On the Significance of Skill Trees in Gaming

I’m just asking for proof of intelligence. I gave my proof of intelligence many times over.

The NPC’s just can’t handle the truth.

I guess a riddle designed for 12 year olds is too challenging for these NPC’s

Look this going down the road of red herring way too much though man. It’s derailing the subject. Even if you’re someone with a 300 IQ and know you’re smarter then the rest of us it does nothing to add to the topic you know?

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Neither does attacking me. I’ve actually offered plenty of on topic ideas.

Asking a keyboard warrior or group of them to solve a riddle designed for 12 year olds that shouldn’t take more than 2 weeks of reading even at a snails pace, and it’s still too challenging.

At least I know riddles that ChatGPT can’t answer lmfao. ChatGPT is at what 150 or so IQ?

What is it like feeling that you have to prove yourself to everyone over and over and they all know you are lying?

Please believe me guys I am one of the smartest humans alive. I solve riddles :sweat_smile::rofl::joy:

What’s it like having lived as long as you have and never accomplishing anything that required actual high degrees of intelligence?

What holds this genre back isn’t a lack of complexity. PoE demonstrates that. It’s a lack of depth. It’s boring, monotonous, simple, repetitive gameplay that no amount of customization within the basic constraints of these games will fix. What you’re doing is trying to increase the radius of the kiddie pool that these games play as. What needs to be done is to turn the kiddie pool into a pool for grown people, teenagers at least. Then you can make it wider.

First of all, don’t tell me I’m confused about what dynamic means when you think it means adding more passives or fixed modifiers. Your idea is as boneheaded as Furbolg’s. Second, I’m in the process of adding the layers to the skills themselves by providing a few more examples as to what dynamic runes and runewords can look like. I’ll start another thread when I’m done.

Stop trolling these numbskulls for a moment. Btw, it was delightful to watch you reel Subdriver in. :stuck_out_tongue: Well done.

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I solve riddles people cant even comprehend. Have you found the path to the center of the world? I did when I was 11.

What do you mean though? What kind of depth to gameplay are we talking about?

Picture gameplay as a pool. Gameplay is comprised of the actions you can take, things you can do. It’s basically combat. Everyone knows ARPGs are extremely basic to play, often revolving around the spamming of one skill that mows everything down with some peripheral skills around it. The kiddie pool is your action bar of six skills. When you write about expanding options, or customizations, whether or not you add a progression component like Dreams did, you’re still playing in the kiddie pool of your action bar often revolving around that spammable damage skill mowing everything down. Your gameplay never evolves to something that asks substantially more out of you, it just changes somewhat. That is the kiddie pool constraint of ARPGs that no absurd amount of complexity, as in PoE, can break. These games are fundamentally simple because combat is fundamentally simple. They are children games, arguably particularly shallow even in that category.

What I’m drilling on is expanding the action bar. I do that by focusing on remapping around four of the normal skills buttons repeatedly to multiply how many things players can actually do in combat. I.e. I’m trying to add depth to the kiddie pool and turn it into something more appropriate for grown or at least growing people. I believe that will be a lot more fun, and it cannot be replicated by adding more bloat to some of these games. Again, PoE is a great example of the folly of this approach. In fact, apparently for the second game they are trying to streamline it, whatever that will mean.


So what about a demon hunter approach? When you go demon form your abilities become new abilities with improve effects. It adds a new layer because demon form adds an additional layer of depth, the rotation does as well, and it becomes how much damage you can do in that window and how long you can keep it up for the haste as well?

So maybe you don’t need to technically add more to those 6 abilities, but instead augment them to change up based on a mechanic similar to the above.

Perhaps Ultimate’s could help accomplish this by morphing abilities and adding that additional layer? Remember this is also on console so it needs to be kind of constrained imo on additional buttons.

The main thing isn’t about depth so much as sticking to the roguelike/roguelite design intention of Diablo that David Brevik had in mind when creating this subgenre of arpg. So if it is simple but fun it’s okay, but the main problem is in how you get that power and if it’s satisfying (just like any roguelike or roguelite). I think people and designers have lost sight of that roguelike inspiration however over time and it’s veered this subgenre off course.

