On the Significance of Skill Trees in Gaming

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IFY3gblZ28

So there’s slight hype for Last Epoch ahead of its official launch. Apparently each skill has its own skill tree/web. Unsurprisingly it’s the traditional fixed choice type. There are some rudimentary combinations in that you can pick multiple forms simultaneously apparently but you’re just going to be doing the same thing over and over again unless you respec. Choice appeals to players, but no developer is thinking beyond the fundamentals of what has already been done and offering dynamic choice mid-combat. Even a relatively complex game like PoE reverts back to the meager mean of ARPG gameplay.

ARPG gameplay being, horrifyingly, basically this perhaps with some bells and whistles. This whole genre is Gaming for Dummies despite whatever build and numbers pretensions it has, the bright side of which is that there is a lot of untapped potential that no one is in any hurry to pursue. I’ll refrain from posting what I think of all these developers and designers. Diablo IV, by the way, is presently behind other games. Its saving grace really is just the name, the hollowed out legacy of Blizzard past. At this point I’m not sure the “art” is all that important. Chances are come next season they won’t really have figured out anything dramatic with items given the “promising start” or whatever they’ve had consulting with streamers/“content creators”. The videos they put out of their people speaking get scarier and scarier. The guy who said we can’t be friends if you don’t stop to pet a dog or something? What in the actual hell happened with this company?

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Oi frenchie I wrote another banger check it out, it may even help you find a lucky coin.


The best part is you got reported for knowing too much. lmao You can’t make this stuff up.


I live it brother. I get no respect and I’m hated.

Btw I found all those files by hand. I read through 20,000 files the last 3 days, on mobile. And I did more than most of the entire discord combined in those 3 days, as someone who is not fluent in code.

I’ve also found other interesting files.

Remember me when I’m gone brother.

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I will remember you. <3

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LOL frenchie they didn’t ban me but removed my post from the forums. Sounds like they didn’t like that I openly claim to have written the setting of Diablo 4.

Truth hurts. Idc blizzard is who they choose to be.

They were probably scared someone would dig up proof now that I remember my old diablo 3 forum handle is Repear.

I guess it got real for them once I was able to remember the acc name.

Btw they chose not to ban the post earlier and reinstated it. Then I come back now and it’s banned. Cool beans. Cant make this stuff up.

I wonder how much they gimped the game to make expansions more appealing. Apparently they put the least amount of effort possible in the on-release skill trees, which I suspect is a deliberate business decision. It’s ironic to see the main Diablo guy in Ready Player One where the corporate interest is portrayed as the bad side.


The main point of my original post about a decade ago was put the player in hell and make it so they have no idea they are in hell when they are playing. There was much more to it but it’s been a decade.

The other big part was Diablo Dad, or as some called him Diablo Daddy.

And how the cow level would actually be escaping hell this time.

But yeah I don’t deserve any credit.

There are people lining up to lie about something like this right?

Someone took too much creativity liberty and made the game itself a living hell for the player to try to enjoy. The riddle is off the charts complicated and I love that.

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When it comes to gameplay you might be onto something.

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Further down in my comment you’ll see where I said

Someone took too much creative liberty and turned the game into a living hell for the player. Took that one of my suggestions too literal

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Can’t make this stuff up if I tried.

Remember though, I’m measurably the only one who ever said the setting of Diablo 4 takes place in hell.

I’ve been saying it since I first played right after game launched.

Strange how the guy who claims to have written the story of Diablo 4 was the first one to publicly acknowledge that the story takes place in hell. How else would I know?

Literally how else would I have known at launch that the setting is hell? The only reason I realized it is because I wrote a lengthy post a decade ago about how to make the perfect Diablo 4. Hell of a coincidence. The game literally mirrors my suggestions. Which honestly I am honored but dishonored at the same time.

Diablo 4 is suppose to get hella better when you can escape hell btw. That’s what I suggested originally at least.

I want to know who was credited with my brain baby though. I want to know who if anyone passed it off as their own. Pretty sad a company the size of blizzard couldn’t take a second to credit a fan for writing their best selling game of all time.

Actually now that I think of it, until the secret to escaping hell is uncovered, they can’t credit me even if they want to. Giving me credit before it’s uncovered would tell everyone I’m right, which would spoil the riddle.

Also don’t understand why it’s hard to believe I wrote Diablo 4 when I can tell you the end of game of thrones, one piece, where the Native American fountain of youth is and why it’s hidden, and tons of other stuff.

So what happens when the game actually goes to hell?

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Idk but I solved the treasure note riddle. First in the world btw. It’s the tree in the area called heart of the moors.

God damn am I good.

Y’all got no idea.

You can guarantee a “Paladin Class” is being reserved for that expansion to lure players back and to the game. Intentionally ommitted totes because “lore reasons” and not as a hook to drive revenue. The players who chose to purchase Diablo 4 did so despite it not having a Paladin. I would wager very few did not buy it because it lacked a Paladin. The presence of the class will however draw players back to buy the expansion.

Also, it won’t be called Paladin but will be something “totally new and never seen before!”. It will have Plate Armor, a Shield, and Auras. Holy Magic is changed from Yellow to Purple and is now called “Horadric Magic”. See. There. Its-a-new-a-class-a!

I heard something about a new class being not one seen before. My point was even as far as ARPGs go this game is too basic, likely intentionally to make additions to the game easier and milk the product. You’d figure with the first expansion they’re planning on expanding the skill trees, unless they are totally clueless, which is now a possibility. Really, I think they made this game with a purely commercial mindset. They knew they were doing nothing special; their priority was to play it safe and get another Diablo game out to capitalize on the standing of the franchise. Of course, this sort of uninspired tripe is something only numbers can justify.

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Hey frenchie, look up the item Tome of Yshari

Tome of Yshari is the musty tome btw.

Can’t make this stuff up, I’m that far ahead of these scrubs.

First link on google is yours. lol


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Skill tree? More like a skill stick. While the POE skill tree has more flavors than Basken Robbins ice cream. The choices given in D4 are pretty much, chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla, each tier.

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And yet how many people, relatively speaking, play PoE’s medley goo of choices? It’s as if everyone kind of misses the point. It’s ironic how people lack a sense of fun. They can experience it, but not really understand it. As HeWhoIsHim might write, this is amusingly simple. The fundamental problem of this genre is that at its best it’s idiotically fun, which has a lower ceiling. Consider the dumb behaviors its players describe in partaking. APRG players themselves describe ARPG gameplay as mindless. You mash one button and watch everything die in an endless loop. By the way, who in their right mind plays a game to maximize affixes of items that aren’t even necessary!? A pinnacle activity like AoZ comes out that perhaps makes sense of maximal optimization and it turns out it’s balanced around clearly broken builds that are even bugged. The asinine stuff I’m seeing is incredible.

The problem with all of you - from the dumbest of players to the smartest of developers - is that you lack clue at a basic level of what fun is. That is it. All of you have just lost your sense of what fun in a video game is. It’s degeneracy. The signs are clear. And virtually no one can see it.