Now that the VoH and S6 are approaching how will you play ❓

I guess people run it down in 2 hours. It’s a little zone and all the time Blizz talks about how much content they have they only talk for average Joe with 3 jobs, 7 wifes, 98 kids and 238 dogs who can only play 15 minutes a week. I haven’t played it yet like propably everyone on this board but I would bet that the story line is either artificaly prolonged without any meaningfull reason and a lot of travel arround or it’s done in no time.


oh! thanks for the info!

yea pretty much sounds like the new statues of lilith. good to know.

I plan on using a keyboard and mouse

I’m torn on wether I will restart the campaign from the start or jump into VoH. As for the season journey, that can wait as I am sure that some things on the list will get checked off through natural gameplay through the VoH storyline. So yeah, story > season journey. My go to class has always been necro but I may go with secondary of sorc this time. I’d rather go with something familiar so I can focus more on the content. But there a smol part of me that is contemplating using the new class. If I don’t start with the new class, I will still be making an alt for it once the VoH content is completed.
As for mercenaries and runes, heck yeah. I want to embrace it all! I’m even looking forward to the Citadel.

I will do the campaign with the spiritborn.
I haven’t decided yet wether I will go for full campaign or voh only.
Then I start alt 1, alt 2, alt 3… we will see what’s looking interesting… ;D
And simultaneously I will do the season 6 journey.

I’ll play my “Elemental Summoner” Sorcerer as I always do, theory testing as I always do at the start of every season. And I’ll proceed to progress the story from that point.

The sheer thought of starting all over from level 1 and completely redoing the campaign horrifies me simply because… well that’s a lot of content to ReDO ! LOL (Though the campaign is epic).

I’ll play the spirit born as my 2nd character though .

Nah probably wont be playing.

i think i’m gonna go straight into VoH story with spiritborn even though it’s going to feel strange as i did the campaign at launch with druid. then go in the s6 story i just really like the look of the new class, i was planning on making alt’s for all the spirit guides so i might just do the whole campaign again on a alt.

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I plan to start with the new class. I’ll be taking my time through the campaign and doing the renown things. After that it depends on what they do or do not change from the PTR.

The first playthrough will require the new campaign. You won’t be able to skip it.

I am fine with the new campaign from VoH but we should not be required to play the Base campaign again.

I already did that once for Softcore and another for Hardcore.

You are not required to do the base campaign again. You can skip that but not the new one the first time. I’m just saying it’s not possible to skip the new campaign the first time so you have no worries.

smash through it so i can beta test hard style and take my leave. I can’t remember and I didn’t look but if we, the few, that bought the super-premium-ultimate-deluxe-pre-order version get EA-head start that’s great.
then again, I might wait a week or two and let others beta test and i’ll join in on the third phase of testing.

Correct you need to do the campaign in the VoH once but you do not need to do the base game campaign again.

I will play season 6 until I figure out how much solo vs group play there is in VoH. Then, I will decide whether it is worth for me to purchase the expansion or not.

Its likely I’ll do a campiagn run from start to finish; base game through Voh.

As many others ventured: I will take it as an opportunity to re-do the whole story. Likely I’ll do the same with the next expansion(s).

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I’ll spend a week or two methodically doing every last thing in VoH before I move on to Adventure mode. Frustratingly, I won’t bother with the campaign again with each class, because compared with D3, the Classes have very little writing specific to each, and not much personality to speak of. Minor bummer but I’ll get over it I guess… :v:

  1. I will play & finish the new campaign using my 1st character I created (now on Eternal) which did the original campaign. So that will be my Barbarian.
  2. I will create a Spiritborn on the Seasonal Realm (Season 6) and finish that one out.
  3. I will create a Barbarian on the Seasonal Realm (Season 6) and try out a new modified build (I always run the same build every season) based on the new PTR items we saw).
  4. If I like the Spiritborn enough and I want to switch mains from Barbarian to Spiritborn then I may run through the 1st and 2nd campaign with a Spiritborn on the Eternal Realm (unless I can do it on the Season server) and finish all the quests and do everything, it will be my new completionist character (like my Eternal Barbarian is currently)

And that’s it, should take about 3-4 weeks for me. I only play SSF so I’ll be skipping the new co-op stuff.

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I think Ill just pass the main story line campaign as nothing has changed and just go to the VOH content if I can. Hoping we dont have the main story campaign just to unlock VOH …