Not sure why some people are against redoing stuff for new seasons

Why would I want to play the same lackluster content over again?

It was fun the first time, but as I knew in Beta…it’s not going to be fun the 2end, 3rd, 4th, etc.

To explain further:

Not to pick on you, specifically, Ret…but this is a good example of a mindset coming from those who are so heavily invested in Seasons that they can willfully ignore lackluster content when they’re getting that adrenaline rush of starting over. Great for you, if that’s all you need to enjoy yourself…I’m sure you’ll get quite a lot out of Seasons.

For those who don’t get that adrenaline rush, you need to have some pretty great gameplay loops and engaging content to thrill them with the notion of playing through the same content over again.

The incentives that Seasons provide aren’t enough when the entire game is so lacking in replayability that it becomes a chore to go through again, and I say this as someone who has…having played each Beta test and rolling Hardcore on launch, losing a lv40 Rogue to a blue-screen while they were tinkering with the servers and then working back up to finish the story.

Going through Fractured Peaks again, after having played through it during Beta and launch, was so mind-numbingly boring that I dreaded it even BEFORE launch…I was very keen to get beyond Fractured Peaks and never see it again.

With that said:

That’s taking aside the demographic who just has no interest in re-rolling a character to begin with, which I’m actually also a part of. So, let’s talk about that demographic, specifically, now.

People say, “ThAtS aN ArPG!!!”

It doesn’t have to be.

ARPG stands for Action Role Playing Game, not Rogue-like. If you take the current state of Diablo IV, the definition of an ARPG is just a Rogue-like game with all the worst aspects and none of the good. Dungeons aren’t procedurally generated, the mob diversity is overwhelmingly lackluster, the loot table is miniscule, the overall complexity of the game is more shallow than a child’s swimming pool.

So I’m not even sure why Season enthusiasts enjoy the notion in Diablo IV, as it stands now. Play a great Rogue-like game, you’ll get more out of that, no?

…but I digress, if that’s all it takes to get your juices flowing…that’s awesome. I also fully understand that Seasons are something people in ARPGs have come to enjoy, so I wouldn’t want to take that away from people. I also understand why allowing Eternal characters to jump into Seasons would defeat their purpose.

At the very least, what could be done to incentivize people who aren’t so keen on seasons is to implement something like I write about here:

Here is a thread about Seasons.

This wouldn’t impact the sanctity of Seasons, but grant people who have no interest in Seasons a reason to justify their involvement. It’s not going to entirely fix the situation, as the core content has no replay value…meaning it’ll still likely be a chore for most of us, but it would certainly make me, personally, more willing to re-roll another character and participate.

If they enhanced the core mechanics of the game atop that, adding replay value, then you have everyone by the sack. They would succeed in their live-service endeavors.

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Right but then for every single person who pulls their suspenders tighter and revs their spine so their belly pushes forward:

“ThIs Is a DaRn ToOtIn ArPg”

These people are literally the tumors to gaming.

Diablo 4 has the style of an arpg
But it has more MMO elements to it than your precious “arpg”.

Dead boring stupid mindsets are the only things that keep current seasonal models alive

You want your garbage arpg and boomer gameplay

Delete world bosses
Delete public events
Delete open world play
Delete emotes
Delete petting dogs, seriously thats such “wow thing”

Just go play your old garbage mentality games
Garbage people

The ones moaning the loudest, are the MMO crowd. In MMOs, the attitude among the majority of players is that levelling - and all the story content involved - is a chore to be endured, something to get over with as fast as possible. It’s an attitude that the game only really begins when you reach max level.

alright, so you do not disagree with me

Because renown is a horrid chore that is honestly far less fun that simply not playing a video game at all.

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To be fair, we aren’t talking about S tier storytelling and roleplaying like the Witcher 3 or something – we’re talking about D4, where the quests revolve around the most tedious fetch quests in existence and are 90% comprised of mindless stuff like riding your horse through an environment that clearly doesn’t want to be ridden.

You also have to complete dungeons that drop no loot and give no exp, because they aren’t NM dungeons.

Renown is the worst grind I’ve ever experienced in any video game. I would seriously never touch another video game in my life if they compared to the renown grind in D4.

BTW, I’ve never been an MMO gamer.

Oh I get it, so you are the arbiter of what is good or not, only your complaints matter and are valid. Cool

if it is new map or has new sidequests or new content then starting over might make sense to not spoil the surprise but if it is all the same, then rather not redo the grind.

Bruh, d3 seasons (especially the current one), you can get to the lvl cap in an hour. Get powerleveled to 800 paragon in another hour.

Now, it doesn’t bother me that much that it is that way, but it’s kinda stupid to see people demanding that in other games as if it’s what every game should be.

I just don’t want to have to redo the blue quests. They’re the most mundane, boring and mindless “mmo light” feature of the game.

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Why would people want to redo trash that isn’t fun? Though I think if you 100% dungeons you won’t be far from max renown so I personally don’t think it is so bad. You have to do hundreds of dungeons to hit max so I don’t think doing each at least once is that big of a deal.

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That’s fair and you have the option to keep doing that.

Because it isn’t fun.

They don’t want to redo something that sucks.

PoE is not good and Diablo 3 is a better product.

I have zero desire to level to 100 in a season when the ONLY thing good in a NM dungeon is the experience. The drops are horrendous.

The don’t do it.

But the point of seasons is a reset and a fresh start, though. If you want to already be 100 and have everything done then just continue playing your non season characters.

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