Tengo el mismo problema con el sonido, solo se escuchan sonidos ambientales pero ninguna voz.
I’m from France, I did had voices in VO last week with french subtitles, I don’t get any voices in game now. Every other sounds seems to work fine
I use Traditional Chinese and get same problem.
I fix this by change language to English in launcher, then Change text language in game lobby.
But I sure last week test. I got Traditional Chinese version voice in game.
United Kingdom, no sound from anything. Nothing from cutscenes, ambience, music, VO, effects or menus. The game is dead silence and it’s the same for my partner too.
Just to add to that - conversation with inarius is the same. There is background music but no voice
Solucionado problema de sonido en Latinoamérica. En mi caso lo que hice fue cambiar el idioma del juego desde el launcher de battle net (EN INGLÉS) y al iniciar el juego colocar el idioma del texto en español y de esta manera solucione el problema en el cual no podía escuchar las voces en las cinemáticas y en los diálogos del juego. Espero que esto les sea de ayuda queridos amigos, saludos.
No voices. Only effects.
After installing the english voice pack it works.
im in eternal realm, i have no voices in nowhere, also please revise my bugs report, are around 10. And also spanish doesn´t is a subtitle mode.
Hi, I had the same issue which French only selected in the game settings (before to lauch the beta client). No problem like this the week before.
I added english in the list of language and did a game check and repair which solved the problem for me. (the check and repair may be enough)
Looks like everybody with non english language has this problem, that’s a lot of people.
The problem is the beta is limited plus queue, so by the time this is fixed, we are not going to play anything.
I also have a massive memory leak, so this game is big no for me at this time.
Italy, same here, no voices, only fx
From México, only subtitles works
Same here, I’m from Italy. No voice at all in the game.
Also here, no voice at all in germany. “Sounds” like a general problem.
Switzerland, was working only subtitles. On option screen, on dialogue localization there was no choice.
after use analyzing and repairing, the English dialogue option is back and the voices are back too
Belgium, only subtitles. A little frustrating, it harms the immersion
same for me, and so, the video has kicked me to desktop
Brazil, no voices only FX and subtitles.
Eastern US region and the sound device selection was blank, even if you pulled to dropdown to select anything, nothing was there. closed the game and waited in queue just to find out that the same thing happened. Went back into windows and verified that sound drivers were working properly. Ended up rebooting and the sound returned.