Patch Nerfs Are A Disaster


I think everyone understands that in a live game there will be balance changes from time to time. But there’s kind of an unwritten expectation that, given that everyone knows (as well as Blizzard knows) that many early access players are well-researched and are picking very specific builds to play that, given the out of the box balancing, are strong at release, you don’t have massive balance changes that nerf abilities and defining items after players have already invested time into their characters. You can eventually balance that out, yes, but you don’t do it right now … that just punishes the players who did their homework on the initial balance, and picked strong builds to play initially. And that’s really unnecessary, given that seasons is still over a month away. Let these people have fun now, and balance it later.

Necro restoration is different (although I think it’s laughable and too modest to make a difference), because that is undoing a nerf that made the most iconic and beloved build for that class unusable.


They even announced they would be performing Day 1 Balance Changes, then went back on them because they were so universally despised – because of the reasons you just said, people who are invested have expectations for the classes they are going to play, and they didn’t want to make people regret their class choice.

Instead, they waited until the end of day 2 to drop balance changes, so that players had already invested 25+ hours into their chosen classes to drop the massive nerfs.

Blizzard polish, indeed.


Blizzard did consider going like a full 10 years without ever nerfing anything because they read that nerfs were unpopular.

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Not sure I can muster much sympathy for those players. Why not just play whats fun. I play Druid and the patch didnt impact me in the slightest.


its almost like blizzard cares more about the demon/monsters then the players LOL look diablo 3 was a TRAIN wreck when it launched and good at least 2 years before they got it right.

It is a rite of passage let these devs wreck the game, get fired, a new team hired then diablo 4 be glorious.

Yes Diablo 4 IS better then diablo 3 at launch, but it will be better: once this team gets fired and chucked out, they built the foundation like Jay wilson did, now they need to be Jay Wilsoned and fired.


You tell it yourself. Wdym ?

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thats happens when the Devs take their game to important.
its arrogance and ignorance of why people play the game.
some player without life cheer and Blizzard thinks they are doing a great job.
but thats how they kill their game as fast as possible.

what does the changes tell me?
if i create a build and an ability does good damage i should not take it because its getting nerfed with the next patch or hotfix? Great design.

and no i’m not playing Barb. Playing Sorc but that “hammer balance philosophy” of Blizzard getting annoying


it is. you are telling you its not because it would question your life choice

And nothing wrong with it, power creep is fun.
It’s single player game, not competitive one and will never be one, why ruin the game with “balance”?


Don’t wanna be nerfed? Don’t go after the fotm build.


I haven’t really tried barbs but shouts being so resource intensive seems not fun to me.

Yeah but then what do you do? If you don’t go for FOTM builds, you suck, if you find a build you like it gets nerfed, and not only does it get nerfed YOU as the player need to pay to edit/alter your skills because blizzard whipped out the legendary item ‘the rod of hell’ (flavor text “uhh I don’t think it goes in that hole”) and wrecks your class.

thats like you buy a burger then the cashier slaps it out of your hand because how DARE YOU ORDER PICKLES ON IT! now reorder it and pay me for a new burger: BUT THIS TIME PAY ME MORE AND DO IT RIGHT NOOB!


oh you must be a marketing expert…good for you!

Did they unnerf Hydra?

" Glyphs

  • All Glyph Bonus scaling has been reduced by ~34%, except for the following:
  • Critical Strike Damage Glyphs’ Bonus reduced by ~66%.
  • Vulnerable Glyphs’ Bonus reduced by ~66%.
  • Glyphs’ Bonus to Rare nodes reduced by ~50%.
  • Glyphs’ Bonus to Magic nodes reduced by ~40%.
  • Glyphs’ Bonus to Cold/Fire/Lightning/Non-Physical/Physical nodes reduced by ~62.5%"

Lol playin 60ish Nightmare dungs, all good build online. Download 40 mb patch, cant clear 56 dung suddenly


Works just fine thanks.

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All I see are people who chose meta builds or followed some broken overpowered guide complaining about nerfs.

I ignored metas and guides, literally just building my own character and I’m having a blast. Patch did not weaken my character at all.

You people need to stop trying to always pick the best of the best and instead enjoy the game and play it without “cheating”.

It’s so much more fun to overcome obstacles on your own as opposed to an author or founder of a meta/build to hold your hands during the adventure.

The only things that got nerfed, are what were broken in the first place. Totally deserved.


My sorc can get maybe .5 seconds of incinerate before he’s out of mana

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That sounds terrible man! I was thinking about that skill. I never chose it in the end as I can’t use stand still skills much as a personal preference but it sounds awful.

People have been peforming far too well, nerfs was needed to slow down players.