Not sure why some people are against redoing stuff for new seasons

No. I’m asking for a trade system, not a chat system.
Sorry for you not having enough skills to convince me too.

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lol, there aren’t any arpgs with an AH and the one that did it removed it. I WONDER WHY!!!

I will add your bnet and show you I guess, it will be better to take this discusion else where anyway, this starts to look like back and forth spam.


One single word that is going to get me quoted and defensive people angry:


What you want uniques? Those cannot be traded. Only rares on down can and there is no place to display what you have to offer.

hahaha you a funny man, you really sent KKKKKKKKKK

No no, I want Rares (obviously). Necro jewelry, 812+ weapon (ideally 2h sword), also looking for Ess red/movement speed/dmg red while injured boots. I have 300 mills to spare atm. Oh and I need elixiers of resourcefulness, also heady assualt elixiers, if you are willing to sell them at good price.

You can link them in trade channel btw.

Leveling up again is fine, but those renown bonuses I grinded for, the ones that carry over between characters should also apply to characters I make in the new leagues, as well as map completion. This is what people want, Blizzard can either comply or find that the crickets are going to be chirping in league play while most stay on eternal. The people who don’t like it should simply boycott league and play eternal. The player base can simply boycott a feature if they don’t like it. At some point I suspect that Blizzard will likely cave in on this if the player base remains firm.

So how do we trade? There is a trade channel but I never see it in use or some sort of market board to display items. Maybe once runes come out we can use those to trade if Blizzard lets us. Gold is just not going to cut it. My point is there are really no way to list and compare, and no items of value unless you are trading rare for rare.

Confirm my Bnet request and let’s sort it out there :slight_smile:
Ping me here when done.

They wouldn’t be griping if the content was actually fun. So that’s the real problem. It’s just not a fun game. And plenty of solutions have been offered on this forum. It’s only a choice for them, at this point, whether to fix it or not.

But something tells me arrogance will prevail instead.

Not about redoing things. It’s about redoing something designed to be a slog. The game isn’t set up like older Diablo games. It’s more mmorpg now. They basically want you play Diablo 3 but with WoW’s progression.

I believe LE is about to have a legit trade system.

Lmao its so true. Why spend time developing a good trade system when all of the D2 fan boys will white knight their laziness as a good thing.

The 20 (actually 25 with lilith alters) paragon points you get the moment you hit level 50 if you got all the paragon points from renown is a seriously huge power boost the moment you hit 50 and makes it a lot smoother making the transition to WT3 and WT4 in the 50-70 range.

I absolutely 100% refuse to grind renown for paragon points again. You couldn’t pay me to do it. It took about 50-60hrs to get full renown rewards, I could maybe do it a little bit quicker a second time, but I’m thinking it would still be 40hrs minimum. That’s an additional chunk of grinding that I will not engage in a second time. Everyone else can do it once just like I did, and not have to worry about doing it ever again. There’s a large chunk of the player base who isn’t gonna budge on this, and no amount of talk is going to convince people otherwise.

I mean look, I’d rather the seasonal content be like WoW patches with a bit of story, somennew areas, new dungeons, new items and a seasonal mechanic and theme that moves everything forward. But I understand what these new mechanics and themes can do to alter the leveling experience into something new and exciting.

I like that they are keeping an eternal realm for those that don’t want to restsart. They should also bring the seasonal mechanics to the eternal realm after when the new season starts. Let them be 1 season behind and miss out.

I would sum it up as:
“OMG there is GAME in my GAME, please help”

Yes, the whole point of Diablo and ARPGs is slowly following an NPC and listening to the awfully written monologue. Can’t wait to do it every 3 months so I can have skillpoints on my character.

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Personally I’ve never enjoyed the leveling experience in any diablo game. To me it always felt tedious. The game for me is about the loot chase, and crushing mobs upon mobs of demons etc.

The game for me starts when I already have my skills, and paragon (in diablo 4). I loath having to keep playing (every season) the same class over and over and over again. Just to get to a point where I finally enjoy myself playing the game, chasing the perfect and extremely rare loot.

what people are saying is that farming renowns is boring… we don’t want to do it more than once unless u like watching a horse run around and bump into objects.

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For PoE at least, I think a big part of season “resets” is major balance changes. If they completely nerf your lvl 100 build it feels a lot worse than if you start from lvl 1 and make a different build than you did last league (because it was nerfed to ****). IF they don’t do it that way then major nerfs to broken op builds or any sort of meta shifts become the end of the world.