No voices on first cinematic

Leave the game, go to D4 Settings → change your language to English as a default. Run the game. Should work. Not sure if I can change subs in-game tho, still in queue.

same here no voice in cinematic no voice character

I am from germany and i could not even install another langauge pack. There was “english voice” automatically activated during the first start of the game. But i have no voices at all now, not even english voices. In the whole game and not only the cinematic.

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Same here. There was voice in the last Beta, but not this time.


Hi all - Can I get regions you are located?

Are you getting sound effects but just not VO? Even in combat?


From Germany, just no Voices in Cutscenes and when talking to npcs


Region: Germany

Yes only the sound effects. No voices at all. German subtitles.


Poland, no voices, only subtitles

game installed in french. subtitles are ok but no voices in first cinematic and with the NPCs in game and even my own character

Thanks all - We are looking into this.


n last week’s beta, the voices worked fine, in English but better then nothing right? Now not even that.

German here. Gamestar also mentioned it looks like many other languages have that problem, as long as the player didn’t start in english.

Only voiceovers not working, and commentary of our characters.
Music SFX are working fine.

In last Beta i have Voices in Game and in Cutscene.
I have only sound effects. Subtitels available.

From Argentina, and have the same problem, no voices but the other sounds are working correctly

Poland, no voices in game or cutscenes, only subtitles and ambience

Same in france, just FX sound but no voice in game and cut scene( game looks amazing btw )

German also the same. FX and subtitles are working but no npc voices or character.

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Me and my friends have no voices, only subs and enviromment sound. We’re from Brazil.


Spanish here and same problem, sound effects, music and subtitles works but no voices, last beta all worked fine with voice in English, right now it doesn’t even allow you to change voice language (it’s in blank with no other choice available)

Brazil, no voices, only subtitles,