styles and builds to complete garbage and unplayable.

All I know is if they don’t fix this or completely revert the patch. I’ll be hitting that charge back option. I think Everyone should to teach this company a lesion.

I guess it holds true. Warcraft or diablo, the devs at blizzard suck at balancing lol.


It’s more like blizzard cut both our arms off and expects us to swing a weapon with our teeth blindfolded.

Eh, not really. A common issue I was seeing with many of the higher level content creators were the similarities in class/builds they were using. Want to know what wasn’t similar? Their gear loadouts. Which is usually a strong sign that something is busted about the class &/or build itself. The game just came out. NO class or build should be plowing through end game content with ease. NONE. No matter how bad you want it to be the case. It should feel like a constant struggle to advance through the difficulty tiers until the right gear setups are established. Even with that, none of the content should feel like it’s a pushover.

The nerfs were justified. People will just need to learn that becoming powerful shouldn’t happen in a few days time.

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Shout nerf truly is the harshest cause it affects all barbs regardless of damage output, wether you were whirlwind s tier god mode, or garbage rank upheaval barb you are now crushed.

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Why are you destroying a gameplay of a class for stupid and illusional balance ?! You are destroying the fun of players …: for balance reason ? Instead of trying to balance without touching the gameplay. Like a pro dev could. Sorry but the game isn’t deliver and iam already thinking about leaving. #barbarian #blizzard I will stop until you revert the gameplay of my barb you stupid devs

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Blizzard has a history of draconian measures when it comes to “balance” changes. Instead of nerfing something a median amount they tend to nerf it extremely hard. 180 degrees from overpowered is under-powered, making it near useless.

I play ww and I care less about glove nerf. That shout nerf is just stupid. Rage management feels miserable without it. Gloves shouldnt of made it live.

Yep. Feels great logging in seeing Exploit going from 16% to 7%. Like…WTF?
Let’s not kid ourselves though. Not only Barbarians were hurt. Pretty much all good builds were gutted for the sake of “parity” and now everything is equally “viable” (trash).


Problem with the barb nerfs is that it affected the gameplay, it feels like something got taken away from us, it’s still playable don’t get me wrong but it feels clunky now.

“Casual” players are not against challenging or balanced games. Nerfs are good.


Nerfing IS the best tool for giving builds (more important than classes) equal power.
And it allows for more fun, by having gameplay that isnt mindless facerolling.

This. What an awful experience. Autohitting to gain a little bit of Fury and then spend it in a couple of seconds and this times thousands till level 55. Speccing into Whirlwind and having a cooldown of 20 seconds on Warcry is so unbeleveable awful that it completely ruined D4 for me and this with both ring enchants and cooldown on helmet and amulet. You have to have everything before it works. i cant beleve that you are satisfied with this game/mechanic and think that its too strong. m8 is playing iceshard and is carrying all keys no matter f*reakling what how high they are its so dumb and barb is hitting one mob with lingering strike to gain 5 fury its so insane i cant wait for poe 2.

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Yup. They dropped a nuclear bomb on barb before the actual launch of the game haha no unlimited shouts anymore unless you use the lucky hit unique chestplate which isn’t BIS. It’s kinda bs, I somewhat understand nerfing the unique bis gloves, and the crit chance on whirlwind stacking but the shouts man??? Cmon…

It’s honestly pretty disgusting how you can’t just whirlwind whenever you want haha i hate to compare it to d3 but holy hell even without bul kathos weapons you’re at least able to gen fury BY SPINNING. Just feels worse to play, still strong but man having to use lunging strike just to gen fury in the mid-end game is wild to me

Nerfs and buffs should be small incremental changes and not these huge “swinging for the fences” type things they are just throwing around. Getting very tired of these drastic swings in builds. Going from OP to useless instead of slightly less OP and make another small change next patch to reduce it further if needed.

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It never gave “free” Vulnerability. It only gave Vulnerability damage, and now it’s been destroyed. You can get better on a piece of gear. You still have to have your own source of actually applying Vulnerability.

Barb needed to be nerfed. It wasn’t healthy for the game. It’s not fun to play with a Barb and have them 1 shot literally everything while you stand around watching.

Stop crying.

Are you me?
also, why is this acceptable to Blizzard?