On the Significance of Skill Trees in Gaming

That seems like a 170 IQ thing because I have no idea. But, the more the merrier when it comes to a hijacking is what I say.

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It was to ensure that the authorities could never find cooper. If Debra says cooper jumped out of the plane 1 hour in with all the money but Bob says cooper jumped 1 hour and 45 minutes in the search radius becomes too large. Also they could control the narrative of other passengers.

It was actually a genius plan.

He didn’t jump out with passengers onboard. They first landed, the passengers were released, and on the second flight he jumped.

Around 7:40 pm, Flight 305 took off, with only Cooper, Mucklow, Captain Scott, First Officer Rataczak, and Flight Engineer Anderson aboard.

Skill tree is fine like it is because you can choose anything you want without any restrictions. Its just unbalanced and it makes everybody locked on few builds. That´s where Blizzard have to work on. They already did some adjustment on patch 1.3.0 and the expectation is they keep doing more adjustments so people have more options to choose.

Same for paragon glyphs. Some glyphs are just useless and no one use them on any build.

You can choose anything you want but you can execute only the fraction of it that fits on the static action bar. Hence you end up with dumb gameplay, which even the fans of these games admit is the case.

WOW is the game for you dude.
Diablo series never had a lot skills in the action bar. Just find out a good combination that works for your build. Its the fun part of builds that few people does. Almost people prefer copy and paste streamers builds. I never did that because its boring. I like to experiment many combinations of skills and paragons to find out what works and fits to my game playing style.

Well let me ask you this, were any of the people on the second flight female?

You may have just solved who the insiders were

WoW is not the game for me as I find it revolting. I have played multiple classes and know first-hand the depth here is minimal. What we’re discussing is a considerable degree of innovation, which I am finding that gamers have an enormous degree of difficulty with when it’s presented as words.

Mucklow was a flight attendant Cooper requested to stay with him at all times and she was present on both flights. However, on the second flight she was only briefly with Cooper before he sent her off with the others in the cockpit.

From takeoff to when Mucklow entered the cockpit, four to five minutes had elapsed. For the rest of the flight to Reno, Mucklow remained in the cockpit,[77] and was the last person to see the hijacker.

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Forget about innovation. The current Manager and game designers have no creativity at all.

Why WOW is revolting to you ?

She’s the female person on the cover of hahaha. She is Debra. She would have given conflicting jump time to the police in comparison to the others on the second flight.

Congratulations. Now you are aware how little detail I require to solve something btw. I didn’t even need to know there were two flights to put it all together.

I solve things as easily as I draw breath.

Which is why blizzard should offer me a 4 figure salary to work from home for them. Hell I’ll probably do it for free if they treat me good. Just give me a Diablo 4 acc set up with all BiS rolled gear and we can call it even blizzard

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That much is obvious to everyone.

I gave it a shot for about a month, it was perhaps the most senseless experience I’ve had in gaming. When someone I was chatting with told me I’m supposed to keep playing it like a second job I quit.

No one was in any position to give a time as to when he jumped. They didn’t know he wasn’t onboard. That makes me wonder how there is any estimation of where he would’ve landed at all.

The Air Force F-106 pilots neither saw anyone jumping from the airliner, nor did their radar detect a deployed parachute. Moreover, a black-clad individual jumping into the moonless night would be difficult to see, especially given the limited visibility, cloud cover, and lack of ground lighting.[94] The T-33 pilots did not make visual contact with the 727.[95]

Apparently this is what is used to time his jump:

Around 8:00 pm, a cockpit warning light flashed, indicating the aft staircase had been deployed. The pilot used the cabin intercom to ask Cooper if he needed assistance, but Cooper’s last message[78] was a one-word reply: “No.”[60] The crew’s ears popped from the drop in cabin air pressure from the stairs being opened.[79] At approximately 8:13 p.m., the aircraft’s tail section suddenly pitched upward, forcing the pilots to trim and return the aircraft to level flight.[80] In his interview with the FBI, Co-pilot Bill Rataczak said the sudden upward pitch occurred while the flight was near the suburbs north of Portland.[81]

With the aft cabin door open and the staircase deployed, the flight crew remained in the cockpit, unsure if Cooper was still aboard. Mucklow used the cabin intercom to inform Cooper they were approaching Reno, and he needed to raise the stairs so the plane could land safely. She repeated her requests as the pilots made the final approach to land, but neither Mucklow nor the flight crew received a reply from the hijacker.[82]

It’s hard to believe a person jumping from a 727 affects its pitch, so if this guy was any smart - which he was - he would have had a time window from after 8 o’clock to some time before 11 o’clock when the aircraft landed to jump. That area would be enormous.

I would require 5.

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I wouldn’t be doing it for the money, and I wouldn’t want responsibilities tacked on. Id just be a consultant, the best consultant hire blizzard could ever make. I’d like a part included in my contract for performance based bonuses tho

Also the first question asked by the authorities to anyone on the second flight is when do you think he jumped.

The government was hard pressed to find cooper, they were very upset this happened.

A little over a week after I publicly posted my cooper findings the fbi raided forest fenns home. His collection included many illegal artifacts. A mummified falcon from a tomb in Egypt was my fav.

Forest Fenn was a real life Indiana Jones, quite literally. Did I mention that in the military forest Fenn was an air force pilot?
What was climate like back then for the people returning home from war btw? Was the government treating these new veterans well? No they were not. At the time there was a very large disgruntled group of new veterans. I’m 100% certain cooper was one of them.

We just need to find a link between the people on the second flight and forest fenn. How many airline pilots were also veterans at the time? I’ll save you some time, a lot of them.

