Now that the VoH and S6 are approaching how will you play ❓

Will you do everything in the VoH before you finish up with S6, or will you complete the S6 journey before you jump into the VoH. Will you play with your same old class or will you start with the new class. Will you start with the story in the base game and finish with the story in the VoH. Will you go right for the VoH because you have already done everything in the base game several times. Will you take your time in the VoH and check every thing out. Or do you only care about blasting as soon as possible. Are you interested in the Mercenaries and the runes


i was actually considering playing the base story first and then move over to the VoH campaign. Then unlock renown and eventually statues etc

most likely ill do it with the spiritborn, cause well, its new. I doubt itll be my main character tho.


I even bought the the biggest package to troll myself so my plan is as follows. Replay the whole campaign with the spiritborn and then do all the season journey stuff. After that I am usually done.

Ah, I forgot to mention that I intend to use no external information so it will probably take way longer if I have to come up with my own build :slight_smile:


thanks for the question, for it has given me something to do, as I have just decided to replay the campaign for the first time.
I will play the OG campaign starting now, on a HC character in S5, as a Rogue of course.
When VoH comes out in less than a month now, I will jump straight into the new story campaign with a Spiritborne.
I will then, max all renown if any has been added, and blast all content that the expansion has to offer.

This is the part I didn’t like about S6 and VoH: They start at the same time.

Unless S6 is just like S5 of S4 were it’s pretty much the same so you are not losing much in time, then it’s a non issue for me.

With that in mind, I will play Spiritborn and do VoH first. Then do S6. If S6 is like S2 where you can do the story while doing the seasonal content, even better.

I just don’t get why anyone would restart the base game story to do VoH if you have done the base game already? Why would anyone do that unless you are new to d4?

According to the updated interactive map Nahantu has 30 Tenet of Akarat which might be a new version of the altars of Lilith for the new “zone.” We will know for sure in a few weeks.


My plan is to:

Start in HC
Go to max difficulty
Enter hell tide
The end.


I want to rerun it to pay closer attention, and to refresh my memory after only running it the first time at release. And to hype myself up for VoH.


I recently went through the main story again in Hardcore, so it’s still fresh in my mind. I’ll dive into the new story right away with my existing class, so it feels like I’m continuing the journey with my character. Spiritborn looks cool, but it’s not really my style. I’ll get around to playing it eventually, just not immediately.

I’m wondering when you choose skip campaign if you can start season 6 content while following the new VoH questline at the same time.

If so, that’s what I hope to do. I have no desire to play the base campaign over again.

My first moment of joy is when Vigo gives you the amulet.

I hope it explicitly states:

Skip base campaign
Skip voh campaign
Season 6 only.

I don’t wanna accidentally click skip base campaign when I meant to just skip the base one but I still want to pay the VoH campaign.


Still have my original character who I’m planning to use to do VoH story. Once that is done, may open up season 6 and season journey.

Yes it’s a terrible desicion.

I wonder if they do not have faith in Voh campaign if they open it with a season.

This makes me believe that the Voh campaign is rather weak and cannot sustain on its own


I will mostly play with both hands with mouse and keyboard while sitting in my staples office chair :grin:

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im planning on creating a seasonal character (i dont have VoH) and seeing how it plays out.

If I see anything on the monthly journey to complete anything relating to the new VoH expansion, i most likely will just delete the seasonal character and play on eternal just to see how bad my characters are and after getting discourged with my progress, ill probably just delete the game and end up not needing to visit this forum anymore.

From there ill probably just play d4 via watching some random streamer for a few minutes and calling it a day.

I’ll stay watching and waiting for diablo 5 and hope that ends up being a better product with of course dragon flying or a mount that doesnt get stuck on every invisa rock after hitting gallop

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Well it is called the Season of Hatred. I wonder how this is going to all work out.

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Probably i ll play the whole story mode with new class and then S6

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Planning to play Campaign through end of the expansion campaign, with the new class (thinking Centipede). Then move to the seasonal stuff.

With a Margarita in one hand and a controller in the other. Taking my time with the wife when we finally decide to get the game. I imagine I’ll start out as either Necro or Rogue when it hits, eventually make a Spiritborn. I know the wife wants to try the Spiritborn for sure.

I have no interest in repeating the story though, just going through the new campaign for VoH. I do plan to employ a Berserker Crone as my merc though, just for fun, even if she isn’t that useful. Just gonna play it by ear though.