Patch Nerfs Are A Disaster

What blows my mind about the changes that they’ve been doing so aggressively…this is a CASUAL game. You cater to casual players on all of your games within their genre. Arpgs are also NOT competitive games. Builds will NEVER be balanced. Why on earth do you nerf the pieces of the builds that makes the barb class bearable to even play. Unlimited shout duration wouldn’t be necessary if the actual gameplay wasn’t the most awful/miserable concept of resource generator/spender I’ve ever seen.

It takes like 12 lunging strikes to get max Fury, and whirlwind for about 0.75 seconds before I’m out of resource. This is mind boggling how awful it is. Do you want people to actually have fun playing your non-competitive game or just make everything feel like trash until people quit and go back to POE? It’s clear with the awful skill trees forcing you to ALWAYS have a generator specced that you don’t want people playing builds that don’t spam generators for 90% of the game and do zero damage.

The barb nerfs are actually mind boggling. They could have just nerfed the Gohr’s gloves and moved on, which they completely disabled instead.


Agreed. I understand your frustration with the recent changes to the game. It seems counterproductive to aggressively balance builds in a casual, non-competitive game like this. The decision to nerf the barb class and disable Gohr’s gloves may have been excessive. Balancing the gloves alone could have been a better solution. The resource management system and gameplay mechanics may also contribute to a less enjoyable experience. It’s important for developers to consider player feedback and find a balance that allows for both challenge and fun.


They just gutted the glyphs, it feels like I went back 20 levels damage-wise.


I have seen many posts like this one, and while I agree that characters feel really underpowered right now. I have to keep reminding myself that this is the case with EVERY ARPG. Characters become much stronger with gear perks at later levels of the game. So naturally when you have almost no gear and are relying solely on the power of your abilities you are going to feel weak.

Go play Diablo3 and build a character with only Yellow Rare items then put on End Game Gear, you will see my point.


They’ve now almost completely reverted the original Necro minion nerf before the official release.


Yep and I love it :smiley: Glyphs got crushed tho… :frowning:

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Right, instead of nerfing sh$! To the ground how about they idk BUFF everything else to similar power level so dumb.


Is it better then the bone spear build currently?

There’s no way their internal testing allowed three aspects for Barb to come out 55-85% overpowered. Barbs are a fan favorite, so having them at the top of every tier list is a way to generate buzz and increase sales. They just gutted the three key items for the ONLY good Barb build. As a Barb main in 2 and 3, I’d basically take a refund at this point.


i didnt see that. oh well as long as exploit glyph still gives free vulnerable i’ll be fine heh

Even with these changes, highly doubtful. More like they’ll go from tissue paper to regular paper.


They are out of touch with loads of things.

10% here and 10% there won’t do much for their dmg.

Do like a 100% or 1000% on the skeletons

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I’m good with this approach as long as they keep working towards the goal.

What I’m not good with was the drastic nerf they originally got after open beta where it was obvious from the numbers that it would be a disaster. Then it was shown to be an even bigger disaster all of 5 minutes into the game when your minions are two shot in the tutorial dungeon.

It’s a complete waste of everyone’s time to have these huge balance adjustments that just eventually swing back the other way. This is preseason in a game designed to be played in seasons so there is plenty of time to make small adjustments to get it right, rather than big adjustments and pretend you got it right.


Invalidating and deleting 2 full days of Bard/druids progression is very very dumb tbh.

Just let these other guys have fun.

I want to have fun with my undead army, so i like this, But they don’t need to nerf druid and bard this hard


i love it. well done blizzard.


Blizzard you’re trash. I really hope you go bankrupt together with Activison so hard that you’ll end up suckin each others coks in public just to make some coin for supper.


In what way did they delete our progression?

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Most people did a bard or druid just because they were strong at end game.

Now that they are very nerfed, people will feel like their efforts were in vain


bruh, balance changes were needed. if you don’t think they were u haven’t been paying attention to how people were destroying the most difficult end game content without a sweat.

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I play Minion necro, so i am happy about this patch.

I was just explaining what i meant to the other guy

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