Now that the VoH and S6 are approaching how will you play ❓

They have already started several times :point_down:

OK Great !!!

+20 characters

They said that when you are in the VoH it will have a recap of the main story.

The same way I did last whole year…
I will try out the new class but I will end with Sorcerer, if they fix the Chain Lighting damage which was very poor in the PTR. It was doing 10 times less damage than the version in season 5.

Do the expansion campaign once and skip it forever.

Did they announce that S6 is starting with release of VoH is if VoH going to be playable slightly before hand like the original release?

They both start on Oct 8th.

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Well, I guess playing the new campaign and then jumping into S6 stuff as a SB, as long as work doesn’t get in the way.

The VoH campaign first with my rogue
Once that’s done I will continue the season journey with a spiritborn =D

I might replay the base game campaign again to refresh my memory because I already forgot most of it lol

You mean you will spend more time on forums to defend dev team than playing the actual game. Mr. I got meh gears.

Campaign and renown in eternal, then, depending on the state of WW Barb, either move on to other games or start a WW Barb in S6.

I will play Necromancer.

I’m not sure yet. If I buy the exp I will probably just do whatever has to be done to start the new part of the game. Season wise unless there are substantial changes with what is going on with the game I doubt that I will put much time into it, much like the last 2 seasons. I’m not thrilled with the direction the game has been going the last season and the ptr, with the 1 shots, the sponge bosses, drop rates etc.

with a lot of skepticism , blizzard has history of garbage systems

I’ll just do the exp campaign as replayed the original one several times and will jump into endgame with spiritborn. The new jungle themed hordes and the dark citadel looks fun. Currently farming as many sparks I can get so if I won’t have enough time to play in S6 still can craft every mythic for SB as season ends.

Not sure yet - Will wait to see a little more info from Blizzard B4 I commit to what to do first in what order.

Waiting for the PTR adjustment to see the class balance. Even though the Spiritborn does not interest me much, I may start there because they will be overpowered.

I will play Eternal for the pain and the friends we make along the way…

I’m figgin jazzed to play the spirit borne

I will play rogue as usual untill Voh campaign is complete. Then whatever season components I need to finish up as well as BP.

Then tinker around with the OP spirit born after that.

oh, i will also indeed spend some time on the forums =)

guess we will meet then <3

I will play with the mouse as always

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