Nightmare dungeon didn't grant glyph upgrade at end

Same here, never happened with my druid and since I started with the rogue it keeps happening all the time…

Same here swapped to Barrage 3 days ago and this start to happen to me lost like 60% of my glyph exp .
Wudijo was mentioning this on his stream too.

Still happening a vast majority of the time for me, no matter if the dungeon ends in a boss or not, running 24’s and 25’s, i’ve missed out on 15 dungeons worth of glyph upgrades at this point. Any mention from Blizzard on this would be fantastic as it would mean all these comments aren’t falling on deaf ears

This has happened to me 4 times in a row on T27-T30 dungeons on my Barrage rogue and its getting frustrating. So bumping this to the top.

Same just swapped from TB to barrage.
93 rogue atleast 15 times today. Made a bunch of reply’s/post. This needs to be fixed ASAP

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Also barrage rogue, also missing rewards like 50% of the time. Waiting doesn’t help.

I also am having this issue with my rogue barrage build. Going to respec to penetrating shot for the time being until this gets resolved.

Barrage rogue here, happened to me for the first time, really frustrating.
Why else would I do NM dungeons.

It happened again! It seems it always happen when iam just gonna lvl up my glyph, then i have to do it over again!

And at the same time i cant login half the day! Blizzard is a bs game publisher.

111 posts beeing annoyed at the same issue might be not enough to draw blizz attention, unlucky, but i found out a glitch when this bug happens, i am able to powerlvl my glyphs to lvl 21. i don’t need any bugfixing anymore :slight_smile:

This issue is still happening for me as well. It’s actually happened 4 times in a row, so there’s no point in playing until its fixed because I’m only running them to upgrade glyphs.

i just had this happen also. finished a 37 nightmare dungeon solo and no bubble area to upgrade my glyph

same here. serpent lair 29 run for nothing.

you should post about it in detail so blizzard fixes it, that’ll actually get their attention :wink:

Still no reply by blizzard?!?! Hello?

It’s really annoying and tedious to attempt leveling glyphs this way.

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This just happened on Slithering Crawl (lv. 82) whilst carrying my brother on a level 35. Nightmare level 31.

radio silence on this garbage if i cant explore other builds and upgrade glyphs whats the point

its not exclusive to barrage rogue but almost 90% of people that are posting do play barrage lol

this is now happening to me about half the time…barrage rouge …lost count of how many times i haven’t got the glyph exp but its in the 20plus times

for what it’s worth, I just ran three NM dungeons as barrage and each had the bubble to upgrade, hopefully its hot fixed?