Nightmare dungeon didn't grant glyph upgrade at end

same here 50:50,
rouge, maybe its a problem with the skills barrage?

2x in a row for me. T45 runs solo as a Flurry Rogue.

sunken ruinsā€¦ no glyphstone again.

Same issue here, playing barrage rogue and ~40% of nightmare dungeon doesnā€™t give any rewards nor altar for glyph expā€¦

its looks like a bigger proplem. Any reaktion from @blizzard?

I do no nm dungeons anymore becouse of this bug. Iam not able to upp my glyphsā€¦need some reaktion from Blizzardā€¦do they recognize the Problem?

sadly same for me as well - ported to town before last part of dungeon to empty bags, wnent back and activated boss section and killed, no glyph upgrade available.

Blind Burrows. Perhaps third time today.

Notably, the dungeon on completion and port to exit shows on the map its part of the tree of whispers rewards rather than the completed tick.

Edit: Confirmed the dungeon is in a bugged state where my nightmare run didnt complete correctly with glyph, yet re-entering its empty but part of the tree of whispers challenges. Perhaps i entered around the same time it became tree of whispers active? theres 1hour and 45mins on it at the time of completion so could have happened around the port time.

So about 50% of my ND runs result in not being able to upgrade my glyphs. The glyph upgrade terminal literally just doesnā€™t pop up. Awesome lol. Working as intended I see.

My heart bleeds for these small indie studios with limited resources, Iā€™m just happy to be able to provide some free testing for this small team.

Twice in a row for me just now Aldurwoods and Convclave annoying.

They too busy working on the season too fix this me thinks or even replyā€¦

This happened 3 times in a row while partied. Fix this please.

same hereā€¦ run a few and they dont give me the bubble at the endā€¦ Please fix thisā€¦!!!

No glygh upgrade option at the end of the dungeon in the conclave just now.
I was standing next to the edge of the map when the dungeon completed.
Iā€™m wondering if the thing just spawned off map or something

Playing barrage death trap rogue. Of the last 20 nightmare dungeons (different tiers), maybe 3 gave me an glyph EXP upgradeā€¦please fix. I wonā€™t play anymore and if this doesnā€™t get fixed, I canā€™t see myself playing any longerā€¦back to PoEā€¦

on my level 100 barb, i dont think it happened once
on my noobie level 56 rogue, it must have happened 10 times already
playing Barrage

Barrage Rogue here, at least 50/50 if not more. Really falling behind on glyph levelsā€¦

I seem to be able to reproduce when i end a NM dungeon > port out > start sigil of the same NM dungeon and go straight in.

Same problem with barrage rogueā€¦ With other chars I didnt have this onceā€¦ With barrage rogue my first 2 nm dungeons failedā€¦

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This happened to me right now. did a t35 dungeon solo. Finished it, no bubble and no glyph upgrade

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iam barrage rouge as well actually

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Im a barrage rogue, currently glyph upgrade shows up 50% of the time. This bug is literally destroying the game for me (and probably every barrage rogue in the game), and I have yet to see blizzard even ACKNOWLEDGE this as an issue.

I feel like people need to start spam tweeting the devs specifically about this issue, or they will never find out.

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Same here. Just finished Maulwood Tier 16 dungeon. Died once. I did recieve some items but not my glyph upgrade.

I ran around and actually found another event that I hadnā€™t completed, so maybe it was linked to that? Although this is the first time Iā€™ve died in an NM dungeon so maybe linked to the death. Seems to happen to me about 1/10 NMs completed.