Not sure why some people are against redoing stuff for new seasons

Me I hope there will be massive buff for some classes and skills, especially fire sorcerer and druid companions. Reduced cooldown of rogue poison trap too (from 10s to 2s) will be nice, so we could really enjoy the 4 poisons traps .

No it’s not false. Show me now an in Game system where I can search for a specific rare, with specific affixes to bid and buyout! show me now!

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Why would you need that system? We didn’t need it in D2 we don’t need it now. Bartering and trading in Diablo was social thing outside of VERY short lived D3 Ah.

The main thing I have against seasons, is that your original legacy characters will never get played again.
That fantasy of perfecting your character with hundreds of hours of grinding is gone.
You have to abandon them because there will always be a new season in the horizon.

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You can do what I do since D3, once you are done with your seasonal goals, go play your eternal main before next season starts + funnel all the goodies from your seasonal chars to your main when season ends.

Ah yes the classic “D2 did it!”. That method of trading worked as a nice workaround for the time but it is 2023, there is no reason to not have an in game trading system.

Because the whole point of life is progression not regression. While I don’t think a fresh start is bad, I can just relate to people who don’t want to do the little things over again. If you consider renown and lilith statues as content, then you are the target demographic blizzard wants as their data farm rats and more power to you.

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The problem with that, and I played a lot of D3 seasons, is that all the cool new shiny powers, items and game tweaks to the item sets and skills are locked to the seasons. And they only become available when the season is over. And by that time the new shiny things are coming up in the new season.
So you never really get to enjoy these things because it’s a revolving door of FOM, and things being locked in the seasons and your legacy characters get the scraps only when the season is over.

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You are just misleading, trying to fool, but that won’t work on me buddy. Unfortunetly for you I played Diablo since 2000s. I know everything about this franchise and I know d2jsp is the way 90% trade today (even though I evade it and kept using the worst ever made system for trade that is to open a room with limited space on the title N DW2-2 O Jah ). So yeah your game was carried by third part trying to fix a problem d2 have and also created a really bad RMT problem. And d4 just follow the same terrible steps with no in game trade system whatsoever. It does not exist and you won’t sell that lie on me.

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All new uniques and aspects becomes available on Eternal the second season starts.

See, there is that fun bit where you seems like you want to trade and difference between us is that I am actually trading, you are not, yet it seems so important for you. I find it funny. Do you have some elixiers of Resourcefulness? I will buy, 450k a pop.

a lot of people here have played ARPGs and think that Season resets are low budget way to extend games with a lack of endgame content. ANY, and i mean ANY RPG lets you level up and have a good experience. I’d argue Diablo games relative to a lot of RPG games have a very mid leveling experience compared to other RPGs simply because the campaign was previously B-tier.

I’m a pretty old gamer. I remember why they put in resets. Games like World of Warcraft basically evolved oldschool roguelikes and delivered a meaningful persistent experience.

In the end, Diablo really should have been an MMO. Live service models that deliver persistent endgame are flat out better and persist longer.

Everyone is about to touch grass staring at a paid premium pass and realizing Blizzard wants you to do the same thing over again with +XP/Gold/Material bonuses.

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No need to try to change the subject. There is no in game trade system on D4. As I said there is no way to search for a item with specific rolls to bid or buyout. Non existence.
That is the truth the rest is just BIAS, misleading information, false statement, pure lie, and the like.

There is trade channel, there is way to make secure, two stage confirmation trade with anyone you want to trade with. There is trade system, end of story.

End of your story. Not a trade system.

Holy hell at least change your argument from “No trade system” to “No ingame auction system” so it doesn’t look as absurd and empirically wrong as it does right now.

I fully disagree. Besides what kind of trade system would we have? There is nothing of value to trade items for save gold.

I don’t know what kind of gear you have but I want some of it.

Actually, please show me, bnet send.

Absurd on your vision. You are misleading people here. You should be ashamed.
All you said did not deny at any point what I said. Show me now a system where I can search for an item, with specific rolls, bid or buyout. For me it would be prefarable to be official in game, but if it was official at least this way: h ttps:// (put a space between “h” and “ttps” because the forum won’t allow)

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You are still asking for auction system, not trade system, that’s already in there. Anyway, try to calm down a bit. I am sorry you don’t posses skills to trade in current settings. I can safely trade, hence your statement about absence of trade is wrong. We can do it right now, if you have some Elixiers of Resourcefulness (OR 816+ IP 2h sword with good rolls… lol… or ring with max essence, vurn, crit chance, crit damage (3/4))