german, no voice, only subtitles
Same issue with a german battlenet client. My guess is the game was set to german because of that. I switched the the language from there to english, but I don’t know if that works because of the 100min queue.
from belgium too (I speak french) my game an battlenet is in french
Canada here no voice also. Ty
Colombia, no voices, only subtitles and FX sound
same here, germany !
Germany, no Voice only FX
Have you tried installing another (English) language pack in the app?
Panama, no voices, just the subtitles
Brazil, no voices, just subtitles.
Well, do you want to sit in a 90min queue again? xd
Germany - Last week closed beta worked fine. No Voice-Lines at all this time.
Same here, no voices. Worked last week.
German D4-client.
Kazakhstan, no voices
From Brazil, i can listen music, ambient, monster but no NPC voices neither my Character… Everything was fine during last week
Hell, no. ;D
Got DC, so I’m trying it right now, will get an answer in like 90 mins, but it might be a nice workaround, especially as the issue is addressed already.
Germany, also had no voices. Now got a disconnect and installed english voice pack.
fun to sit in queue twice
French no voice too sound effect were ok (bird sound and ambiance sound)
Setting the game language to english seems to works. I just did it.
Peru everything works but the dialogues last week everything was working