I want to make this a flexible core feature of the game, not a gimmick. It’s any character having a larger repertoire of class-specific actions, not a transformation.

That’s half the point of the approach. With button remapping you don’t need extra buttons for extra actions.

No, forget the past. Kissing the past’s @ss is how we got to this sad point. You’ve had it moronically simple for long enough, and it has been “fun”. But apparently the “fun” these games provide has its limits. Things can be allowed to be kept simple for whoever wants extreme simplicity, but the game should be moving toward the future for people who want more out of gaming.

I mean WoW has gotten to the point they are using spreadsheets now to optimize ability callouts during fights, and rotations require additional analysis to help people parse better compared to esports gamers at the top. It can get super nutty if you make it complex rotational speaking with more buttons just adding to that.

But idk I use more than one button normally when playing the game and use all of the buttons I have quite often. Anyway I wouldn’t mind some depth either way just hopefully not too much insanity.

WoW isn’t the goal. The goal is for players to have competing options mid-combat and to have some chance for skillful or at least player-dependent play, something that challenges players at least somewhat and forces them to make choices ideally with some consequence. Active variety itself is very valuable. I don’t really know what direction WoW has headed in but when I tried that game I was disgusted by it. I don’t want to replicate some disjointed, aimless, soporific, pretentious freakshow of an experience in a faster and more fluid combat game like Diablo IV. I want this game to start moving forward. There sure is room for that given the meager status quo.

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We def need something. Skills in D4 arent even up to D3 standards. We dont even 6 runes to choose from. Just 2 and they are not ususally that defining. yay such choice. much wow.

Although what I’m really wondering is who D. B. Cooper is.

6 buttons is fine. I don’t want to practice piano on my keyboard / deal with 10 buttons on an expensive mouse.

Keep those ideas for hardcore elitist games. Blizzard ones don’t fall in this category.

Six buttons is fine indeed, that’s why these ideas stick to them. By the way, mice with more buttons aren’t really expensive. Pretty sure I’ve bought FPS mice that cost more than twice as much. Also, didn’t WoW catapult Blizzard into the stratosphere?

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Yo frenchie, did you know the first Egyptian dynasty had technology that predated them? They also could not reproduce it, nor could any dynasty afterwards.

Weird how the eye of the Sahara is Atlantis, and not far from Atlantis is this place with structures that can’t be explained.

I bet the people of Atlantis were some type of ancient Hebrew. They built all the structures in Egypt and the Egyptians were the first ones to “rediscover” them. Making an entire society around them.

D B Cooper was 3 people. As illustrated on the cover of the book ha-ha-ha. Which the title is 3 different laughs as well. The most likely person for Cooper the hijacker is forest fenn. Just so everyone is aware, the location of the forest fenn treasure, the d b cooper treasure, and the fountain of youth are all the same place. Cooper hid out at the fountain of youth, Fenn hid his treasure there. Both parties were aware of the real location.

I’ll give you one last hint to the location, Fenn said that children had an advantage over adults in his treasure hunt. This is because there is an aspect of the location that causes extreme discomfort to adults, where as a kid might be curious enough to explore despite the disorienting aspect of the area.

The year after the cooper hijacking forest Fenn opens his art gallery in Santa Fe. Prior to this Fenn served in the military, being captured by the enemy or getting stuck behind enemy lines multiple times. Fenn possessed the military skill set and the surgical precision to pull off the hijacking.

Cooper stole 1 million cash and hid in the Rocky Mountains. At the end of fenns life he hid 1 million in gold and jewels and historical pieces in the Rocky Mountains. Do you know what the definition of a bow is? People like forest or cooper really like to brag to those capable of seeing.

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No, I did not know that. :slight_smile:

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Did you figure out why the hijacking required 2 extra people in on it pretending to be passengers? I could tell you but I’d rather hear what you think.

There are many benefits but one of them stands out as it basically ensured that cooper would never be caught.

I got bored waiting for your response,
It was because those 2 passengers Debra and Bob could give conflicting times at which they “heard” or “saw” cooper jump. Making the search radius too large.