Overall Game Speed is too Fast

They should create a “Challenge Elixir” for these players who say lvl’ing is too fast. The elixir would nerf drops, increase cooldowns and resource costs and cancel 2/3 of xp gained from monster kills and eliminate all xp from group play. And every other, oh hell, every monster has Damage Resistance.

They can even make the elixir shaped like a bicep to please these players. And when you take it, then a voice booms, “you’re a beast!!!”.

But that sounds like too much trouble/work, so just make the elixir upgrade all monsters to Damage Resistant and you take 100% more dmg.

No easy fixes or miracles, need to take things more seriously this time

The game is catering to the dads with 8 kids and 13 jobs that play 5 minutes a week and have only half of one hand man.

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It does not

If it was intended for those people then most (or at least a good portion of) interesting things/events in the game would happen earlier

If anything all the “fixes” have gone in toward the opposite direction so far

The mere fact that the devs intend for those “dads with 8 kids and 13 jobs that play 5 minutes a week” to be put in the very same basket as everyone else just proves the opposite tbh

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In some ways I feel the trivial nature/speed of the game now is karma for all the hate the women devs in the video got for not being “gud”.

If they remade the video they’d probably be fine in s4.

I love this quote!

& 20 chars

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The “hate” is towards Rod and his “genious” designs. Perhaps the question is to debate whether justified or not

No-one hates on some random employee girls that are responsible for dungeon atmosphere designs (in fact those are one of the really rare positives in the game consistently so far)

Don’t forget we had an extra couple days of +35% EXP from the goblin event, and we still have the +25% EXP from Mother’s Blessing currently.

Coupled with the +16% EXP from double elixir, of course leveling is going to feel fast if you have +51%/+41% EXP.

For people leveling alts, you’ll also have +20% from the seasonal blessing, making it +71%/+61% EXP.

So people who are complaining about leveling too fast and game being too easy should at least remove the EXP seasonal blessing and the double elixir.

OK, then isn’t it natural to ask the question: why all those bonuses all out of a sudden ?

I guess one of them is for 1 year anniversary, fine, but even then, why XP boost being the reward ?

Why does the game offer so much “injections” to people so often ?, something must be amiss, right ?

I hit 100, got my weapons to Masterwork 12, and am currently looking for slightly better items to push pit.

Losing interest. It’s just all feeling like a waste of time.

I do wish leveling or something progressed beyond 100.

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It was both, they took all kinds of heat in those yt vid comments.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah! Everyone gets a First Place Ribbon…

This is the approach. You mention Ferguson, he is a disease to video games, that none of us want around. Name one game he has touched that thrived. Gears of War anyone…

He came in, wanted the Game Pass Idea since so many other games copy and generate money from it. You think it is not real, a sports game, NBA2k put in a game pass as well this year. THEY DO NOT CARE, gaming companies want profits.

This game is already a success due to the con at the inception, we all bought into the Diablo hype, only to be given a big ole heaping pile of Ferguson Sandwich. DO not like, too bad, PAY UP.

The fact, there is NOT ONE MOMENT in this game, that a casual player is going to sit up and take notice. Maybe had they put in runes and folks were chasing certain rune words. Or, maybe Set Items.
THE IDEA THEY HAVE THE NERVE TO LIE and say they wanted to create something new in Diablo.


This is the last Blizzard game I ever buy, it so bad, i am not even sure come October, I buy the expansion.

By then, I may just by Elden Ring while I wait for POE2.

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People were looking for bits of arguments to support a suspicion/claim that people had in mind for a while back then that “they don’t know what they’re doing”

OK, fine, the innocent girls took the initial hit but if you hear all the criticism it was never directed at them specifically, but the whole team in general, and the girls were just the “pudding proof” of that

Now (few months later) that same criticism has a label, meme, frontman, carrier, origin, you name it however you want

But back at the topic again - is (or was) all that not justified ? :person_shrugging:

My point wasn’t whether it was justified or not, just an observation that ever since that video, that the combination of power creep and open world nerfs that have happened since then, that how they played in the video would pass in today’s game.

Not really

Most, if not all of this, is just different kind of gear

I mean lvl30 and you already have things like 50 life/sec or 40% damage increase just from stats

Before that things were “gated”, and I’d argue a bit perhaps too much (no RCR before lvl35, no Resource Gen before lvl60 and no LH% to generate Resource before lvl70 for example)

But now damage and sustain (even from super early game) is over the top

Late game domination vs the OW I’d argue comes mainly from high numbers of Tempers, but then even with all that power can get almost one-shot in the first appearance/s of WT4 Helltide :slight_smile:

Sorry, but if you old schoolers are going to insist on three month resets just to experience new content, then I want faster leveling. Because there is no way Im going to repeat that long S0 or S1 bore grind every three months. Forget it. Change your stance on resets and Ill change mine on faster leveling. Your choice.

Personally, I never cared for this. Ideally, D4 would have 3 seasons a year. 4 is too many, 2 is too few. 3 feels ideal.

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Main problem: Lack of content for endgame, they are clearly focusing on their main money maker, diablo immortal.

Don’t forget about s2 stat bucket revamp, glyph buffs, that also included mob nerfs to accomodate, where the devs admitted they wanted to error on the side of caution. When they buff base skills (pulverize for example), class mechanics like druid boons, and skill choices in skill tree to keep up with performance at higher pit levels, that has a power creep effect on 1-100.

I like the current leveling speed.