Not sure why some people are against redoing stuff for new seasons

A lot of people seem to be griping about having to level again, farm renown again, etc.

There really isn’t anything past 100. Exactly how fast do you need to be sitting at max level with nothing to do in season 1?

Fresh start is the whole point of seasons.


a lot of new people here who never played any ARPG’s before.
they never played POE or Diablo 3 etc.

they do not want to invest another 200 hours to get to level 100 either.

in D3 seasons were MUCH faster to level up in. and i expect the same in S1 of D4. if they do not increase EXP drastically it will create a problem.

also redoing the whole map again is just tedious. once is more than enough.


There is no economy in Diablo 4, so no real point of seasons. If you want a fresh start, you can literally do it at any time, by your own choice.


Yea it is mostly people not used to action rpgs and cannot fathom abandoning characters they spent hundreds of hours on just to start over for fun.

Having an economy means nothing.

Maybe, but in D3 there’s an endless GRift/Paragon loop. In D4 you’re quite literally done with your character at level 100.

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You have to be able to cap out and be farming the new items in a timely manner. I’d swear 95% of the complaints would go away if it was common knowledge that you could be releveled and farming bis in a week.

Don’t believe me? That’s how D2 and D3 do their seasons. The idea of spending the majority of the season slogging through the levels before you can even take a crack at the items is pretty much what has people in an uproar.

Well that and ignorance, but I feel like most people will appreciate seasons once they realize that the three months aren’t spent capping a character just in time to do it all again etc.

Or get this, they just have a different take than you. POE the reset makes sense because POE has a huge trade economy, that said the leveling sucks every season in POE. Diablo 3, the resets didn’t matter because you could be max level in under 2 hours, and in under 20 minutes for anyone starting on day 2. I’ve played every single ARPG under the sun and I think seasonal resets are mostly lame.

Resets are a way for ARPG companies to skimp out on actual real content and drag out engagement the cheapest way possible by recycling the same tired content over and over again.

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tbf the devs really went out of their way to make re-leveling feel like a chore. Resource issues alone are painful enough the first time.

For sure, 100%, but we don’t know how it will be, people are scared it will be a slog to level.

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Very few people would be complaining if leveling was actually fun.


Absolutely we don’t know how it will be. I’m just hoping blizzard understands what makes those other games’ seasons work and acts accordingly.

I’m hoping as well, but I don’t have a lot of faith. They seem to have discarded all the QOL improvements that they had done over years of D3 development.

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Endgame begins at level 50 which only takes a few hours to get to…

So comparing to D3… its not the same. You had to get to max level to do end game stuff.

A lot of people are fixated on getting to 100… there is absolutely no reason to get to level 100 other than saying your level 100.

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I doubt most if any of the new season uniques will be inaccessible until you’re level 100 and capped out.

You generally end up getting what you need well before 100.


Most of your character power is locked behind the paragon board, every single level is 4 points on the board. It is absolutely necessary to get to 100.


To push high tier NM dungeons sure, but not to farm all the seasonal stuff.

You don’t need to be cap all the NM dungeons immediately.

What? There is lots of trading going, join in! We have bit of RMT issue tho atm.

The popularity of D2 and PoE say otherwise.

The only reason d3 sold so many copies was because of the hype of coming from d2 expecting more d2 trading and itemization.

The only reason PoE rose to the top spot in the genre is d3 dropped the ball. It took the groundwork d2 laid and amplified it 1000x as far as economy and itemization goes and became the spritual successor.

If my items have no worth I give no craps about them and I quit playing long before I would if I could accumulate wealth through trading to buy gear and twink items to make an alt.

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Dark souls has a better seasonal model
Reset the world
Game gets more challenging
Keep character progress
Reforge character progress
In some of the souls games you can de-level
Experience all transmog
Experience all content and new content
It’s just not in an arpg style
It just doesnt have “ranked ladder crap”
Maybe the problem is that people have been forced to believe the arpg style should be “as is” and are far too blind to the fact it can be better

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