On the Significance of Skill Trees in Gaming

Yo frenchie if you want in on a hip clan that’s gonna crack the cow level first lmk. Clan tag is Kings and the title above your name will be King. We got a top tier name.

We had a huge breakthrough today in terms of knowledge of the steps we need to do to actually satisfy escaping hell.

That sounds cool but my $2k monitor broke and I sold my graphics card… O, and the game sucks.

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Maybe u two shud take it to a private discord conversation cause the rest of us are lost AF.

Aren’t we all?

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:heart_eyes: has blizzard given you a job yet?

I literally applied and got only a relatively prompt rejection. shakes head in disappointment

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2 months lateuurh

OK, I guess still relevant… I’ve had a similar thought @OP, Skill Sockets/Orbs that alternate a skill when equipped (somewhat) :slight_smile:

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What do you mean by alternate? Just change? That has already been done, including by Diablo III (the gems flavor is from PoE). It does add more options or customization, variety, but the emphasis here is on dynamism, or on concurrent choices. I want more options to be available in the heat of battle rather than outside it. I want players to be action “agents” rather than just customizers. Give ‘play your way’ some more meaning.

Wait this post is back. Say wut!?

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Yes they walk like this trough the whole world. Here in the forums are only the <80 IQ things left and the paid shills. They block everything, first group because low IQ and second group because making changes would require money and talent.
Just move on, spread your wishes on other arpg forums and pray that an aspiring game dev picks that up.
Your effort here is wasted, game was made from dumbs for dumbs and defended by dumbs.

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Nothing wrong with skill trees. If skill trees feel like they pigeonhole you to a specific build, it’s because you are trying to min-max your way through the game and not trying to play what looks fun or exciting. Even without skill trees, you’d still be doing basically the same thing - choosing specific ways to kill the enemies while advancing your character to be better and stronger.

Maybe become a game developer and put your ideas to work where they actually matter and not in some forum post where the obviously garner no attention from anyone who could possibly make a difference in the real world. It’s been almost 5 months since this thread was created and games still have skill trees. Nice work.

D4 skill tree is weak and needs work. PPL always be picking same stuff everytime.

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The traditional implementation of skill trees is ok, it just greatly limits the number of options you have while fighting/actually playing. In my opinion the overlooked fundamental problem Diablo IV has, along with the entire ARPG genre, is its subhuman combat, and I use that word 100% intentionally. There are only so many idiots you can engage for a long time by gameplay that relies on spamming one skill and primitive skill rotations, if we can even call them that. This is not a multiplayer game where people provide challenge and engagement. It’s not 2004 anymore either. Games are supposed to progress from their primitive beginnings, not fetishize them.

I’m no game developer. Game developers are typically people who pigeonhole themselves into carrying out particular tasks. They can develop impressive technical proficiency but all too often seem to have no vision. Game developers are tools. They are very valuable at what they do and you have to be a fool or extremely smart to think you can collectively surpass or replace them (AI is really the only candidate for such a thing realistically). I’m more interested in using them rather than becoming them. I’m aware of my limitations. They seem to not be aware of theirs. Some of the people I watch on these streams make me want to bang my head on my desk, and these are presumably “senior” people or something. Blizzard is kind of a scary place nowadays, in a wrong way.