Patch Nerfs Are A Disaster

this is what happens when you meta game and your favorite streamer snitches the meta build out. I am 100% for these nerfs/fixes, infact I told people to avoid meta gaming and to play the game your way and not someone else way. Well people did not listen and look what happened.

Thank you blizz for keeping your game healthy.


This isn’t a meta build nerf this is a nerf across the board.

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Btw if many of you don’t buy those early access crap to “Test” early, the nerf probably won’t happen as soon as this, probably will happen in season 1 or so.

Good luck enjoying those nerfs early :joy:

To the point of abuse for all characters involved (maybe it even was abuse). Luckily fictional characters have no feelings. They been abused since D1 afteral.

nerfing the glyph scaling makes the paragon board less exciting to unlock all that power. I
only have one glyph activated now so I won’t feel it too bad. But maybe he makes the legendary nodes more attractive, though at least for sorc most are mid. I didn’t feel especially tanky on my sorc so that teleport nerf is gonna hurt.

And I saw that aspect of control nerf coming a mile away, though while large, wasn’t as big of a nerf as I had thought it would be.

My main issue as sorc is mana. You run out of mana too fast, and on bosses it’s awful. Everything relies on procs, and those procs are not often enough on bosses.

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They nerf WW 8billion damage hits? what a shock!


60 Barb. Probably gonna refund purchase. Unplayable with 19 second cooldowns. And no other class is worth playing.


From all the complaints, you’d think people had spent weeks or months leveling their perfectly balanced characters, not two days playing broken builds. Paragon boards were a mess, with many “legendary” nodes a joke compared to glyphs. This was only ever going to be an extension of the betas, and it’s why seasons haven’t begun and why there is no leaderboard.

There will be a lot more changes, including, most likely, some diversity added to barbarians and other classes. If you take an interest in making characters, and plan to play for a while it’s a really interesting time.

At least it’s not boring, which is what I was afraid it would turn out to be after the first reviews came out.


So instead of nerfing what was WELL KNOWN for the entire beta period, let’s just destroy it completely.
Typical Blizzard style.

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You’re such a lair is hilarious. And just play what’s fun? Yeah, we were playing what was fun, and now we can’t play it at all cause it was nerf into nothingness. Not to mention our shouts HAVE TO BE USED TO STAY ALIVE in any build that’s viable in upper world tiers. It’s not the players that make these shouts necessary. It’s the devs. You must be playing on WT1 and haven’t hit level 30 yet I guess. Why come to the forums? If you are unaffected you have no reason to be posting anything. But you went out of your way to come shame other human beings for being upset that our class got hit hard with nerfs.


Such drama queens. A couple nerfs and you guys cry like little babies.

Deal with it, adapt or go away, please.


I haven’t seen end game content yet and avoiding Youtube and Streamers to get the full experience of the game.

What sounds like is happening, is Blizzard is trying to keep the game challenging instead of having a meta of op classes face rolling content.

This to me is a good thing cause, they are not catering to the snowflakes who want a ez ride to glory. In turn these same people would most likely be the ones complaining the game is too ez if they didn’t change it.


You really thought Blizzard would leave that op barb build like it is? Like really? A nerf had to come for sure, and a lot of people warned you not to over rely on the fotm ww build. Now things are a little bit more in line, good job blizz.

Oh, and all those tears are delicious by the way.

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Serious question: who really acts this childish over something as insignificant as a little video game? Are you ok?

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Some people don’t want the game trivilialized before it is even released. How do you guys enjoy 70 hours of no challenge gameplay? If you can throw your controller on the floor and wipe out a boss at WT3 then it’s a problem.

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I don’t get how gaming companies still goes for removing fun and nerfing all instead of balancing by giving other classes equal power, even if it takes more thinking. They just ruined the game within 48 hours

Diablo 3 should not be used as an example for what an ARPG should be. It’s a mess of a game that only even began to be enjoyable after they slapped a hundred bandaids onto it that failed to address any of the fundamental issues the game had.

Yeah, rares suck vs full sets and legendaries in Diablo 3. That’s kind of a huge part of why Diablo 3 was so terrible. No other ARPG worth mentioning did this so severely.

Thought these changes were appropriate. I’m sure they have analytics that prove it as well. People crying that their build is no longer top tier build need to learn to adapt and save their legends/uniques.
Most builds feel pretty good at the moment. Necros seem to be the only ones truly hurting.


Only thing that prevents from builds being balanced are people like you, funnily, you don’t realize how insignificant small portion of player base you are.

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You cannot balance a game around the top 10% of players or professional gamers who only play games and write guides on how to play. These are the cream of the crop gamers. It is like dropping a fat middle aged old man (me) onto a battlefield with a bunch of Navy SEALs and expect him to fight at the same level as the SEALs.

The game needs to be balanced around the average player, not the “UBER L33T” player.