There is a theory that cooper stole the money in order to help families of his fallen brothers from the war. Lord knows the government didn’t care about them.

You also forgot the most important part. Wherever cooper landed, cooper was immaculately familiar with the area. And wherever this area was, there was something about it that made it incredibly unlikely that cooper would ever be seen or found. There was some special aspect of the area that kept people from ever going near it.

Did you know there was a 3rd major member of the Lewis and Clark expedition? There is a 1 year inprint special edition map made by that 3rd member, and on this map from long long ago, there is an area well labeled that will never be well labeled on any other map. The guy was crazy, he’d go places no sane person ever would. They even named the area after him. He was searching for the fountain of youth btw. Him and Buffalo Bill can be credited as to why it’s still a secret place, and nature can be credited too. The irony of how the fountain of youth is naturally hidden cannot be understated.

And people think I’m an idiot. I figured out 3 riddles for the price of one. 3 of the hardest riddles ever created btw. And it’s not like I had a teacher. I had to do it all myself.

If anyone is capable of calculating when that clock in Prague unlocks I’m pretty sure there is a treasure still in it. Unfortunately astronomy is one of those things that I find very uninteresting.

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Consultants are people too.

No. :slight_smile:

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Did you know Buffalo bill was an avid spokesman for giving native Americans a fair deal? Buffalo bill tried his best to represent the native population in front of government. When that didn’t work he became an outlaw. The rest is history as they say.

Buffalo Bill Cody eventually had the city of Cody Wyoming named after him.

Right outside the city of Cody Wyoming, on the bank of a part of the Shoshone river, is an area known only as Colters Hell. It is one of the least explored areas in the world. Something about how the geothermal activity works creates a rancid smell.

Because it’s on a river bank the fountain is only accessible in the winter. During the summer and spring the water level rises too high from the warm water run off at the top of the mountains and the minerals and elements in the water are too heavily diluted for the water to maintain its heavy healing properties.

These same elements and minerals released by the geothermal activity are what make the brown trout in the area so large. It’s also notable that when credible science was done on the area, it was found that the geothermal activity in that specific area is one of a kind on the planet. But remember, I’m allegedly an idiot sandwich.

Imagine passing up the opportunity to hire the guy who solved d b cooper, the fountain of youth, forest fenn, the invisible college, a game of thrones, one piece, and so many other good riddles. God, the free publicity any major company would get for letting me talk on a mic for 10 minutes would be better free advertising than the Starbucks coffee left in season 8 of game of thrones.

I’m not sure there ever was a fair deal per se from about the very beginning of settlement. Actually the British had a deal with the Indians to prevent colonists from encroaching further west but then the colonists decided the British were being tyrannical for taxing them and then a busty plump Manifest Destiny showed up to guide the colonists from sea to shining sea, non-tyrannically. Imagine making up an imaginary thing to obviate you taking responsibility for your own actions.


I haven’t heard your opinion on dynamic runes and runewords. As a gifted and talented PvP player could they improve or make fights more interesting? Obviously the primary focus is on PvE but perhaps something could be tailored to PvP or at least ameliorate it.

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You are referencing wildly different times in history.

Lewis and Clark was 1804-1806.

Buffalo bill was 1846 to 1917

Colter was born 1774 with his year of death not being recorded.

Colter joined Lewis and Clark for their expedition. Colter was the most experienced and most qualified out of the three.

The biggest tell that I am correct, is that 1 year Lewis and Clark special map. Why did they discontinue properly labeling the area of colters hell? Why did they remove the information from all maps moving forward? John colter went through alot of trouble mapping the area, why would they not continue to use his mapped version of the area? Instead they basically left it so that the only way to know it’s there on a map, is to know it’s there without needing a map. Because on every map to ever exist except that 1 Lewis and Clark special, it is an unlabeled area.

If you want to find hidden history, look at the things history tried to hide.

If you doubt my intelligence I implore you to ask me any question that has an answer that can’t be googled. You’ll be surprised.

Also I just realized I probably gave the most educational bumps of any human on any forum post ever in history. Neat.

What’s in that astrological tower in Prague?

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Not even I know. But here’s my guess. Today it’s probably a watch. Before it was found originally, that would be insane to get right and I’d need to do way more research. Depends on compartment size as well.

All I know about it is that in recent times an artist changed the colors and art of certain aspects of the tower. The historical types of the city were in an uproar.

I know when it was completed the king had the architect blinded but not killed.

The historical types that were offended probably watch over whatever is inside. And the fact the artist changed the colors and some of the art probably makes it harder to interpret how it is the answer to the invisible college from the original riddle.

My conclusion is that the clock has a locked compartment that only unlocks at a certain celestial time. I have no idea which but it’s probably illustrated in the invisible college riddle. The window of when it unlocks is probably very small.

I know the 13th zodiac is part of it. Most people don’t accept the 13th zodiac but it is a real thing. It’s depicted on the invisible college riddle picture.

There is more to the king blinding the architect that I have yet to discern.

The clock was created in 1410.

The invisible college picture was illustrated in 1618. I think whatever was originally hidden was discovered around that 1618 time by Freemasons/Knights Templar.

They created a riddle around it. I’m
Sure they would have left something for others to find. And worked to maintain the clock.

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What in the burning hells is an invisible college?

Google : invisible college. Go to pictures

I can’t believe solving game of thrones and one piece isn’t a bigger feat to you tbh.

Solving the fountain of youth was hard, but it was incredibly simple once I understood how to approach it. The approach was what took the longest time. It wasn’t that complex.

Invisible college was relatively easier

My method of solving things is weird. But it works.

I try to approach any riddle from the perspective of its architect.

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