Then why aren’t you criticizing what you SHOULD criticize ?, the fact that all the “special” content in S4 is intended for lvl 100+ ?
Notice that you didn’t mention S2 and S3 anywhere. That’s because both S2 and S3 had seasonal content WHILE leveling (and not after)
This is simple actually, yes, there was a loot rework so cutting some slack to the devs but just wanted to point that one out
About the other part of “no resets”, there are some people that have asked for that (basically make Eternal update on par with Seasonal as opposed to lagging behind)
I’m not convinced the game is ready to go there yet tbh… Ofcourse, will see what the devs have in mind for the game’s roadmap via PTR for S5
It’s like the first period where they are “free” to develop the game as opposed to fix or respond to stuff
Nowhere did I say it should take a long time. I said it should be slower. If leveling is trivial it should be removed entirely, or you should play eternal.
You clearly lack critical thinking skills and don’t understand the point of the game’s seasonal/eternal system. I don’t know why I made this forum post. It’s been so long since I tried to engage with the internet I forget that it was filled with people like you…
The game overall needs more fun, epic and rewarding special events, with better gear and drop rates. And, for the new expansion starting in season 5, Blizzard should have it so that players will need to reach level 100 before the new epic storyline can be completed. The player leveling experience is fine as it is now.
There is no need to slow the game down and make it more grindy, boring and repetitive as it is now, aside from the fact that D4 is still in beta and evolving. Hopefully that will change in season 5 and beyond in D4.
Also, Blizzard needs to add some very fun and rewarding events along with real end game content so players can actually enjoy the game to the fullest on both the season and eternal realms of D4.
With the new coming expansion, Mercenary Companions will bring a whole new level of epic fun to Diablo IV, and this is something I have been suggesting to Blizzard since the game launched last year and I’m super excited this is being added to Vessel of Hatred!
I’m looking forward to season 5 and the new D4 expansion coming in October 2024! - JJ -
Hahahahaha! That’s hilarious. Show me where, in my posts, that you believe that I lack critical thinking.
I can tell you why. You wanted to complain about something for attention. Just to get that dopamine rush.
Perhaps you should make the next term vastly longer.
Oh I haven’t forgotten about people like you. You’re not a philomath, sophophile, and do not suffer from epistemophelia. You throw out “critical thinking” when you, yourself, have come to a conclusion without doing so.
Leveling speed from 1-50 should be cut by 50% (maybe more) 51-100 it could resume full speed. In addition, they could add bonus XP in the URNs like they do now in seasons up to 50% for those that like the full speed leveling.
Absolutely nothing should be new at 100. Nothing. That’s why people want leveling to not matter and be instant 100. Anything new should come along the way to 100. Devs never should be saying “we want to hurry you up”.
Sadly, the D3 audience wanted the game turned into D3 and that’s what we have now. We’re back to the game only starting once you’re max level, legendary items raining from the sky, and the storyline not even mattering.
I’d agree with this if they reduce Glyph max level to be 15
If it remains to be 21 then 50-100 needs to be somewhat slower as well (I mean it’s easier/faster to level up to 100 than level up the Glyphs properly tbh :P)
And to be frank I think it would be better idea to cut glyph level to 15 max (they’re a bit too powerful for their own good RN )
I respectfully disagree, big time. The game has no real end game, and needs serious fixes, improvements and a lot more fun, rewarding and worthwhile content for all players to enjoy but instant 100 is not only dumb, but makes it too easy and boring, and that is not challenging at all. But to each their own. Cheers! - JJ -
You give people like me too much credit, I…pretty much don’t know what Im doing! lol And always comparing my loot and powers and trying to find a way to get more damage and survivability. So working out all of the possibilities every few levels does really slow my progress down, grasping at every possible advantage I can find when new powers or gear are acquired. im not a veteran of diablo 4…Im a solo player just trying to get the most out of a NEW game I just bought of which I dont fully understand yet!
EDIT: I guess with things like diablo 2 it was pretty strait forward, you leveled up and applied points for the powers, scoured dungeons and that special level that didnt exist for set pieces and good weapons. But this version is a lot more advanced than Im used too, so its going to take time to learn how it all works…as long as they dont keep kicking over our sandcastles (nerfing) when we get things just how we want them.
And that is fine, that is the way the game is meant to be played on your first play through or as you learn if you are new. Or even if you are experienced but like me, I make my own builds don’t look at guides so my first character to 100 will have a lot of trial and error, try different options, what is new to the season. My Alts will level in 6-8 hours.
I play with a lot of differnt types of people. Mostly friends I make as I play and they tend to be on console more, with a few pc people sprinkled in. So they are definitely not like me as far as time in the game, and even I play less now than on launch. But when you answer a few of their questions, they get it pretty quickly. Most of them are the same players who now just play Blood Maiden to level quickly because it was a simple question they asked, how do I level faster.
But the concept of speed leveling is for people who are NOT on their first run, they just want to play end game and push as far as they can into the pit or whatever else. And there are avg players that are aware of this, want to play like this also. The more you play the more you will realize the gear does not matter as much until you are at the top level of gear.
True that it is possible, but I’d consider just doing one rote activity for 8 hours something that ventures into the no-life / try-hard category. Plus then you’d be 100 without glyphs, have to grind them out, you’d have mostly garbage gear and need to farm, etc.