Overall Game Speed is too Fast

We’re playing seasonal. Leveling should be absolutely inconsequential as seasons last only a short duration. Eternal is completely dead because of seasons and has never received any modicum of car from Blizz.

As it should be for seasonal play.

No, more difficulty needs to be added to challenge the players.

I’m not going to bother replying to the rest of your nonsense. You have not a pebble in an ocean to stand your ground on.

Isn’t the point of eternal to not care about leveling? Isn’t the point of seasons to roll a new character and level it? Where is your logic?

Not all of us are as good as some of you on here, the leveling time is fine imo, its just filler anyways, once you get to 100 it already eats up a lot of time earning mats as it is!

Because some people play 8-12 hours a day and others barely play that a week.

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Yea that’s definitely the issue. There’s no way to keep either group happy. I’m somewhere in the middle so to feels good to me.

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Isn’t that a WoW thing? Why don’t you just play that game instead? This crap makes no sense in Diablo.

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Its both a WoW and D3 thing. Now its sadly coming into D4.

Dunno, never played Wow. Maybe you should play WoW? Is that what we’re doing?

‘Coming’ to D4? No friend it IS D4. Stop trying to change the game.

Here we go the same thing I said!

what do you mean they are gated?

Lilith Phase 1 is mostly a gear check. If you gear is good you one shot her and move on to Phase 2.

One talking about finishing journey. Other talke about minmaxing their class.

Two different things.

This game was D3.5 from the beginning and never once touched any D2 systems.

This statement is nothing but a total delusional quote for whatever reason.

Probably to end the debate that the game needs to be more like D2. I guess D4 is making much less money then D:I so they will try to streamline this game as close to D:I as possible which is basicly the opposite direction of what D2 would mean.

So by blaming D2 systems they kinda make the path free to steer to a different systems and people cannot complain cause “D2” system did not work.

Poe2 is coming so let Diablo 4 die in casual / low iq d3 fans stupid feedback - that game is just like a McDonald’s, there is no passion in it.

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Instead of insulting the other players, as that never accomplishes anything, why not start asking for the devs to update Diablo 2 with an expansion that brings a few improvements to it that you do like. Most notable for a pet that grabs up drops, respecs for power tree, and jewel removal

It’s posts like this that make the game worse. Lol

Nobody cares hahahahagahah

The game didn’t launch with such system, so… yeah. WoW mechanics in Diablo are crap.

Arguably agreed. There were balancing issues back then (that today also exist but are pushed for pit levels as opposed to regular levels)

Itemization update was a “miracle cure” to fix a few things at once, but yes, early game suffered in quality quite a bit in return


The main reason is slower speed of progress makes every design (or activity, or feature, or reward even) viable. Fast progression creates issues of hoarding, piling up, abundance, e.t.c.

But, not every slowing down is a good slow down, this requires more work (and more importantly vision) than just adjusting some numbers

Same as above, need more clear “milestones” within leveling itself or slowing progress down will have no purpose

By adjusting HP ? :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

jk, wanna point out that things need to be taken a better, bigger, more detailed look…

Difficult things aren’t good cause they take longer to beat, difficult things aren’t good cause they have a couple of deadly/ier attacks, difficult things are good cause “combined” they pose something that I deem as very important and that’s “diversity of challenge”

Here’s the thing:

There should be better ideas/visions to how progression/impact will work (for ALL sources of power in the game)

ALSO - all that mindset (or approach) of looking for “easy fixes”, “game changers”, “miraculous cures” must go away… Need have VISION first, not some kind of barely possible obsession to “fix all at once” (or sacrifice earlier game to fix something that happens later)

And step - by - step things need be adjusted (and improved), complicated or simplified, depending on that vision - on a longer stage and a longer run

My personal idea/approach/way to make that possible, is to make the game LESS PREDICTABLE and LESS DEPENDANT on account-bound bonuses… Make leveling up runs more differ more from one another

Does not have to ALWAYS be different, but start from there

  • Remove ability to craft NMD Sygils (or at least the ability to reliably salvage and craft)
  • Remove ability to reliably open Rifts/Pits
  • Remove all “reliable” sources of activity and individualize them (even from early as lvl35)

A pit scroll dropped when fighting a boss at lvl35 ?, fine, open up a pit with monsters at lvl40 (why not be able to MW earlier stuff ?)

A NMD “recipe” dropped ?, nice, combine it with another to create a real NMD run

In return individualize/differentiate the types of rewards for these kinds of runs

TLDR #2 ? - the game should be EXPLORABLE FIRST, as opposed to RERUNNABLE FIRST type design

Yes, there are some easier/ideas of how to improve/fix stuff in the game but the overall paradigm/approach should change… The “right things” in the game should be added from right kind of approach as opposed to being a rare instance of luck

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