Patch Nerfs Are A Disaster

Glyphs were overtuned. Literally a glyph is more powerful than the entire Paragon Board it gets socketed into. It was stupid.

You mean the paragon board and glyphs that was supposed to influence and customize so many different builds got nerfed into oblivion so only the true meta builds shine? Oh thank god we got rid of build diversity .

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They’re not nerfed into oblivion, they’re just not broken anymore. You’ll live.

why are you doing 12 lunging strikes? Get to 50 and probably put full leg gear and full skill points then come back and tell me if you are still having fury problems

The nervs was needed, the game is to play not to rus.

Also i hope, they nerv HARD the Mage, the Mage is a noob class and does not need any skills.

Should be nerved 75% at ALL skills!

Nothing says build diversity like taking the Exploit glyph on every build for every class.
Which you’ll still do because vulnerable is still OP.

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There are so many unplayable specs and they choose to nerf the few that actually feel fun to play. I genuinely don’t get it. They had some minor buffs thrown in (like I think lightning storm for druids - still dead btw, tried it today) but all of those minor buffs performed better BEFORE the patch because they gutted glyphs… glyphs could carry the trash specs harder than these minor buffs could. Like wtf?

Its like mixing sound, you can’t just keep turning up the quiet parts or you run out of headroom. Sometimes you just need to turn down the loud parts.

I think they wanted to be similar design to D3, slowly power creep stuff over time and not have too much power at start.

No matter how bad they nerfed you, just realize there is cough a pure summoner necro cough somewhere wishing they were 10% as powerful as some of the other builds.

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EXACTLY. It’s useful for EVERY build. Wether you want poison bear to shred lightning, it enables those builds to exist.

    • When an enemy is damaged by you, they become Vulnerable for 3 seconds. This cannot happen more than once every 20 seconds per enemy

read the whole tooltip :wink: you almost had me worried since its my only source of vuln LOL

your barbs/druids must be built weird if you thought exploit didnt give vuln heh

What is astounding is they do this after release and not long before being told by many people Barb was still broken. It boggles the mind, how do these people think? Looks like they are more reactionary than cold and calculated. Like completely out of touch with the math in their game. Its amazing. They made Asmongod quit the game though, that was fun, but i bet they still got a lot of extra sales just from waiting with the nerf. Maybe they are more calculated than i give them credit for…

Barb is still the best allrounder class, but beaten by Rogue for speed farming. So stop complaining.